Scientists are studying the climate impact of the spread of algae that is turning snow pink in the Italian Alps.
#CNN #News
Scientists are studying the climate impact of the spread of algae that is turning snow pink in the Italian Alps.
#CNN #News
Hi Rain you from?
Hate to see it. Some of my favorites spots in Glacier National Park growing up, we would hike up in the summer to snowboard in 80degrees but there is no longer enough snow for it
Loads of snow in Glacier this year
They once predicted that by 2030 Glacier National Park will have no Glaciers. It will be sooner than 2030!
Horacio Toad we actually had a mild winter this year
Annie Warbux it was 2020 they predicted they would be gone. They actually recently removed the signs that said “no glaciers by 2020”
Italy, the former rank 1 in the coro death games but the US is just too stupid…
wing zhang lol good luck
untseac thank you. Your saying what I’m trying to say lol
꧁M͓̽c͓̽T͓̽F͓̽r͓̽o͓̽s͓̽t͓̽꧂ liesssss hahahahaha
The Chinese government used to kill off their daughters because they only wanted men. And your trying to tell me their numbers are correct. Hahaha
Everyone knows it’s the Yellow snow you have to worry about
Depends if you’re homophobic or not.
You don’t look old enough for Zappa knowledge.
Well if it turns orange then I’d get worried
But I’ve always wanted to make a pink snowman for pride week.

@Elijah Craig I tried the food coloring but the snowman turned orange and looked like Trump. It was scaring kids and saying racist things so Food coloring is out of the question.
Scripture doesn’t depict pride as righteous as most people do. Glory to the father in heaven who wrote our moral laws in our hearts.
@Elijah Craig we are also banned from Canada
@chocolateking1 Orange snowman bad
Looks like you’ll have to make a cake…Cake is yummy 
Sorry Y’all, didn’t mean to drink so much last night.
It was a rough one.
It will pass. Lots of water. You’ll be ready again by 4:00 this afternoon.
@Vital Signs
What the hell does that mean? huh? China is here, I don’t even know what the hell that means, all I know is this “Lo Pan” character comes out of thin air in the middle of a goddamn alley while his buddies are flying around on wires cutting everybody to shreds, and he just stands there waiting for me to drive my truck straight through him, with light coming out of his mouth!
Thanks, 2020. That’ll be all. You can go now.
One more
Bad omen. 2020 has been a hell of a ride so far. Aliens could show up any moment now
Joe Biden Attacks – now on video
@It’s Ma’am
No, Trump lost the election by about 3 million votes. We just have an incredibly insane election system that needs to be fixed. And we call Trump and his minions “fascists” because they are! John Bolton and many of Trump’s picks have been fascists. Sebastian L, v Gorka is a Nazi and was on Trump’s WH staff. The “v” in his name stands for “Vitezi Rend” which is the Hungarian Nazi Party and his father, like him, was a member.
Biblical Times are HERE !
It grows in my shower stall. I live next to the ocean. I have a pet barnacle in the soap dish.
We’ve got nothing on Trump at the moment. Whatchya got in the fear bucket?
Me looking at the pink snow: awww pretty

uh no
It’s the gay agenda!!! They’re turning the hills gay!!! Run for the valleys!!!
@Matt Thompson
If Trump is involved then it’s probably the blood of coalition troops, Kurds and coronavirus victims.
@Isay Look
Unlucky? I’m sure Matt would love to have Trump’s baby.
I think a bear got kicked in the nuts!
@Matt Thompson
Pft, trump and GOP are permanently stuck in their period. It’s literally their ‘life’ cycle.
Richard marsh
You f00, Where do you think it started!!!
I can hardly watch this stuff, f$”$ing depressing. I’m concerned about our climate and the world doesn’t seem to care…..
Capitalism is responsible for you not starving right now.
Your brain washed. They don’t show you the many scientists debunking climate change. I’m an environmental student and I don’t buy the climate change political leverage movement.
Destruct the construct Lemme guess: community college, Prager U, Liberty U, or similar. “Your” definitely not attending a top STEM school.
President Camacho I’m not worried. In millions and millions of years another more highly evolved species will come along long after we’re gone. Just as we use the remains of the prehistoric era to power our trash civilization through plastics and fossil fuels, that species will make use of all the wreckage we’ve left to benefit them and be capable of existing on this planet, which our species isn’t. Beings capable of adjusting their behavior away from short term gratification and indulgence to long term survival and preservation compare to us intellectually and socially as we compare to the dinosaurs.
Gonna be honest. 2019 is long gone. And we are never gonna be able to live like is 2019 again.
@Jimmy Je Biden wouldn’t be president for long, look into his eyes he is on his way out of this world and it will be who he picks as a vise president that will be in the oval office for most of the 4 years and it will be their vision that will come to pass. I’m praying his vise president pick is up for this challenge
@Peter Bills in actuality the demarcratic party of the civil war era left it’s old vision of their party behind and became more like the republican party of the civil war era and the republican party of the civil war era left their ideals behind and became the conservative party that the original demarcrat party was. So in a way they switched what they stood for. So that means the republican party of today would be for slavery and it would be the demarcratic party fighting to end slavery if these two parties were back in the civil war era
I gotta be honest. 2018 is even further away than 2019. Dont get me started about 2017, 2016, or 2015. I gotta be honest,, im making fun of your dumb comment .
0:19 — it is not dangerous, it is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the spring and summer periods
“Too much pink energy is dangerous.”
2020: ”I have more bad news for you, honey!”
Me too
2016 was the tipping point…
“it is a natural phenomenon that occurs EVERY YEAR during the spring and summer periods”
You didnt listen : “it is a natural phenomenon that occurs every year during the spring and summer IN THE MIDDLE LATITUDES” ITALY IS NOT IN THE MIDDLE LATITUDE- tropical countries and continents (like Africa) are in the middle latitudes. Therefore, Italy is worried that something that doesnt happen in their region is now taking place and melting their snow faster.
@Samantha Scully you are so ignorant. The Italian Alps are in the SAME latitude as Switzerland. Tropical countries NEVER have snow. It is Summer in the Alps…hello… snow melts in the summer
We are still coming out of an ice age so snowmelt is kinda expected.