Senator (D-CT) joins to Hallie Jackson to explain why he will vote to convict and remove the President on Wednesday, adding that he won't "rule out" a censure motion if the President's behavior continues. Aired on 2/4/20.
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Sen. Blumenthal: What Trump Did Was 'Classic Bribery' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Biden’s losing..
Dnc: we have an app for that.
Roger Wilco it’s a disgrace what the DNC tried doing to Bernie (again).
DNC doesn’t want bernie and neither does America.
You Bernie followers just pack your things and go home. The DNC is NOT gonna let you vote for Bernie, NO MATTER WHAT. They know what’s BEST for YOU, right?
Congress really needs terms limits, 20 and 30 years Jacks got to go.
@Mdlclass Worker
My biracial child is Black…are you a other under American standards.. or do you pass for the thought of tolerated?? 

@Mikesse Jones
i agree you shouldn’t nor a white American
@The Hurricane
So.. Hurricane agrees..with me. He won’t deny.. zelinsky’s box. shame on a least we know a hurricane has a name. Enjoy your logic. 

@Mikesse Jones — not sure what your trying to say, I’m pointing out the ridiculousness of those that happen to be white thinking they somehow are the only ones welcome in this nation
change it from 2 years to 4. 2 terms max. 1 term for senators since they already get 6 years. let’s do it
We have them. Every two years for the House and every six for the Senate there is a vote.
Im always leery of laws that tell Americans who they can and can’t vote for
Oaf I agree. But there could be a mandatory break for politicians who serve let’s say 20 consecutive years. Reserve this for the true career politicians that refuse to retire at freaking 80+.
bloom and gloom has no idea what the constitution says
Well said…He did take out that enemy bunker with a bread and butter knife back in Nam so I’m sure he’ll be able to save the Democratic party…
White tRumper trash are confederates. Who do you think you’re fooling ? You Un-American neo-confederates are long term traitors and know nothing of the constitution. We know who you ignorant racist are
The Russians have rigged the Iowa caucus! OMG!
It was the boogy man, wait. Oh, that’s just hillary Clinton in disguise
The Russians are coming!!
Nonsense. The Russians would have crafted it so seamlessly with a result that wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow. Not this monumental screw up.
The Russians want Bernie after all that’s where he spent his honeymoon.
It’s a lot of white male fragility in the threads today.
This is probably a lost cause already.
It was a lost cause when it started. This unpatriotic farce will now be put to bed where it belongs.
Weird i dont remember bribery being in the articles.
Perro dehont That’s right. And that is why the impeachment was a totally partisan endeavor, and why Dems are now switching sides. Honest ones who are not indoctrinated by biased far left owned news outlets can see this plainly. And it is why the President will be acquitted by a bipartisan vote (and the vote against him will again be totally partisan).
@Perro dehont funny how you think it doesnt matter and think trump is degrading the rule of law. If someone is accused of a crime in our justice system the jury doesnt vote to convict based on irrelevant information. Tje jury is expected to vote based solely on the case and accusations placed before them as to make the most un-bias decision possible… you dont convict based on accusations not presented in the case. Jesus.
It would make a difference because he would actually be charged with a crime. Not charging Trump with a crime is like saying “I can’t prove he did anything illegal so I won’t charge him for doing anything illegal”. It’s basically an announcement that time will be wasted and nobody will be charged with anything. You’re basically watching a political circus where the democrats are admitting Trump will not be impeached due to the fact that he is not being charged with anything of significance.
@Zeb Fischer Trump went to great length to hide the truth , there are multiple republicans that have said so in interviews , and most likely many more that have said it behind closed doors . For me personally it doesn’t matter because I’m just a spectator of the show that has been going on for 4 years , remember how the republicans reacted on Trump or have you forgotten what Lindsey Graham said ?
Term limits in Congress are necessary
Pay reduction , if they aren’t working for the American people & upholding the law, plus both parties working together then they shouldn’t be paid
you forgot the electoral college needs to be abolished
@G A the more you give,the more they will do nothing and keep spreading corruption
In my opinion we don’t need term limits. I also think we should give them pay raises for the purpose of dissuading them from feeling the need to take bribes. A competent Congress needs seasoned long term members the simple solution to me is when you catch one of them taking a bribe no matter who it is real jail time that is the deterrent they believe is good enough for the rest of us.
We need to undo ‘citizens united’.
Corruption feeds on money.
Stop feeding the fire with oxygen
Hey just a quick question Maybe I’m misunderstanding something don’t we give money to other countries contingent on them giving us something???
@deamonomic. But Joe Biden apparently did not know that the investigator had already cleared Hunter Biden from any wrong doing and was proceeding on to investigate other party’s. You know a lot of criminals will panic when someone puts them under the microscope even when the person investigating doesn’t see the corruption first hand the criminals do something that outs themselves. I don’t know about you but I have seen that take place many of times in my life were law enforcement will be investigating a crime and they don’t have any real suspects and then the culprit openly screws up right in front of law enforcement. But even so, my real point is that Biden had no right in basically blackmailing the Ukraine into firing the investigator with just BS that the investigator was corrupt.
@David Rook but again your ignoring the fact that it was far more then just Joe biden that was calling for the removal of the prosecutor. The INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY was calling for it as were internal anti corruption organizations in Ukraine.
That fact nukes the rest of your suspicions down to virtually nothing. Add onto the fact that the investigator was never even investigating hunter biden to begin with! The corruption charges against burisma at the time, the ones the prosecutor was supposed to investigate was from situations that happened BEFORE hunter biden joined burisma. At worst hunter was hired so that he would bring american legal aid to help burisma.
There has never been any evidence of any wrongdoing by the bidens. Its literally an accusation made on thin ice. Its paper thin and full of holes.
@deamonomic. All I saw was a lynching that someone started and the rest joined in without a shred of evidence of corruption on the part of the investigator/prosecutor. I wonder who started that? I learned at a young age don’t always believe what everyone says even if it is the majority saying it.
@David Rook ok so… the bidens are innocent and so was burisma… joe would have known this even if he didnt know the prosecutor had cleared the company… and he still decided to corruptly remove the guy so that they wouldnt investigate? And he convinced the entire international community and the Ukrainian government along with anti-corruption groups in Ukraine to just blindly go along with it? All to stop the investigation into his innocent son whom he would have known was innocent? That about sum it up?
Because either the prosecutors were corrupt and not investigating corruption as accused/did not clear burisma like you claimed and therefore backs up the claims that he was corrupt and that potentially biden did it to cover things up OR the above round about logic?
So in short if they were corrupt then it wasnt a lynching, if they were not corrupt then it was a lynching as you put it but means they did clear the bidens and burisma of wrong doing. But again joe Biden couldn’t have been unaware of it. Unless you want to argue he and his son are estranged… but the situation they were investigating never involved hunter biden to begin with…
A dog bit me yesterday. Pretty sure he was Russian.
Was it a Chiwalwa Named MINI MIKE…LOL
@The Hurricane You haven’t found your daddy yet have you ?
Figures, you show all the signs.
@Ivanka speads for Quincy Jones If Trump alarms you, you’d better stay away from the Democrats. THEY are alarming!
Johnny Johnstone ok boomer
Sure it was, dummy.
trump crime family thinks you are a stupid sucker and mock you when the cameras are off. MAGA CULT CLONE TRAITOR.
DNC “political correctness” is a voting machine that corrects you every robotically stimulated movement with sever electric shock treatments, there there deplorable peasant all better now.
His base is on fox…do they know he wants to bring back land mines and their social security will be cut…….fools
@Tammy Mintz Wow you’re deranged!!!
He should know!!
The Globalist that own the DNC, are not done counting votes yet
LMAO, you do censure now and will look like even bigger fools and that does seem impossible lol
Don’t know why people forget about their history and that’s why we left England laws are only for everybody but the rich and Powerful. Absolute power corrupts absolute
These people need to leave, they are crusty and shady.
It was classic blackmail, more than bribery.
“Comply with my demands or I’ll hurt you.”
@Richard Christie Yeah sure it was……….if it was so obvious and an open and shut case why didn’t they charge him with that instead?
@Stone Men Because that behaviour lies squarely within the ambit of what he was charged with.
@Richard Christie But he wasn’t charged with a crime…..
@Stone Men So what? they didn’t present him with voucher for a toaster either.