The president had the opportunity to directly address minority families at last night's debate and he said that nobody has done more for the Black community than him. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker joins Stephanie Ruhle to react. Aired on 10/23/2020.
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Sen. Booker Reacts To Trump Touting His Record On Race | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
Trump is a person of color – orange color, that is.
@Priscilla Robb hahaha

@Jeannie Tollison Yes, we are inclusive here. (I like people with good sense of humor).
Did you see how orange he was to cover up his covid-19 side affects. And he has to hold onto the podium to keep standing since he is so weak.
@Startrek1965 I didn’t , to tell you the truth. But he was kind of pale when he was sick (I thought he was). Maybe sometimes he puts more of a tan on.
11 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes, 6 seconds to go……but who’s counting!!

Millions of Americans are doing the counting, they are going to party when Trump is voted out. Yeah!
He will not be re elected! Not now…not ever!
Prayers for AMERICA FIRST Yes. God doesn’t support Abortion on demand right till the time of birth– Shameful.
Nov. 4th cant come fast enough…
I think the world is counting with you.
Best part of the debate, ” Abraham Lincoln over here… ”
…”why did you call me Lincoln?”

trolls himself AGAIN…
The irony is completely lost on
@goe1punk yeah bet he is gettuing paid big time.
Some vegenful move seems. to me.
He had this information on
Hunter Biden. But now comes forward now.
@Libs are Nuts dumb comment
@Reggie Novenario yes…thank you
@llcooljay520 and I call you stupid

The guy is insane – how dare he compare himself favorably with Lincoln??? Even scarier, he believes it.
@First Last
absolutely no shame.
@goe1punk I hope they do it right this time,
Corruption in DC slowly being dismantled.
And he apparently never heard of Lyndon B. Johnson or:
– – – Trump is truly a Moron !
@Borvo said the dishwasher in a Greek restaurant. Shall We compare resumes
@Earnest T Bass Do they still have folks (human beings) washing dishes in Greek restaurants?
Trump wants this election

And it has been done before. And it will again.
Biden Scandal Goes NUCLEAR, Ex-Partner Has Gone To The FBI With ALL Evidence Being Copied Over
@goe1punk lol that guy is a mess. Lookin like he tried to squeeze back into his 1 suit from highschool.
@Decker Wonders laughing and people dying. You make a great Trump supporter.
They are getting that done. They are tired of lying Mitchey
oh, he isn’t long for this world if the photos are real….
He said he’s least racist instead of saying I’m not racist which in both the cases isn’t true but the cognitive decline is massive
You know,i never thought of that.thanks.
Please visit also visit
Admitting you ARE racist but not THAT racist…….is not a good idea!
i will help,creepy joe was there so yes he was the least racist
We know what that means- among his people/supporters he thinks he is the least racist!!!
Trump says he’s not racist. Then why do racist groups support him?
@Drake Fire “If you vote Trump then you ain’t black”- Joe Biden
@ivan rousseau everyone is racist, some people rise above it, others use it for profit, or as a crutch to justify their failures
@John Ward yep judgment by their individual characteristics traits and faults cannot be summed up in a 5 sec glance or physical appearances such as skin color/race the lowest common denominator is not their race
@John Ward are you saying that BLM or ANTIFA as a group are racist ? i would say no…do they have individuals within their group who are ? sure…but does that make the whole group racist? no..but a individual racist would think so..right?
@ivan rousseau when I was in the army the biggest racist were blacks! Did every black hate whites? A few didn’t but had to go along with it. Racism as a word has outlived its usefulness. Quit enabling people for failure. Your racist, I’m racist we’re all racist so what! Go to South Chicago and see what happens to you! Your tweeting career will be over. One needs simply to get back up, dust yourself off and get back on the
. If one black or Mexican can make it, all could! Asians didn’t have it easy, they kept their mouths shut, worked hard, sent their kids to school, didn’t winne about racisim, and are some of the wealthiest people in the country.
Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr and others they days are numbered they will fall with their King Donald Trump

Moscow Mitch is the Grimm Reaper. I’m surprised that creepy movies haven’t cast him, and his laugh.
That doesn’t explain the creepy grin on his face during his debate with McGrath.
I’m surprised he is still alive.
No he’s really Moscow Mitch!
They will soon, cause he will be looking for a new job.
Just Hearing His Voice, Makes You Cringe!!
Can anybody tell me what PRESIDENT has done ANYTHING for BLACK communities
@Color BlinD actually he did apologize and gasp actually say it was the wrong thing to do. Unlike some he was able to man up enough to say he was wrong and admit it picture that hmm
@Borvo how right you are i lived through all of those changes but evil is still in people’s hearts until all are valued none will be
@regina stephens he actually hasn’t. If you can find an article even video that would be more that sufficient. Most of the time the articles say he apologized for the past and his involvement in the crime bill but his statements say otherwise. Hmmm
@Vella Minter you are correct about the 3 branches of government. Remember all the BS impeachment?! Millions of tax payer dollars for nothing. Never benefited american citizens. However it’s not just Mitch at fault. If you actually read through the proposals especially when it comes to the relief packages both the house and senate clearly have different priorities. You have to actually take the time to read through to see how each proposal affects you and your livelihood. Pelosi and the trump administration share equal blame as well. Don’t be naive like most are.
mitch mcconnell holding 320 million americans hostage with stimulus let that sink in
Just like he does to welfare people. Republican’s always hated the poor or people suffering but claim to be religious. Its disgusting.
Did you see the picture of his hands? It looks like there’s something wrong with McTurtle’s health. I’m sure it will come up with a google search.
Yah he is about to lose his senate seat soon. His state is saying enough of the old man.
In addition, to all that Sen. Cory Booker stated;
The reason why the Obama Administration wasn’t able to deal with ‘prison reform’ / criminal justice more effectively, during their term 8 years;
Is !
Because, they had to sort out a global financial crisis, that happened, under the Republican Administration.
And congress was red for 6 years when Obama was the president.
trump comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln is like a hitler /Nelson Mandela comparison.
@Please Do Tell
That’s a good thing your company does, but unfortunately, that’s not the norm these days.
@Jonathan Mol
Too bad Presidential candidates don’t have to release their taxes or go through a credit check.
If we had those 2 things, Trump would have never run for President…lol!!!
@Dre-Day 1127 some people go to public school they don’t go to the School of choice again..
@Dre-Day 1127 again where were you during the motor report where Trump was investigated more than any president in history
@Dre-Day 1127 Trump is cracking down on the stealing of our intellectual rights by China and other countries as well such as cheap copies of good American products
I can’t understand why Latinos vote for Trump? He is building a wall at the expense of Latinos, he has tightened the green card for them. Many parents now cannot see their children, because they were separated by the law that Trump introduced. Vote for Biden, he will solve this problem.
I’ve been at a total loss, as to why these current Latino Americans, cannot see what Trump is doing to their own people’s ?? Most have said, it’s Cuban Americans that hold these very conservative views. I still don’t get their reactions though to having their children put into cages? It’s so in humanitarian for any race.
@John Ward
Wow a trump supporter who knows how to spell, but still remains uncouth !
@Betsy Bird
@Dennis Long
Hey dummy crawl back into what ever hole you Crawl out!!!
@John Ward
Hey John be careful because it’s a known fact that people who support Trump are uneducated ,and ignorant like him!
The “least racist” person in the room is the most racist. Wow. Just wow.
If Mel Brooks wrote this farce, the camera would have panned a room full of cowled KKK and uniformed NAZIS ! LOL!
Absolutely, WOW, Just FKn WOW!!
“Honest Abe.” Comparison over.
Abraham Lincoln did not see White ,and, Black people as equals. So, what is Trump REALLY saying?
I think he was saying he has done more for blacks than Lyndon B. Johnson !
I guess Trump doesn’t think much of:
– – – Trump is truly a Moron !
Be safe take care visit also visit
@Borvo Brilliant, and so true!!!!
@Borvo ABSOLUTELY, A Moron!!
Trump think he is a microcosm of God ,
When in reality he is “ Fake News “..Lies.Lies.
@Satya Richburg Ju what are you going on about now tool?
@Satya Richburg Ju apparently someone deleted my last comment.. or did you see it
@Please Do Tell keep your boy loving comments to yourself, I don’t get down like that, and yes I also speaks Ebonics.
@Satya Richburg Ju go get a tissue Cry Baby.. Trump will take care of America till your tears dry up
@Please Do Tell no
*Vote him out*
*racist have really come out boldly ever since Trump has been liar in chief*
It is what it is… *THE TRUTH*