As Iran mulls retaliation for the killing of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a riddle remains. What exactly was he working on? CNN's Nick Paton Walsh gets access to the scene of the assassination.
#CNN #News
As Iran mulls retaliation for the killing of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a riddle remains. What exactly was he working on? CNN's Nick Paton Walsh gets access to the scene of the assassination.
#CNN #News
Sopranos Spoiler:
That scientist got the Tony Soprano treatment
Wezley_Kay 09
never had the making of a varsity nuclear scientist
Goh wow
oh yes
The words “AI powered, facial recognition satellite controlled robot machine gun” made me do a double take to make sure I heard what I really heard.
@R Torres See what was possible two years ago.
@Doni Sosa Aggressive AI robot dog… Not your average pit bull.
@Abhijeet Kundu Calculator is not an AI. AI is a loose term used these days, but specifically it means a neural network. Or other classifiers and regressors prior to neural nets.
They have swarm bots that can be deployed out of a cargo bay door of an aircraft, with facial recognition capability, and the ability to terminate the target (projectile or explosives) when they locate it. Look up “swarm bots.” However, the bodyguard(s) were able to deliver casualties to the assault team, so I don’t think it required the robots, in this instance, unless they used both to 100% confirm the kill. Usually, that can be done via the cameras on the bots. Maybe he wasn’t killed, but was extracted?
@Abhijeet Kundu Bahrain has an AI program.
CNN is the best news broadcast.
China’s government approves this message.
I love how you keep saying sanctions relief when you’re starving you’re purposely starving millions of people because of politics when you die and go to your God I hope you can explain yourself
Snd how about all the people that would die from an atomic bomb. You think that that is ok?
@S. Lee Mccauley it’s almost like we should’ve had an agreement that allowed us to inspect their facilities to ensure weapons grade nuclear fuel wasn’t produced. I wonder why we don’t have one of those?
God you say?
Now this is intriguing.
Just how many lives must we take before God strikes us down?
I’d you wish to strike us down, use your own hands to do so! Not god’s
@Mr. Effect
Some people worship God. So what? Why are you complaining? And anyways, it was a figure of speech.
@Mr. Effect i hear what your saying and to some point truth but the most part i feel

go dismiss someone else little person
WELL i would get out of the car too if i would see a freaking Transformer in front of me xD
Dr Tom Cowan – “Viruses are dead material expelled from poisoned cells. Viruses are the result, not the cause of disease.”
@JohnCena i like that statement! wow so strong and accurate!
haha ye for a selfie
He didn’t see anything, that’s not even what he said
Goh wow
oh yes
This guy sounded like the Reinhardt Heydrich before he got taken out!
Assinated by grenade while in his Benz
Gee I wonder if cnn found what Iran wanted them to find
I’ll tell you one thing, I don’t see any reason it would be
@Lrr, ruler of Omicron Persei 8 reminded me of the “ baby milk factory “ sign in Iraq some older woman was standing in front of begging bush to stop the bombing
@1984 THEBEGINING Meh, I’m just pissed off, nobody got my pun about the potatos being planted.
Toh wow
oh yes
So was it a remote, robot machine gun with A.I.and facial recognition? Sounds like the future! Just drop a few remote A.I. guns in.
@Tony Gray you mean drones?
Facial Recognition IS a form of artificial intelligence.
@Not Necessary No…he said: AI powered, facial recognition, satellite controlled, ROBOT machine gun!! Lol! I know how drones work ffs! The point is the Iranian version of events makes it sound like he was killed by a terminator! That’s it. If you scroll down the comments I’m not the only person to think this! Chat full of smart arses that can’t wait to display their superior intellect! Name suits you!
@Tony Gray yea it happens when ya swim is a sea of stupid and my dig was against CNN, not you, but guess I struck a nerve huh
Goh wow
oh yes
Well then who knew he was gonna drive along that road and pass that spot?
Like my grandma used to say “mess with uranium get one to the cranium”
@D Mills true
oh wow
oh yes
Why did he get out of his car in the middle of the road?
your listening to a news opinion show……..who knows what really happened
Because his time to live ended,,no matter where u hidden,,,,u gone 4 reason
Those people are not too smart
Goh wow
oh yes
Why would anyone targeted by gunfire, whatever the source, leave a bullet proof car?
Cars are not perfectly bulletproof or bombproof. And maybe his guards had orders to kill him rather than him being captured. If he thought he could stay alive he would run.
(Or maybe he wanted to draw the fire away from his wife. idk)
If his car was disabled, the security personals could be whizzing him out to another car.
Toh wow
oh yes
I heard a couple of bullets hit the front of the car. He thought he had car trouble and exited the vehicle to investigate.
Come on Iran, no shame in having a low tech assassination slip through your national security, it happens even to the best of us. Hell, back in the day you could slip through the US security and crash planes in their buildings.
“AI powered, facial recognition, satellite controlled, robot machine gun”
thanks 2020
@DocK36 rofl
Goh wow
oh yes
This wasn’t on my 2020 bingo card.Durn it
@Harry Steins Have you seen how many times he’s criticized people for their appearance??? Their wives, children, dead people, war heroes? Get real.
0:59 That’s a mouthfull. Mercy.
*”Involving an AI powered facial recognition satellite control robot machine gun.”*
How are you?
Yoh wow
oh yes
How are you?
They used some futuristic cyber facial recognition robot satellite controlled machine gun
Let that sink in
Then try repeating that 5 times in a row
They only had one guy with all the ” Knowledge” WT
A true friend of cnn has passed.
Hmmm I like how easy it is for cnn to go to iran, seems to me someones a bit more favorable to the iranian regime eh?
It’s surprising to me that people don’t know these “AI powered, facial recognition, satellite controlled, robot machine gun” exist? (Not a Joke)