House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy selected Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), and Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) to be on the select committee to investigate the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.
#CNN #News
Anyone who voted against the certification of the election is a suspect and obviously should not be part of the investigation.
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@J S How are you going to have an impartial hearing if one or more of the team were spouting “rigged against Trump” for months?? I got kicked out of jury duty for showing bias, shouldn’t these folks as well?
@Sarah Petty Joke tube is hiding em pretty well, right next to the clues in fact cuz apparently you can’t find neither.
BTW- the name PETTY seems appropriate for you. Just sayin. ? ?
Insurrectionists should not be investigating insurrectionists ?
@Kelly 1 omg, another Q.
@Brett Orlob They have become the party of Q.
They shouldn’t, but they should be called to talk before the committee as witnesses
Oh I think it will guide
The investigators in what they haven’t seen yet!
Not a single one of these picks is worth a fart in the wind. That pretty much sums it up…..
@BC Rat Bikes Is that you William H ? Sounds like something you would say….Did you add a new name to your list?
You can tell the Dumpsters. They sound like 6 year olds…Just like Dump does…
It is time we come to terms with *the devil’s strangelove sadistic support group* , environmental extreme violent green. More Fauci pain more sadistic Obey! Obey! Obey!
Commie News Network Covers for Creepy Sleepy Little Girl Sniffer in the White House who’s Transferring American into Socialism!!! Welcome To China, Cuba and Venezuela!!!
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This makes the Republicans look silly, defending the Lie, the Former President and downplaying the Insurrection which will make the Democrats look really good in 2022. Keep it up boys ?
@jamies young LOL
@Ryan Rickaby And Jesus is white .Am I right?. LOL
@ncave and jesus is white? What? I believe the bible said he was bronze, sounds like what I imagine could be a description for people in the middle east where he was suspected to be.. Lol but that has nothing to do with anything besides that fact that skin color is very important to you…. so are u saying u think congress will do a better investigation then law enforcement who’s already made arrests and have charges applied already lol
Or are you now saying its not about making republican look bad for the up comming elections it’s about truth? Hahahahahahaa grow up idiot… it’s ok to admit that this is just another tribal investigation for political purposes lol we all know politics has become more tribal then sports rivalry lol
You just stay up on that moral high horse and make childish comments about skin color (like a racist would) to avoid the fact that u see the traibalness but decided not to care.. they do say ignorance is bliss
Jim Jordan still ignoring, lying about those Ohio state wrestlers that were abused.
@Brian Jones you funny.
@Brian Jones Just wait until George Clooney’s docuseries comes out. Do you suppose Gym will sue him? Why would all of these young men be lying?
@Brian Jones you are joking right? That’s a good one!

Mocking them. Saying when an assault on a child was reported to him, “If they’d tried that with me…” He thinks it’s a mark of his manhood that other people are attacked and he is not … now, there’s a good person to investigate a day full of violent assaults. ?
Let’s face it… McCarthy is making *A MOCKERY* on this committee by selecting Jim Jordan to serve as a committee member.
I agree
percent. Nancy should kick them to the curb. Don’t need to make this investigation a total
@virginia russell
Mcslimy and the crew are trying desperately not to be investigated. THEY’RE HIDING SOMETHING ?
Pelosi do not approve of anyone who voted to approve to overturn the election and signed on to the law suit …And, have been out-spoken against free democratic elections.

@Aliza Kessler are you from Earth?
Silencing dissent is Liberalism 101.
So what did you see about that ?
Kevin McCarthy just proved he is not serious by picking Jim Jordan, to say Jordon is a POS just might just be the biggest understatement in history. TheReaper!
You guys support Ilhan Omar a known member of Al-Qaeda
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@Brian Jones WOW! you’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid kid, you are living proof of how easy it is to fool tens of millions of people/fools. Jim Jordon is a patriot? Ilhan Omar a known member of Al-Qaeda? I’ll bet money you haven’t been vaccinated? I’ll bet you think Trump won the election and Biden is an illegitimate president? Get some help kid, you need it. TheReaper! ? ?
Tell Gym Jordan to not even shut his engine off when he pulls in. He’s a conspirator…
the difference between a conspiracy and truth is about 6 months historically speaking over the last couple years in the media. Like Michael Avenatti going to prison was a conspiracy. Now he is in prison with 2 pending charges.
Biden fell from the roof
You sound really creepy. ?
As soon as you see Jim Jordan you know Republicans aren’t taking this serious.
He gonna rip up the dummy demtards!
@Brian Jones Gym Jordon so respected. Bill Belichick said no thanks. A winner didn’t want it so let’s give it to Gym. One of the starters at Doral got one too. Big deal. It’s worthless. Medal of Freedom from the pro life democrat from Queens. Have a wonderful summer SFB.
@Brian Jones Trump awarded it to him so it doesn’t count. ? ?
Defendants investigating themselves. Only in America!!!!
Yeah look at the democrats. Calling everyone racist when they were the confederates
@NHRA gold too much nitro kill off your brain cells? ?
Only in Congress.
Only with rePUGNANTcans.
Look how they handled the 2nd impeachment & set up the audit -same sh*t too.
Jim Jordan is not a senator that represents Ohio well. He’s self serving and will report to tRump. Reject him, Nancy! ?
Remember!! Don’t click on links in chatrooms. You’re asking to be hacked!
CNN wants Nancy Pelosi to pick only Republicans RINOs or Yes Sirs.
@Cronenberg Morty I could I am a man
She’s going to laugh in his face when she tells him no to all of these, and it will be well deserved as he is a clown
GOP will turn this into another circus show.
@Martin Dread How was the election a shambles?
@Naurei can’t play little sound bites…what context was this used in?
@Naurei …and the harm to democracy that occurred on January 6th? Let’s not forget that.
@Brian Ward I’m not going to write a book for you snowflake. ?
It’s just like appointing DJT to be the judge.
Obviously we want rump because he started it. But we want EVERYONE involved. That includes Jim Jordan
U think congress will do a better investigation then then law enforcement? Hahaha if u belive that I have some cloud insurance to sell you
i dont know why u think this is going to work out for the democrats tho
i mean i understand u think the republicans were involved but its highly unlikly given the police investigation into this already
at this point they will prolly find the mayor negligent and find some way to punish her
anyone above her giving her orders prolly wont be discovered unless theres documents like the exchange between trump and the mayor
They shouldn’t allow anybody who voted to not certify. Donald Trump has no defense in this investigation, so get to the facts .
Lol aww bless you little simple mind u actually think this is about getting to facts hahahaha
You see little buddy we have law enforcement groups who are and have been investigating this and making arrests.
Congress is putting on a show cuz mid terms are comming up… if u actually think congress will have a better investigation then law enforcement then u should seek professional help
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Kevin, why did you leave out Matt Gaetz, Marjorie T Green, and Lauren Bobert? That would complete the clownshow.
@lesmo whomever lmao! name calling? You 5 years old?
@J W If I’m 5 yrs old then your master Trump is 3 yrs old. He is the best at name calling.
@lesmo whomever former President Trump called people names with people whom he was familiar with and that deserved it..
You have no idea who I am and yet, because I have a differing opinion the first thing you do is call me names and then presume that former President Trump is my master..
You expose yourself as an immature child..
Better than your jihad cult. Or your vaccine cult ?
Don’t even allow Gym Jordan on the committee Nancy, that will really make a Circus out of it. !
Surprised he didn’t put up Hawley, Graham, or Cruz…However Jordan knows how to start a s###show all on his own