CNN's Nick Paton Walsh examines details of the raid that killed ISIS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the wreckage that was left behind.
#CNN #News
See wreckage left in wake of al-Baghdadi raid

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh examines details of the raid that killed ISIS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the wreckage that was left behind.
#CNN #News
1:41 colorful clothes from the compound of the leader of ISIS that forces women to dress in all black from heat to toe. Ok.
@Diamano: Very colorful children’s clothes indeed, and clean too. A couple had cement dust sprinkled upon them; however, logic dictates there should be at least some burn marks on their fabric after such intense explosions.
@Ab by so as we talk about one religious nut. You the nut of the Christian religion comes out. Oh brother can you go back to your hole in the wall please.
Just 1 stupid comment and all puzzled fools ganged up liking it shows your common sense has gone to shambles
@WarblesOnALot word. We just see rubble. No body no one holding him up like Hussein or bin laden. But we are too believe this lying government?
Have you ever seen the aftermath of a real explosion in a war zone? It’s nothing like what you see in the movies.
Looks like an air strike to me
Boomer19771 No, I cheered like a real American when Obama got Bin Laden. The same courtesy is the one YOU are not paying President Trump dickhead.
…………..You know why Obama’s 8 year presidential term was “scandal free”?…..because they LIED about EVERYTHING just like fake news…….it will all come out in the wash anyway. I can’t wait.
They did an airstrike on his compound afterwards to stop it from becoming a shrine of sorts
This is a good start.
Looks like what he did to those priceless archaeological sites.
@Robert Clawson
BBBut 2 years ago trump said it was all signed
shock horror, trump LIED.
Docktor Jim
yes as bad as what america bombed with 1000s dead.
Only libtards are mad about this. Idiots. Smh
Docktor Jim are you serious. UNAMERICAN. He murdered beheaded burned alive innocent people.
What a shame TRUMP was not in that tunnel with him
Baghdadi dead for the third time
@Ne Isnichso I think you should re-read all of the threads to comprehend my comments.
You have your burqa on too tight sweetie
@Central Scrutinizer
Yeeeeah…. So who did kill Bin Ladin…. Since you are soooo Intelligent…
@whyputaname2 ……..Mother nature killed him dumbass….Is your f*cking mouse broken? Why are you here running off your stupid mouth if you don’t know sh*t?
Just watched this on TV live earlier
At least this video isn’t from a gun range in Kentucky.
@E.H. J. On your tiny little pencil neck? I’m sure it would
@Kapten Krok LMAO CNN has you brainwashed
@Will Pack They didn’t use film for Kentucky as a propaganda tool… They aren’t the network beimg exposed by Project Veritas…. LMAO
Allah has bamboozled you Abu Bakr
@डॉ डिसरिसपेकट your folks rape thousands of young girls today you fucking Moron
@Tay Fun India has a very low rate of rape.
@Tay Fun Baghdadi called himself the caliph and most muslims treated him as a hero .
@Hadid on Me Bagdadi is following Islam as explained by most Islamist clerics of converting the whole world to Islam .
Al baghdadi was forced to blew himself up before a US k9 bite him like a ragdoll
@Will Pack TRUMP made the call, yes, TRUMP gets credit here. If anything went wrong, Dems would’ve blamed TRUMP. If you’re going blame TRUMP when things go wrong, you should give TRUMP credit when things go well. If you want to be fair.
@Florida Man lesson to all would be Jihadis .
Peter is a real hero ..*live humanity*
Who is Peter
Hes a jackass who thought he do whatever in another country
sure is suspicious this was in a territory under Turkey’s protection
Şahin Özkan China,What happened to big bad turkey? I though Turkey was so strong and great……why are you trying to use china? Also just like your own Turkish military, China either copies or steal western technology.
Ozkan how much of your military is either imported or copied from western nations?
@Hollingsworth77 What happened??? Are you scared?
@Hollingsworth77 Turkey while fighting terrorism, where US and NATO???
Where is article 5 of NATO???
Where is US and NATO?
Şahin Özkan The PKK are terrorist and Turkey has a right to protect itself and it’s people.
The U.S and NATO as well as Japan and many others have designated them as terrorist. You can not lump all Kurds in with them. The Kurds have been doing almost all the fighting on the ground against ISIS. For the most part the Kurds believe in human rights and democracy. Again the PKK and the terrorist who kill and harm the people of Turkey are just as bad as ISIS and should be destroyed. I have been trolling you for the most part. I would like to say I hope turkey in time does turn back and become more democratic again. I have only respect and good will towards Turkish people. However i extremely dislike Erdogan and believe he is destroying turkey and is a authoritarian Islamist.
Of all the nations happy…
Pakistan will be jubilant not to find him hiding somewhere around a military training area…!
True that
@Sreepathy H we are all jihadi ok remember it
@Umar fitness all Jihadis kill be killed like a dog
@Umar fitness who dosent…..?
i can approve as Indian their closest neighbour.
The air is fresher now, he was polluting it with his presence.
Now he’s rotting in hell among his filthy friends and making room for more to come.
Well done USA!
Peter Kassig was an amazing human being. He gave his life to help others.
Thank god that beast is gone he killed thousands of heroes like Peter and list goes on.. …
May James Foley, Steven Sotloff, and others Rest In Peace.
‘Body of martyrs?’ Cnn mourns their heavily loss….
Blew his kids up too.. now thats a bad “baghdaddy”
Yes, we need to remember the people that died in the hands of ISIS