An earthquake with an early measure of magnitude 6.4 hit Southern California, about 150 miles north Los Angeles, according to the US Geological Survey.
Seismologist: 5% chance stronger earthquake to hit California

An earthquake with an early measure of magnitude 6.4 hit Southern California, about 150 miles north Los Angeles, according to the US Geological Survey.
Please God help in need and keep everyone safe !God bless America!
Samantha 78 That is a warning from God. You will see everything in the book of revelation in the bible very shortly unfolding. Repent! Time is up.
Try hard.
Jesus is coming there going to be a meteor hit in the United states
Jesus is coming
Damn, that’s a pretty strong earthquake. Hope there isn’t a bigger one to follow. Stay safe everyone!
****(Can’t you hear all the Clucking Hens and the Roosters Crowing?!!)****
II QuietRiot II there will be. That is a warning from God. You will see everything in the book of revelation in the bible very shortly unfolding. Repent! Time is up.
@Tessmage Tessera If they have so much wealth why aren’t they cleaning up their streets?
This is not how i wanted to spend my 4th of July….
Guess the fireworks are underground now.
@bounceback æ exactly! Like I said.
@Jason Sapp but California is part of America..
You really don’t get it? Lol
bounceback æ That is a warning from God. You will see everything in the book of revelation in the bible very shortly unfolding. Repent! Time is up.
@Chris Johnson no i didn’t get it xD
As if you needed another reason not to live in California.
What’s the other reason???
California be like: time to get real funky
Kazz omg u have ciel as your pfp <3
Well good think it didn’t hit anywhere in America!
@Jason Sapp isn’t California… in America….?
That earthquake could be a warning that the San Andreas Fault is giving out
And that indicates a bigger quake coming our way.
TTVdan 6615588214 you’ll see soon.
Hopefully it does happen California is a cesspool and the babylon of America!
@get lost
Dude this wasn’t even from the San Andrea’s fault but from the Mojave desert..
@Mitchell MitchellFamily Time isn’t up yet until you’re dead and yes it is the end time but we will have to wait until during the great tribulation… as you can see huge earthquakes are supposed to happen then
Pray for California and Las Vegas Earthquakes is not a game because is nature

right, what man can stop the forces of nature.
I believe in gods so all kinds of nature disasters are all belongs to the GODS or from the sun stay safe people
Dianna Nunez That is a warning from God. You will see everything in the book of Revelation in the bible very shortly unfolding. Repent! Time is up.
this is gods anger against a sinful humanity in California and las vegas. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Stockpile lots of water and canned or dry foods. Better safe than sorry.
@Maria Taylor Ready to defend your home too. If you do have supplies, others may come around trying to take them.
Does Mexico even have those kinds of extra resources?
And guns and ammo….oh wait
@Das Me, Sha Well i’m not going to wait for the government to come protect me.
@Tiger Dragon I am lol
4th July: Best day of the year
Earthquake: Hold my bear
Beer not bear bud
No he ment bear because of our bear on the flag
When you decide to live in California, you’ll know the Big One is coming one day: today, tomorrow or later in the future.
MVE this is the end. Doom is coming pray and get ready
Couldn’t pay me to live there:(
you haven’t seen anything like the one that’s coming.
Why cant they just tell us to be prepared or stay safe??? Not tell us were all basically going to be dying in 5 hours.

@lilbeserk So… move? Most expensive state in the country. Quit milking Prop 13. If you’re not wealthy here, you’re not doing it right.
Charles Needs Donuts Barkley That is a warning from God. You will see everything in the book of Revelation in the bible very shortly unfolding. Repent! Time is up.
Say man y’all better watch out because this is right by the San Andreas Fault!! Do y’all research…
Not strong enough to even make a bird fly away from his tree branch
Trump did say he was gonna shake things up in 4th of July
@감자잭 Sure why not. Wait till you see CNN they will be the first and say things like Trump is not doing enough people don’t have internet and can get Friday night take out.
@Jason Sapp California doesn’t want to be part of America.
@감자잭 Why? It’s fun.
That woman needs sleep, everytime she’s on the air she’s literally struggling to stay awake.
Last week I was in California for vacation for 3 days and thank god that I live in Az Be safe!
Sanja Fortson lol I used to live in Tucson and now I living here in Cali I wanna move back now
Except for an overlong phone interview, this was very informative.
There’s a massive earthquake!
We could die!
Me: Pulls out Insta and films pool water sloshing around.
Make sloshing great again.
I just turn to the other side in my bed. It was not that bad in LA… Yes i am cool like that;)
OMG may god give the strength to recover from the mental tragedy that dey got from the earth quake please stay safe everyone god bless you much love from nepal

This is gods anger against a sinful humanity in california.. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.