1. This is the kind of thing American election monitors watch for in undeveloped/unstable countries.

    1. @Ozy Mandias How does that change the fact that you used a Trump tactic. You insulted me but didn’t have an argument for what I said. Did you even understand what I said?

    2. @Jim Fisher There are only a handful of networks who Trump approves of. He’s declared publicly who they are.

      They are few in comparison to all of the other sources that do not parrot Trump’s narrative. Many of those sources disagree on so many topics and yet they are together on this issue.

      Unlike those “news” outlets you listen to for misinformation. These networks don’t change their story no matter how loudly you scream “Fox News Sucks!” They don’t have to make the legal defense in court that “No reasonable person would believe us.”

  2. “Cyber Ninjas” sounds like a the “intrepid” squad dispatched by “Space Force”. Reality is stranger than fiction. 🤷‍♀️

    1. Cyber ninja wearing a cowboy hat and boots. I hope he enjoys all the attention coming his way.

    2. Do you know how much it cost to rent an arena for a month. Or that each table is custom Hand made. color coordinated teams all these things cost money This is an expensive and professional audit. how dare people call it a conspiracy with so many people working so hard. Its an honest count of the paper ballots all so finding people that are qualified, These things people don’t think about what goes into an audit this size and transparency makes it historic. The most ballots ever counted. Jovan Pulitzer will give his report to the Senate and it’s up to the Senate to give us the results.

  3. “If they can’t uncover a fraud, they’ll create it” . Exactly . This should not be happening !

    1. @J Groovy exactly and he expected Rudy to be so honored that he would work for him for free, all those 60-plus challenges to the election. Yes indeed, all that hair dye, happily spilt for the cause!

    2. @Frenchblue8 go look at the White House YouTube channel Compared to two years ago you don’t have nothing

    3. Observers are on the floor, video feeds are there to provide transparency during the audit. There are no tables where ballots are being hidden under a tablecloth, only to be brought out and processed in the middle of the night when observers were not present (Fulton county, GA)

    4. @Neo26 The observers were present. You do realize for that “fraud” to work, they’d have to have repeated the same tactic in dozens of polling places, right? Never mind the massive ballot counterfeiting and identity theft operation that would be required, that would require finding out who actually voted to avoid using those peoples’ identities (which would be exposed after the fact anyway, because election commissions keep records of who voted, where and when). You think they planned to ALL have no problem casually going to process ballots carrying boxes in with them. Sure, they just set them down next to their jackets and bottles of soda under the table, and nobody would ever ask questions. Yeah, they planned to do that right there under the security cameras. THINK, McFLY.

  4. Guess I am confused. My ballot was cast on a machine which printed out my choices. Then I had to feed the computer generated selections into a 2nd machine to “officially” count my ballot. Thus only mail in ballots would depict hand bubbled choices. …
    Oh… is that what they are trying to determine? If mail in ballots were bubbled by hand or by machine? 😜🤪

    1. The fraud is associated with mail-in ballots that were injected into the system. Unprecedented number of mail-in ballots was used in Nov 2020 elections,
      Checking ballots for signs of fraud and hand-counting valid ones is proper way to verify whether election was stolen or not.

    2. Go to DepernoLaw.com to learn about the machine fraud. That is the only voting machine that a forensic audit was done on. The amount of fraud found on that machine is why the MI case is still open.

    3. The troubling part is the main computer that stored the digital backups was wiped of all voting data even under court order to save it. So it really doesn’t matter how you voted, without that data you can just hand them a blank ballot next time, I’m certain they will fill it out properly for you.

  5. One could throw their hands up in despair over this, because the lies and the lying liars who are telling them are relentless. When facts and truth are not honored despair is imminent.

  6. How can judges allow person’s private signatures and their identities to be tossed around by unofficial people?

    1. Because those same judges have been put in place by the very same chronic liars spreading the ‘election was stolen’ farce.

    1. @It’s Raining honestly if there had been mass fraud it would have been uncovered taken into account that the people that headed this investigations and handed the sentences were appointed by Trump but hey if that is the case then yeah it should definitely be investigated

    2. @Rhet 101 if someone gave you ten fake $20 bills, each simple recount would result in a claim that you have $200 in your pocket. The only way to find the truth is to check each bill and reject fake ones. This check is happening now with paper ballots.
      Do all mail-in ballots show creases (result of the folding and mailing process) or are there some that are in a pristine condition, indicating that they were not mailed by voters?

  7. “if they can’t uncover it they’re going to create the fraud” I been saying that all along.

    1. How you figure that is to happen with live cameras all over? Maybe we can prove Biden did actually win and we can move on..

    2. @N 827 Joe is not smart enough to cheat, the system cheated who wanted him in power since he can be easily manipulated. He is a puppet for a much larger, darker force

  8. If this recount was so important, the counting should not stop until all ballots are counted.

  9. They may as well throw all those ballots away. Custody and security of the ballots have been lost and they no longer can be guaranteed to be untampered with.

  10. “They were lying then or are lying now”, anytime their lips are moving, they’re lying.

  11. “If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon’s, but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.” – Ulysses S. Grant

  12. It’s like living an actual life and death situation in which lives
    hang in the balance. And just as things reaches it’s climactic stage and you are
    expecting the most serious of professionals, entering from the wrong
    direction are Laurel & Hardy, The Three Stooges and
    Graucho Marx.

    1. Do you know how much it cost to rent an arena for a month. Or that each table is custom Hand made. color coordinated teams all these things cost money This is an expensive and professional audit. how dare people call it a conspiracy with so many people working so hard. Its an honest count of the paper ballots all so finding people that are qualified, These things people don’t think about what goes into an audit this size and transparency makes it historic. The most ballots ever counted. Jovan Pulitzer will give his report to the Senate and it’s up to the Senate to give us the results.

  13. I think that the “Cyber Ninjas” imaginary girlfriends are involved.
    We’re going to need nude photos of their girlfriends, and their social security numbers. It’s for investigation purposes.

  14. So are they going to do this for every county in Arizona? 🤷🏻‍♀️ If so, I hope they use their own money.

    1. The Russia collusion hoax cost the American people fifty million dollars. When is the DNC going to reimburse the American taxpayers for that wild goose chase?

    2. No, they only target Dem controlled counties because they can’t admit the majority of voter fraud found last year was Trump supporters who voted multiple times…

    3. @Wikipedia Baizuo Expensive, yes. Professional, hardly. Get off Facebook and Twitter while there’s still time to save yourself.

  15. That’s not just where the bathrooms are, it’s also the building where the state fair has its petting zoo. Lots and lots of manure.

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