Sen. Booker Condemns Capitol Riot, Ties Mob To The Confederacy | MSNBC

Sen. Cory Booker condemns the Capitol riots during the debate over the Electoral College vote after a violent mob occupied the same building moments before. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#Booker #CapitolRiot #MSNBC

Sen. Booker Condemns Capitol Riot, Ties Mob To The Confederacy | MSNBC


    1. They should be rounded up, wrapped in a Trump flag and put against a wall in the backyard. The rest is silence!

    2. @Nthe deepblue2 You compare attempted treason to unarmed black people being killed by police . That’s why we had a up rest in the summer . But I understand people like you. You and many people look at minority and subhuman . So whatever happened to them and it’s always their fault. I think what happen with the captain is it tempting and destroying the United States government and these offenders should be punished

    1. @American Patriot and Trump said he would walk down Pennsylvania Avenue with the crowd , instead he went home and watched it on TV. He is a would be dictator but instead is a poisonous cry baby coward. Maybe his bone spurs were playing up.

    2. @NeptuneGuy78 I think the democrats are too stupid to realize what they want WILL destroy this nation!

    3. @SPacy sam aku holT Inciting a riot resulting in the deaths of 4 people…you think it’s a coincidence the Capitol was attacked after a Trump rally held in DC right down the road aways?

    1. What happend yesterday at the Capitol is basically the same that happened over here in Berlin in August

      I told the american commentators here months ago that this will happen in the US too, because Donald Trump created a fascist movement, but no one believed me. Do you believe me now?

    2. Here ye! here ye! merica da circus is in town!🎪🟢🟡⭕ We have yr fav small orange narcissistic “Donald Plump”😵”moscow mitch” 🤡 & “sleepy joe”🥴, this year our main attraction; freaks in viking hats runing up.down government halls🤪🐎🏇…. bring the whole family. 😂🍿👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Enjoy!

    3. Quick reminder. The Unites States started the war of 1812 by attacking Canada, not the British Empire, the British just defended themselves

    1. @uhaegde2wiceover where are punk where do you live,…..i undestand the FBI is looking for you all so where are you

    2. Short remark. The Unites States started the war of 1812 by attacking Canada, not the British Empire, the british just defended themselves

    3. Let this show everyone how corrupt this country is… although painted with a “democratic-land of the free” paint!!!

    1. The federal law against seditious conspiracy can be found in Title 18 of the U.S. Code (which includes treason, rebellion, and similar offenses), specifically 18 U.S.C. § 2384. According to the statutory definition of sedition, it is a crime for two or more people within the jurisdiction of the United States:

      To conspire to overthrow or destroy by force the government of the United States or to level war against them;

      To oppose by force the authority of the United States government; to prevent, hinder, or delay by force the execution of any law of the United States; or

      To take, seize, or possess by force any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof.

      This was sedition.

    2. @Yolo Swaggins If you don’t know the difference between the two words you should probably buy a dictionary.

    1. I heard a former Solicitor General say: Most of Trumps Cabinet are “acting” heads of Departments, and he’s not sure they can actually vote to invoke. If that is the case, then this option is off the table and Congress needs to fix this.

    2. If that is invoked, president Pence might pardon former president Trump. Be careful of what you ask for.

    1. He’s alot of things, but nuts isn’t one of them. He was sowing these seeds halfway through last year.

    2. @Steven McDonald Because he doesn’t believe in democracy. He wanted to be President for life. Shame on him. Now the media MUST cut off his oxygen.

    3. He is not nuts. He is a cold, calculating sociopath. He has been deliberately, carefully plotting against democracy for the better part of six months. This is the logical consequence of his actions.

  1. somewhere in the universe, trump’s mom must be cursing her belly for giving birth to such biological waste

    1. @G Money I don’t like Hillary at all but this has nothing to do with her. I’ve noticed Tronald Jenius Dump supporters always try to always divert the real problem, Chump & the attention off of him instead of Con-man in Chief! Horrible try my G!

    1. @G Money Said the guy who can’t even come up with his own insult. Or in words you might understand, Baaaaaaa!

    2. @Check This Out …and you think that’s the only news station in the world? How arrogant and idiotic you must be


    1. @Johnny Irenchi – No. There are people in the south, and even Republicans in the South thar couldn’t even believe what they were seeing on television.

    1. Well spoken? This was pure trash, I guess yall forgot about the burn loot n murder squad for the last 6 months

    2. @Ryan True interesting, trump was president then too. Dont remember a bunch of riots during Obama’s term

    1. @s What riot occurred at our nation’s capital? Civil unrest will occur from both sides be it Liberals who riot or Right Wingers that drive trucks into crowds. Not a fan of his, But when someone thinks comparing a store being wrongfully looted is on par with storming the nation’s capital. Killing a fellow supporter & 3 more?

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