The 2020 presidential candidates comment on the impeachment inquiry at the CNN/New York Times debate in Westerville, Ohio.
See what Democratic candidates said about impeaching Trump

The 2020 presidential candidates comment on the impeachment inquiry at the CNN/New York Times debate in Westerville, Ohio.
Where’s Yang!? CNN needs to do better.
@Allin Wayin it’s all fund and games until Yang passes you in the polls.
@mmmk It’s been confirmed that Yang died in a car crash. oddly enough the car crash took place during the debate.
@Jester’s Sketchbook Yes but it was muted.
Honestly this is the 4th debate in a row trump won without having to even be in it…
This will be looked upon in the future as one of the most unbelievable moments in american politics.
That stage was like somebody opened up the state school and let a bunch of f****** retards talk about politics
WWW. Yea cause we all know quotes like “bing bang bing bong” and “a really large a-brain” are a signs of a true political schooler and genius.
@Mayk3_ME He sure does make the rest of Washington look like a bunch of retards. They have been there their whole career and havent accomplished a fraction of what he has for the American people.
That’s so “dramatic”…….
Maybe it’s just an unbelievable moment, when nobody farted in the mic…..
Get a grip, moron…..
Where’s Yang?? Post the whole debate and stop trying to control the narrative you blowholes
Peach mints anyone?
@Jordan its simple why have they purposefully excluded Yang’s answer on the above question
and title of this video is “See what Democratic candidates said about impeaching Trump” ?
Gi Don’t come here if you don’t like it, go to fox!!!!!
@Gi Not an argument dumbass. It’s a statement
Jeff Zucker let’s keeping talking about impeachment
@KINGPEN COWBOY that’s it, that’s all you got? I got a 7yr old who can come up with a much better come back. Your pathetic.
@Kathy Weis a 7 yr old please dont let.him or her.itnor.whatever be a satanist global agenda follower like you’re please for humanity sake
@Kathy Weis Clinton am obamas would love meeting your 7yo and having it over on a plane flight with Epstein if they could
true story
@KINGPEN COWBOY pizza gate,
try again.
It’s really concerning that we can’t find the full unedited debate anywhere on YouTube. What are they trying to hide?
You tube “editing” and “censoring” ?….
Say it ain’t so !…..
CNN “editing” and “censoring” ?….
Say it ain’t so !…..
Light bulb going off for you clowns ?….
CNN wants viewers on their channel it’s about the money
It’s CNN who is biased, no the candidates or the DNC. (The DNC is corrupt and biased, but they are not in control of the media in this way.)
No Yang again. CNN, you’re too predictable. It’s almost like a trope at this rate.
Tertiary Adjunct Check Project Veritas expose on YouTube, to see how dishonestly CNN operates.
*Yang was busy on the phone with Ying, Ying Yangging it*
@Manhattan One *Yeah Fox news is full of Saints*
Who gives a sh*t about Yang. He’s trying to buy his way into the presidency at a rate of $1000/mth for each American. Without that he would have never even become a candidate and you fell for it.
So Yang wasn’t in this Debate according to any clip I’ve seen so far.
yang for president
He couldnt get the day off at Panda Express
@BillHK Damn…..
They wouldn’t do THAT would they ???…

@MAG God’z AmonG Men
Gee idiots…..
You want to see yang, enter Y A N G in the search box up at the top…
of the app….
What a bunch of clueless morons…..
Literally Yang is not even mentioned once in any of these videos
Cause he like every other candidate is an idiot
@P B – Tulsi is not an idiot
Because he put in a lackluster performance. He made like two good points. He didn’t go toe to toe with anyone. He didn’t speak much. No one addressed him. And the only time anyone said anything about his policies, he failed to punch back! He’s a goner. He put in a decent show for a first timer. Maybe in 2024, IF he strengthens his team and practices his debate skills a LOT.
@Manhattan One EVERYTHING Porject Veritas does is fake, badly edited, and fucking embarrassing. They’re out there claiming Warren is a cougar, too. Let’s just not pretend. We know where they get their funding. They’re liars, and always were, and always will be.
2 words to sum up CNN “Jeff Zucker”.
Hillary Clinton
Abigale Lee < EU enslaved globalist cuck.
GT3X. Ironic considering there are a lot more cocksuckers on the left. Many on this channel, Cooper, Lemon, Stelter and many others. How homophobic are you!!!??
GT3X < Homophobe, i love it when you lefties eat each other. So to speak..

No Yang, this is why people don’t trust the media, the fact that they cut out yang, he raised more money than Pete, and some of the others on stage. He’s also polling high than some.
TheEtbetween Check Project Veritas expose on YouTube, to see how dishonestly CNN operates.
Look at Biden’s face as nobody talks about his corrupt dealings.
CNN, do you like whistleblowers?
Candidate: *starts to say something important *
CNN: “Senator, your time is up.”
This format sucks. The time limits suck. Yet no one is volunteering THEIR candidate to quit so as to clear up more room and more time on that stage for the rest of them. Let’s be honest, there are three contenders on that stage. The others are all also-rans. Now, go convince them to stop wasting our time.
@Snaggle Toothed If you would venture out from mainstream media and listen to some of the independents who are on the ground in the Middle East, you will be better informed on these matters.
@fred ochoa AMEN, WELL SAID!!!

@Naomi Ogle The only reason the Turks invaded is because they knew the USA was out. We ended up in Syria after the chaos of Iraq spread to the wider region and left us no choice.
@Emma MSM like Beau of the Fifth Column (who I quoted above)? Or my subscription to Middle East Magazine or the Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanian and Turkish Kurds who I’ve worked with and know personally?
You’re the one who needs education – but I understand defending Trump is your only concern.
98% of the comments: WHERE’S YANG???!!!
AuGustine No where because he is a no one.. He is an idiot..!
yang yang is the dullest among this bunch of an embarrassing libtards perverts dumbcraps
I thought you guys were good at math? 10%, tops. And that’s 10% too many.
@Dakota Clarke ‘Yang is an idiot’ says the person who spells nowhere ‘No where’.
Hahaha. Classic. Love it when a barely educated person insults the intelligence of a massively intelligent person. “Bertrum Russell is a dunce..! Isaac Newton is a moron..! Archimedes is a dolt..!”
Bring it on, Dakota Clarke. Your brain is made from Deadwood dead wood.
How many of you support open borders. They all raised their hand.
Yeah, if they didn’t they would lose their jobs. Its Common Sense to protect our Borders from people who Really don’t want to be here but hiven enough money they’ll do anything.
Hey everyone what’s Jeff Zucker telling you to think today?
Tulsi Gabbard makes sensibility stand out.
She’s a fox
James Cisco I’m her full 45 seconds
Yang had the strongest answer.
Tulsi makes Yang look like a silly moron.
@shield your eyes Trump makes all of these leftist look like morons. Now what?
Gabbard is the only one with a sensible perspective.
Matt as a conservative, not that you care what I think, she is the only Dem. that won’t rip America apart.
*TULSI FOR P0RN 2O2O (• ) ( •)*
LOL She’s the only stooge who stood up there and claimed we were in a regime change war IN SYRIA, the one place where he HAVEN’T been in a regime change war. The one place everyone agrees the American troops were doing a good job, the situation was moving in a positive direction, and the people we were helping actually wanted our help, and the alliance we had forged was a real alliance with people who were actual fighters. She needs to go suck off Modi some more. Torture apologist. How many more things does she need to apologize for with crocodile tears like the LGBTQ people she stabbed in the back repeatedly? Just take that pretty faced fake back to Hawaii. Maisie Hirono is ashamed to share a state with her.
Yiiiikes, the hatred is strong with this one

Joe “the fact of the matter is” Biden