New White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was a harsh critic of then-candidate Donald Trump before she became a fierce advocate for him, including calling comments he made about Mexican immigrants in 2015 "racist."
Before becoming a prominent pro-Trump commentator during his first campaign, McEnany said it was "unfortunate" and "inauthentic" to call him a Republican. McEnany made the comments in a series of panels on CNN and Fox Business.
McEnany, at the time a Republican writer and Harvard Law student would go on to defend Trump as a CNN contributor during the 2016 presidential election year. After Trump was elected, she served as a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee and the Trump re-election campaign, before being named White House press secretary in early April.
#KFILE #Trump #CNN
” I will not lie ” that was her first,with MANY to come.
@sam I am Adam Schitt Stain!
Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!
@BradLee Jones What will you do when sanity returns to what’s left of this country
@sam I am That depends on if they ever find a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!
@BradLee Jones You’ll be able to watch him on TV when he get his next clown show, and then you get some serious therapy.
“Lies will come back to haunt you” – Billy Talent
Yall want to see and hear what Biden said about obama n 2007???
“I mean, you’ve got THE FIRST sort of mainstream African-American (obama’s HALF WHITE) who is articulate and bright AND CLEAN and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a story-book, man,” .
Biden on Hindu Indians: “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. It’s a point. I’m not joking!”
@Matt Lindell Amen to that! We’ll just have to agree to disagree.
Ace1King1 thank god someone around here knows the truth, I’d like some proof of trump lying because everyone says he lies all the time, but I don’t think you’ll find any
Matt Lindell what did he lie about, I forgot
I’m here just for the comments and a good laugh.
@King Dizzy I don’t know why someone would think blacks can’t or don’t vote red. I’ve done it before accidentally though. I didn’t have my glasses but I may have because I wasn’t a fan of Al Gore or Bill Clinton. I’m an Independent. I know plenty black folk who are Republicans.
@Shenita Gazaway sadly there are poor souls that actually think that if your black u have to vote democratic or u just aint also not to be rude but its hilarious to vote wrong cuz of glasses like velma do u G u good
@Jeremy Toh
CumPanda democrat
@Big Bear Hungry
Schiff-Soros synagogue sistah
@King Dizzy Lol! I don’t become offended that easily. You’re fine.I didn’t want to vote for Clinton. Black people need to read their history. Democrats has always been more corrupt compared to the Republicans. They wanted to keep us enslaved not the Republicans. They’re not really for the colored people. They’ve always been for themselves.
“ I will never lie” Soon as she said that I know she was lying like hell

Rotten hypocrites!!
What did she lie about
“I don’t want to claim this guy.” Lol well… I guess a check and the ability to lie regularly (give her time) makes it all worth selling her soul.
There is no such thing as integrity or even patriotism on the right. It’s the party of hating Democrats, minorities, immigrants and women, period.
I think he getting more than her soul.
They’re all in bed together, literally and figuratively!
you’d think she was training for the olympics with all the gymnastics she doin
You created this “monster” yourselves there media
once she was a friend. Now shes your worst nightmare 
Daniel Cline
Kue Lee
I know right!?
They’re not even trying.
When CNN doesn’t benefit from what someone currently says, they delve into that person‘s past and find all the soundbites they can and put together a crappy Frankenstein’s Monster.
Five years ago I was a male feminist. Just like me, she’s changed for the better.
And when Trump fires her she’ll be back at CNN.
“I will not lie to you.”
when someone says “I won’t lie to you” it means they just lied to you
Soooo you don’t want someone who supports Trump working for him annnnd you don’t want someone who is critical of Trump to work for him…..
What do you want?
Ask her again now and she’ll say that she never said those things.
This is for laughs. I hate Trump. I wonder how long this lady will last. I mean how people have been the Press Secretary? I’ve lost sight of how many people he has fired. Period. More than any other President.
Oh no, she will use her favorite arsenal..deflection
Yall want to see and hear what Biden said about obama n 2007???
“I mean, you’ve got THE FIRST sort of mainstream African-American (obama’s HALF WHITE) who is articulate and bright AND CLEAN and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a story-book, man,” .
Biden on Hindu Indians: “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. It’s a point. I’m not joking!”
@Kevin K Duh…Harris has already endorsed Biden.
“If he asked you to be his running mate, would you say yes?” MSNBC host Rachel Maddow asked Warren on Wednesday evening.
“Yes,” Warren replied. “We both want the same thing. We want this country to work, and we want it to work for everyone,” she said. “He’s a man who has a good heart, and that’s what we need in a leader – someone who is steady, who is prepared, but ultimately who cares not just about himself, but cares about everyone else.”
FloppyHares – thought she earlier said she will not lie and has not lied. Can’t wAit to see the response. This is a circus
The headline read like a jealous 12 year old…
This was when she was on her meds.
“You either die a hero or live long enough to get bought out and see yourself become the villain”
“To get ahead, you’ve got to give a little head”, guess she is applying Fox’s SOP’s to the Whitehouse.
@BradLee Jones

you can laugh. Flynn plead guilty!! You are a conspiracy nutjob!
U obviously know NOTHING ABOUT her.
Well Donny needed someone to replace Stormy.
@BradLee Jones
Flynn lied about Russian contacts. Why? If it was innocent why hide it? Russians knew he lied. Leverage is a wonderful thing for Russia.
I was wondering why she wears her makeup so thick, now it makes sense
She’s a prime example of money talks. They made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. If Trump sees this interview, he will fire her.
This is how it looks folks, “selling your soul”

@BradLee Jones get a fucking life you troll, hopping from comment to comment copying and pasting. That how I know you don’t believe what you wrote
@Johnte Price Sure. Ok. Everybody thought that President Trump’s brash approach was surely no winning strategy. They were all wrong, including CNN by boosting Trump in the primaries because they thought he’d be the least likely to beat Killary Rotten Crouch Killinton. It’s called Hypocrisy! CNN did the same thing, but worse!
There. Now, aren’t you glad you coaxed a response from me?
Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!
@Johnte Price No comment on Adam Schitt withholding exculpatory evidence of innocence from Gen. Flynn’s defense attorney?
Hey, put out a comment of your thoughts on the Rape Allegations on Tara Reade against Quid Pro Joe the Lying Dogfaced Pony Solider. Can’t wait!
Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!
@Tre Flips 21 Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Orange Man Bad!
Triggered Libtard Alert!
Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!
BradLee Jones they knew he was a moron and nothing changed he was a lifelong Democrat him and his Family, they donated to chuck! He is a Orange con man, who has conned white America
Lmaooo. Thank you for finding proof that she can’t be trusted either. Lol.
Oh hey how about that, another potato sells their soul to The Great Orange Chosen Potato Commander in Thief.
“I never met this Kayleigh McEnany person” — Kayleigh McEnany