See why Kate Winslet’s interview with child reporter went viral

A wholesome moment of actress Kate Winslet comforting a child reporter has gone viral and accumulated over a million views on Twitter. The Oscar winner is seen giving the young girl a pep talk ahead of her first interview which aired on CNN affiliate and German broadcaster ZDF. #CNN #News #shorts


  1. It’s 7:00 and I’m just about to start my day. I really needed to hear this. Kates affirmation was simple ,yet powerful.

    1. Yeah that’s the first thought that came to my mind. It was so easy for her to pour into this young girl, imagine how she is with her own children.

  2. Wow! Kate is not just building her up, she is building a life, a life that will go on to impact her world. Can’t say how important it is to give such positive reaffirmation early in life

  3. So lovely … Such a wonderful way to demonstrate that the world can be amazing when we can face and overcome our fears ☘️

  4. Good for her encouraging the youth instead of what everybody else is doing nowadays by destroying them I applaud her

  5. This might be your first interview but I’m on my way to becoming a National Treasure so it’s all going to be ok.

  6. It is often said that we must give our children roots and then wings. This is exactly how it’s done. God bless Kate Winslet for helping this young girl to feel grounded and strong. Encouraging her self confidence and a firm belief in herself. It’s her time to fly. Bravo!

  7. She is so cute! I love her. The way she leaned in and got down to her level and looked her in the eye. This is peek parenting tools. She must be an amazing mom. ❤

  8. This is the definition of being caring. When another person is facing possible failure, you make them feel that it’s ok.

  9. Kate Winslet you just gave this young lady her future! How incredible you was to her. From making her feel like she was the most important & best journalist out there to taking the time to show her (and lucky us to show the world), how sweet/nice you are as a person! You built her self esteem up to do THIS interview but you also built her up to conquer her life even when it’s her “FIRST” anything!! Thank you for showing her & myself that there’s still good people & goodness in this hard world!!!

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