Steve Kornacki reports early Thursday morning on the latest developments from Iowa and why Sen. Sanders may overtake Pete Buttigieg as the winner of the caucuses. Aired on 02/06/20.
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Sen. Bernie Sanders Could Take The Lead In Iowa | Morning Joe | MSNBC
They held back the districts in which Bernie did well in 2016 until the end and this proves exactly that!!!
“Could take the lead” is the wrong way to frame this. “May have the lead” is more accurate. Nothing is changing.
Not only that, but he has had the popular vote from the very beginning. And he’s tied for delagates, which is most important, strictly speaking, for the nomination.
He won
Dude did you even watch the video? The DNC is literally withholding results from districts that barely voted for Pete at all. Bernie DID win. Bernie already had his own polling to get around the DNC nonsense.
They have been withholding the Satelite Precincts . . . which Bernie’s people had campaigned in – and are about the most DIVERSE of all ‘precincts’ (people who work, who don’t speak english, who have disabilities . . .) Bernie will GET these ….
Bernie won Iowa, has a lock on New Hampshire and you know what they say about people that win both Iowa and New Hampshire everybody…
In other words Bernie Sanders WON in all three category enuff said.
Of course. They say that it‘s time for the party establishment in the pockets of wealthy donors to unfairly allow a billionaire a-hole into the process to try to steal an election again!
Cross-Eyed Liszt But he didn’t win Iowa…
Have you americans heard of democracy?
The one with the most votes is the winner!
You should try it sometime.
Stephen Paulson You’re the one who’s wrong. You forgot how Hillary got screwed with over 3 million more votes than Trump!
McFint69 Fire who? You need a civics lesson!
Robert Sander Trump voter? You sound just like him!
“At risk of sounding a little simplistic, the thing I believe is that in an American Presidential election, the person who gets the most votes ought to be the person who wins!”
Who said that? LOL
I don’t remember who said it, but when Ron Paul whooped Obama ridiculously bad, they just pretended Ron Paul never existed, and left him off all the polls, most of which he was #1 on. Israel had already promised the win to Obama, he then freed Israeli spy Johnathan Pollard, and gave them more money than any previous President, until now, Trump is giving them $38 BILLION of OUR money.
Mayor Cheat
Brian S just because its “simplistic”, that doesn’t make it illogical or wrong! With a popular vote, it’s not California and New York that rule this country (you forgot Texas) because both California and New York have significant numbers of Republicans who will vote for your side. In the current system, they are completely ignored. In a popular vote system, they are counted.
337 337 Ron Paul didn’t run against Obama directly. You are perhaps thinking of Mitt Romney or John McCain.
The slow drip of results was to minimize the momentum and news cycles Bernie’s could have gotten and to distract from the poor showing Biden when all msm was saying he was the clear front runner
The DNC has rigged this so bad….they can’t stop him. This is ridiculous
Pete’s trying to bribe his way to the lead. Bernie’s already well-established in popularity.

Bernie has won.
Follow me for updates.
@Hunter Bidain LOL good one.
Never Bernie Never government control Never Socialism
@WINTER I knew Winter was coming..
@Hunter Bidain
>Hunter Bidain
@WINTER Says you?
. Getca life boomer
He had the lead – he’s been in the lead – you guys aren’t fooling us
Bernie has stayed consistent with who he is since the 60s. I really hope he wins the nomination
@ExplodinCupcake Fire departments and police departments are not socialism. Do you even know the definition of socialism?
And yes, I would gladly exchange social security for that money back in my paycheck. You can go to and run the numbers yourself. A person making an average of $50K over their career would have close to $1M at retirement if the money being confiscated from their paycheck was invested. at a modes 6% return.
Do you know anyone collecting $1M in SS? neither do I.
@ExplodinCupcake here, pass this on to Bolshevik Burnie next time you talk to him. You might want to read it yourself
Brian S This kind of thinking is very dangerous to the US of A. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking. The military/defense, highways/roads, public libraries, the police/fire departments, postal services, student loans/grants, bridges, garbage collection, public landfills, CIA, FBI, vaccines, EPA, social security, museums, public schools, VA healthcare, public parks, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, the G.I. Bill, FDA, SSID, city metro/busses, WIC, state snow removal, PBS, CDC, S-CHIP, FEMA, OSHA, NPR, USDA, CPB, monuments, and the national weather service are all socialist programs.
YOU should look up what socialism does for our country. It is NOT communism. Don’t go advocating to get rid of something you obviously know nothing about.
@ExplodinCupcake you didn’t read the educational link I sent you. You remain ignorant . Get back to me when you understand what socialism is and isn’t.
We knew Bernie was winning the whole time…..
@riikerman Check out how consistent Bernie has been his whole life. Go away troll.
Of course he was. After this epic shitshow I would even go so far that I’m not afraid to say that they might have cooked the books. I wouldn’t be surprised if The final internal numbers of the Sanders Campaign are showing Bernie with a massive lead but he has decided not to release them because he knows there would be burning cars or something. So he keeps quiet and moves on because he’s not out there to cause division, he wants to focus on winning. It’s a tie now? They can’t be serious. Nothing they are releasing is the truth.
Never should have let premature pete claim “victory”
Fake Email he came from behind. Sneaky.
Premature Pete..

Dwl @ “premature Pete”
Why is Pete leading in delegates if Bernie has more second round votes?
Sanders has over 6000 votes more than any other candidate.
Pete only has more State Delegate Equivalents (SDE) so far. But the SDEs don’t matter because they both received 11 national delegates each. Bernie won the popular vote:
‘Because I Got 6,000 More Votes’: Bernie Sanders Declares Victory in Iowa Caucus
Looks like most of the older Iowans like Young Pete—people with a longer future ahead of them chose Bernie. Go figure.
#OKBoomer in full effect, lol
It’s weird how there trying to keep Bernie down we all know he’s the one that’s ahead.
“The candidate who gets the most votes should win” Pete Buttigieg. Cool, guess Bernie clearly should win then, Pete.
Socialism is a million times better than capitalism. That is why a white majority Iowa chose Bernie Sanders. Pete cheated wand took Bernie’s votes with Pete’s Shadow app to count votes. Bernie creamed him! It wasn’t close.
@WINTER Bernie ain’t a socialist dude, learn your basic political definitions before you try to defend DNC election meddling.
True socialism is what you see in Russia, Nazi Germany
We already have socialism here. We have Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamps, etc.
These are government programs. Some European countries are under what you call “socialism”; it’s not nazi socialism.
Please do some reading.
They’re trying to slow Bernie, that’s why I’m donating again to make our point. Bernie 2020
Just donated 5 hunnit, skeet skeet skeet!
I’m donating too. These talking heads didn’t get the part about this being a “people” movement!!! They are insulting every individual Bernie Sanders’ supporter!
@johniboz1 Maybe you should get an education period and quit being a bubble headed snowflake. #Bernie2020
Bernie Rules them all ! We need this humble and consistent doer