A pro-Russian city in Kazakhstan is offering citizens $3500 to fight in Putin's war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
See what a city is offering people to fight in Putin’s war

A pro-Russian city in Kazakhstan is offering citizens $3500 to fight in Putin's war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
The fact that Russia thinks they can attack a country but can’t be attacked on their homeland is baffling
@Dire Prep different time. If one is comparing the current russian military to the current us military. Now if your comparing the current russian military to the us military of 40 years ago, why not compare it to ww2, the civil war, or the war of 1812? Whataboutism is not a valid debate tactic.
@Lasse madsen
CNN+ BREAKING NEWS: Recent studies show an alarming link between being a “conspiracy theorist” and not having myocarditis. Take another booster, cupcake. 

@Franklin The missiles Brandon is shooting the UFOs down with costs $438,000 each. I doubt Hailey has that much saved up in her onlyfans account.
@teretere vanakere As a typical “Super Power” over confident idiot does.
Insanity of Putin
Let us NEVER forget the role Belarus has played in this war..
@Norski Bull 2.0 Ruzzia has always been installing puppet regimes in Ukraine, Belarus, and done it with threats of war and murder. Ukraine voted for their own president and finally Putin invaded. That’s what Ruzzia does. Threatens, attacks, kills, rapes, pillages, tortures and commits atrocities. Ruzzia is sick nation of servile slaves led by billionaire psychopaths.
@Tom Story HI Moscow. It wasn’t a coup. Putin doesn’t want you to figure out that “Maidan” was millions of Ukrainians for weeks (the largest day was 800k), not a coup. And that they were protesting him. That p’sd Putin off so he had Yanukovych make the Bekrut, to silence Ukrainian “Russia-style”. After Maidan, Ukaine investigated the Bekrut and let all of them go. But guess what? Russian forces in Crimea rehired the Bekrut! There were only 3000 separatists in Ukraine in 2014. But there were 45 million Ukrainians who weren’t involved. They are the ones the separatists invaded, and stole houses and cars from, dissappearing ones who tried to defend themselves. Wagner was with the invading forces in 2014. They did the same things to the civilians in Donbas that they do to them now. Ukraine defended, and that is how everyone excepot the 3000 separatists felt about it.
@Tom Story And Ukraine’s parliament voted for early election legally, with unanimous votes. The reaosn Yanukovych left before they could elect a new President, was because he found out Ukraine was going to charge him with “treason”, so he fled to Russia to avoid treason charges and a long jail sentence. They held a formal election a week later, and had a new legally elected President. Zelenksy was the next President in 2019. Saying it’s a coup is how Putin undermines Ukraine’s right to be independent.
@Norski Bull 2.0 only Ruzzia installs regimes with force. That’s all done to achieve Russkiy Mir as laid out in 1997 The Foundation of Geopolitics by Aleksandr Dugin. Puppet regimes and annexation is all Ruzzia wants for the world, so we can all live under their tyranny and slavery. The world fights Ruzzia. Ukraine fights Ruzzia. I hope Ruzzia is defeated fully and quickly. By the way, most Russian people are good people and don’t deserve what Putin is doing to them. They are also victims of Ruzzian Kremlin fascism.
@cinnamon’s love What? So you’re suggesting most of the west should be ashamed for supporting US when they killed millions of civilians in Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, or do those lives not matter because they’re not white? Gotta love the double standards here. 10/10
The lady moderator could say Belarus and Russia are practically just the same for Americans easier learning. In fact they are just the same because Lukashenko is fully submitted under Putin, they suppressed their opposition and lukashenko can’t survive without Putin.
Exactly He us Putin’s Doormat
The best example of the suppression of the opposition in ukraine. All opposition parties and the media are banned there. By the way, a church is also banned . Democracy in all its beauty.
@Thomas the opposition parties whose leaders publicly voiced support for the invasion. This led to the breakup of the pro Russian parties, with one half of the party denouncing the other as traitors? Or the Russian Orthodox Church that openly supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which led to the Ukrainian Orthodox church to break ties with the Russian Orthodox Church?
@Thomas oh . Thomas….nice try…the van is on the pro russia cburch and party…ukraine is not ruzzia it’s Ukraine and needs a churcb and political parties that are pro Ukraine.
Certainly but also a hit to the economy and demography the future
They will show up, barely get any money wired to them, as you said interceptions say a lot. A lot of the intercepted calls state that they don’t even get the money they are promised. If your family finds out your dead, the local MOD official will say you’re missing in action and the families won’t get the money they are owed for a dead serviceman in their family because that money has already been stolen. It’s a kleptocracy.
@bubble jim Nato money ….usa takes just under 1 trillon a year from nato the usa puts in about 20-25% an rake back 70-75% for defence ,, seriously do u think the usa became no1 on the own since ww2 .with out allies the usa would just be a world power equal to russia an china would rule world trade$ simply cause they got the numbers
@The Aussie Okay, Okay … Uncle NATO instead of Uncle Sam.
@iNCoMpeTeNt plAyS that all that bothered you
@Aliyu Umar lol I just checked ur previous comments u have made on other channels and they are all like “Glory to Russia , go go the red army! Victory for Russia!” Just get out of here Russian Bot!
@iNCoMpeTeNt plAyS ‘badly’, lose the ‘and’ to simply say ‘messing.’

Might make sense if they were actually defending the homeland. The problem is they are attacking someone else’s homeland.
Ukraine is nobodies land. “Ukraine” translates to “borderland”……
@T P Luhansk is part of Ukraine not Russia. Check world maps for the last twenty years. Not one Ukrainian soldier set foot on Russian soil. NO ONE HAS ATTACKED RUSSIA.
Got that right, if putin stopped the russia would have no worries. Except now most of the world knows how putin is. In the 40s japan wanted all of asia under there control and Germany wanted all of Europe under there control.. now its putin doing it… Lot of Russians are brain dead they cant even see the truth..
@Blue Steel Only NATO has expanded clown…..
The mayor should enlist in the army.And Putin too!
@Rub. Nebur haha
I don’t think so because some politicians have had their children serve in the military despite it being voluntary. Some high ranking former military personnel have also had their children serve some even have lost their loved ones. But in Russia it seems military service is for the poor regions.
@Tom Odul During the Vietnam war 90% of the men who got drafted into it where from poor low income regions of our country. Wtf are you goin on about? There’s been plenty of American politicians who “ducked” or chickened out from serving in the army.
Yes yes I know I know the truth hurts, but this happens here too.
Lmao I bet if nothing else works to get the Russians out of Ukraine and Biden decides to mobilize men to send to the front line we will have a mass exodus of American men running away from their duty haha.
No one here in USA will line up to fight a war with Russia.
Tell that to Zele and Joe too

Haha good one
That is $3500 that will NEVER need to be paid!
dead slaves dont need money!
And all those poor illiterate farmers around the country keep signing mercenary contracts with the hope of a better future for them and their families without knowing what awaits them and in many cases russia doesnt even repatriate the bodies to avoid paying the family subsidy.
Yes your last point was actually confirmed by that Wagner mercenaries soldier who escaped to Norway recently. He stated that there is numerous mass graves in Luhansk containing Wagner mercenaries (soldiers). They are officially listed as MIA and that way the Russian government dont have to pay insurance to the families as there is no body to confirm death !
It’s a double edge sword either they take the offer or die by execution of the Russian army
@X Y another phone in the wrong hands
$3,500 is not a bad price, but in the U.S., citizens can lose their lives fighting for their rights without receiving any compensation.
They won’t live to spend it, and their family won’t see a dime.
That’s what CNN and the western news says about russian military,but did you know how ukraine lost around 130.000 soldiers on the battlefield for nothing and you think their familys gonna received a pay for thse men efforts!?
@Oliver 101 Much likely the ukranian soldiers on bakhmut now!
@Damian Dmitry Oboukhov The families of Ukraine soldiers killed in action have been receiving $400,000.
i hope the conscripts turn their guns on their tormentors, the wagners.
I’m sure they would pay that no problem, no way they’d lie to get you to serve then turn on you
Amusing!!! If my city acted so desperately….I would own my city in hours with about 10 friends
No, you wouldn’t. You can’t even get off your mommy’s couch.
@Gelatin Skeleton made it to your dad’s house just fine
I hope as a Brit we and our allies are not forced to defend freedom and democracy again,We are very powerful with Japan on our side thank god
When the first mobilization was announced by Putin I found it interesting how many Russian military age men decided to leave the country to avoid conscription. I believe the number was around 250,000 individuals. Now after a year of watching this war, I am still gobsmacked at how casually Russia sends its youth off to die with so little support or training. Much like being ordered to go “over the top” during WW1’s trench warfare where not only did the young men know they were going to die but knowing it would be a horrible death at the same time.
@Alma mater Yes Ivan, everybody saw the videos on youtube. Now back to your Master Vladof.

And all those poor illiterate farmers around the country keep signing mercenary contracts with the hope of a better future for them and their families without knowing what awaits them and in many cases russia doesnt even repatriate the bodies to avoid paying the family subsidy.
Yes your last point was actually confirmed by that Wagner mercenaries soldier who escaped to Norway recently. He stated that there is numerous mass graves in Luhansk containing Wagner mercenaries (soldiers). They are officially listed as MIA and that way the Russian government dont have to pay insurance to the families as there is no body to confirm death !
@Alma materseen so many young men called up
I support they should refuse to fight and that will end the war
@Alma mater tell that to Dagestany people where car was driving around announcing all men must go to enlisting office ….
“Those who can make you believe absurdities (Putin/Stalin) can make you commit atrocities.”
Voltaire I really like this information
Really appreciate you keeping Ukraine in the news.
We got your back in Ukraine your fighting for democracy
Don’t believe this nonsense. If u think Russia is losing, then you are crazy. Ukraine will fall before yesrs end and there is nothing that can be done about it.
Don’t believe this nonsense. If u think Russia is losing, then you are crazy. Ukraine will fall before yesrs end and there is nothing that can be done about it.
Western propaganda at its finest

Slava Ukraine!

Glory to Ukraine
Just means more sunflowers will grow across Ukraine
I really like this information

For all the Ukrainian soldier who still figuring for there freedom, God is always with you… All our prayers every day makes your country stand still, all of us is hoping for fast recovery of your economy much more your lives… Holy Ukraine….
Святой Украине? Святой только ВСЕВЫШНИЙ. Вы от ущербности.

I remember when Erin Burnett was covering financial news. She’s come a long way since then. Good for her