Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT) reacts to Sen. Rubio’s statement on the impeachment witness vote.
Sen. Blumenthal On ‘Hypocrisy’ Of Sen. Rubio, Other GOP Senators | All In | MSNBC

Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT) reacts to Sen. Rubio’s statement on the impeachment witness vote.
Let’s reach out to Russia and China and ask for dirt on Trump and his breed in exchange for a favor. Nothing wrong with that, am I right, repugnants? It’s only fair.
My money is on Iran. They’ve got a real ax to grind and probably have dirt on big oil donors. And SOMEBODY has got to know the truth about Epstein. We just need to condition some foreign aid.
@Biggus Dickus right on
are you scared and frightened like me I’m on your side and the rest of to 

@Saibot Info hunter I think campaign ads from foriegn leaders telling us how they feel about trump
They are all traitors and need to be executed next to traitor Trumpavitch on the white House lawn!
Bob K
Bob you sound like a poor loser
I like the sound of that. Make it a public broadcast as a cherry on top and I’m in.
GOP corruption for all to see.
If you not a sycophant this delusional then yeah you can see it quite clear
So now the Republicans are going to say he did it all, we just don’t care so we didn’t convict.
@dave according to lamar Alexander and marco rubio the house managers proved their case, trump is guilty. the GoP just doesn’t care.
@Dave Schultz You know that’s wrong House Judiciary committee wrote him a letter Asking If The White House want to participate In the hearings
@Dave Schultz the scam is the Republicans as a political party.
At least now the republican senators can go back and focus on their day job…
Of doing nothing.
At least they’re good at nothing Because every time they actually try to do their job it’s disastrous
@Saibot Info hunter you’re so right on that one.
Yeah! ‘cuz Moscow Mitch has 250+ bills passed by the House that he won’t let go to the Senate. He is one of those ignorant narcissists that think no one disagrees with him. I hope he gets voted out and has to spend the rest of his days not hearing about himself and realizing he is a NOTHING. To paraphrase Maya, “No one will remember he blocked all of the Obama judicial nominations, no one will remember anything he said in the senate (lower caps on purpose), but we will all remember how he made our skin crawl every time he spoke on air.”
“This is a sad day for democracy” words heard around the world
Your account has been tagged for extreme surveillance (I hope you are in the USA and not running a bot farm) Better save your money
@Saibot Info hunter you’re right, I think this is the “mask down” moment for the GOP. There’s no pretending any more, it’s an authoritarian movement. We have to accept that an alarming percentage of the country are authoritarians, and they hold power.
Its a blow to Good Faith confidence around the world, a far more insidious evil.
@She’s my President thanks for the tag! : )
Could you please let the videos go a little longer. FFS Nothing worse than cutting off what is being said! ARE YOU LISTENING MSNBC?
trump and the Senate might have won the battle today, but will lose the war in November.
I know. They have shown their true nature.
Make sure it happens!
@Onswa Brown Cowards
I dare trump to wear a TAN suit. Republicans almost had an aneurysm over that one
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
–Abraham Lincoln
Make no mistake, this is far from over. Between, Parnas and Bolton, the truth about Trump’s crimes will inevitably be revealed. Every week will bring a new revelation of the criminal activities of this illegitimate president, along with the names of all the Republicans who were complicit in aiding and abetting his criminal activity.
Lev Parnas” lawyer sent a letter to Moscow Mitch stating that he is ready to give testimony, as well as provide documents, that will prove that GOP Super PAC America One, Rudy, Pompeo, Rick Perry, Mulvaney, Bill Barr, Nunes, Pence, and Desperate Housewife of Capitol Hill
Lindsey Graham, were all part of Trump’s scheme to bribe Ukraine.
Is it any wonder why Republicans were so vehemently against introducing witnesses and evidence into the Senate trial. They were covering up their own crimes. But it will all come to the light eventually. It’s only a matter of time.
Trump’s corruption and criminal nature is like a highly infectious and deadly pathogen. He will contaminate and destroy anyone and anything he comes into contact with. His corrosive and insidious nature is a full blown epidemic.
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
–Winston Churchill
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
Right on brother!
Love it !

It’s time to remove ALL Republicans! I’m a GOP member and tonight I burned my card!
I did that when trump won the nomination of the Republican party
@Onswa Brown No they won’t . President Trump is a lot more popular than you think, and did nothing wrong,
eschdaddy, good riddance!
I care! I know how I’m voting in November. No Republican ever again!
Thank you
It seem they just court our vote and once in office it’s I’ll take it from here while our our quality of life spiral down and we have no say so
75% of americans want witnesses. The PRO SMALL GOVERNMENT republicans just showed everyone that they are not for small government instead they pretend to be. They are for big government crushing the will of 75% of americans when it’s in their interest. Hypocrisy at it’s finest really #ProSmallGovBlocksMajoritysWill
Well, the House Democrats performed brilliantly… The one who came out of all this with his reputation enhanced is Adam Schiff. Dershowitz emerged as someone… well… nutty. The other Trump lawyers came across as shady — e.g. Pam Bondi!
Lets be clear.
I will vote.
In everything. From now on.
Maybe we could hear from another whistle blower, IRS may have something going on with someone tried to get Trump and pence taxes???
Is it any wonder that the least educated states are enabling this madness?
GOP soft on Crime. Trying to destroy the US constitution.
No Republican ever again!
I’m a republican who actually still believes in law and order.
I also believe in America and the principles and values that have made America a respectable country.
I am not a trump supporter.
Unfortunately, until the Republican Party regains some sense of respect for the law, America and themselves…I can no longer vote republican.
Any politicians who so flagrantly defy our laws should be voted from office.