See video of dislodged ship floating on Suez Canal

The ship blocking the Suez Canal has been fully dislodged, a Suez Canal Authority spokesperson told CNN. The Ever Given, a 224,000-ton vessel almost as long as the Empire State Building is tall, ran aground in the Egyptian canal on March 23. Crews from Egypt and around the world have been working nonstop to try to refloat the ship, with the operation involving 10 tug boats, sand dredges and salvage companies.

#CNN #News


    1. @Pixxie Snitt Maybe dont let your triggered, polarised fantasies rise all day.
      The only freight that ship could trarnsport is.. (..) for ´´dark legions´´ and the democratic system and so on? 😄
      Did the propagised enemy picture got changed finally, from Antifa to all democrats?`
      Hint: there are way more countries than glory Usa – this video is an example. greeting from Europe 👹

  1. This ship will be forever famous, every time it’s seen in any port people will remember this crisis.

    1. @It’s All Good QT wrong, her father was Robert Maxwell, who is now dead. He fell off his boat named the Lady Ghislane after plundering the pension funds of the newspaper he owned, the Daily Mirror in the UK. He’s been dead for many many years now.

    2. Why aren’t we covering the border crisis and the riots in Portland or the two black ten agents who burned a Uber driver to death

    3. @Judy Ann Giese Since you are being so particular about the differences between the two mishaps, it was the third mate who was piloting the Valdez, not the drunk captain, and it was a local professional pilot who was piloting the Ever Given at a high rate of speed (13 knots) and overcorrected against powerful wind gusts. Just to be clear, the Ever Given did not nose in the East bank because high winds drove it there. High winds blew it toward the West Bank, and the pilot overcorrected–probably from panic.

    1. ALP GUARD and Carlo Magno are not little tugs….
      They are among the strongest tugs in the world.

  2. I’m surprised at how high the shipping containers are stacked. It’s like a fifteen story buildig balanced on the top of that ship

    1. @Andrew Velonis wut. it’s not an analogy. water is heavy, and fluid, that’s why stuff floats on it.

    2. They do lose containers once in a while in heavy seas…. they just fall off. And become collision hazards while they float for quite a while….

    1. There was a show with tugger boats that was like Thomas the Tank engine… Can’t remember what it was called tho

    1. Lol uh yeah I seem to be a walking talking unpaid advert,…and , and im still missing my check from all of them over the yrs,…I’m not sure ? If this actually affects me for the worse ,…(I really shouldn’t have to remind people attention without $ is not good) but yeah what a relief right?

    2. The grand prognosticators of supply chain information claim that it will be months before things normalize. Come on, that is such crap. So what if stuff got stalled for a few days. Within a couple of weeks, all those ships waiting will be unloaded and stuff will be on to the customer. No big deal.

  3. Imagine the Ships that’s sailing to around africa. imagine how they are feeling now that the canal is open..

    1. Perhaps they’re thinking that the tailback isn’t going to clear overnight, and they might as well carry on?

    2. @Darrell it’s business, every now and then you will find this kind of decisions in business, where you have to pick a decision to overcome a problem.
      Whatever you pick, you can’t regret it, because you can’t last long in any business if you keep regretting these kind of decisions. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.

    3. @Ozz Lee True, I feel for them and I really don’t think that they are stupid. I hope that they recover soon.

    1. engine and rudder failure… no one changes direction in shipping lanes, let alone a canal…. besides, no commerical ship captian is allowed to pilot any commercial vessel through any canal or port…. only local harbor pilots

  4. What an effort by everyone.
    Thank you for pulling and pushing together.

    Cheers to the little engine that could.

  5. I’d say from now on the Evergreen has to take the long way around “You are banned from the canal”

    1. It wasn’t their fault at all. They had sudden 70 mph winds and it has happened with many ships as long as the canal has been there. Wind can steer any ship, more so one which appears to be an 80-100′ or higher sheer wall. It was a narrow single-lane area which gave it no room to maneuver. Bad luck, even a smaller vessel could have blocked the way but would have been easier to dislodge. The captain would be highly experienced to have such a command and would be on the bridge for such tight navigation. I’m sure he did everything possible to control the ship

    2. @Nicholas Eden No, if shipping companies use smaller ships to transport same amount of goods multiple times across ocean, people will blame them waste of fuels and pollutions etc. Harbors and canals need to adapt to change.

    3. @PN Houle Ah, yes, the Costa Concordia. I’ve heard of that one. That was disgraceful on so many levels.

  6. Captains that made the decision yesterday to go around Africa instead of waiting are punching the air rn

  7. One should read the bestseller “Holland’s Glory” by Jan de Hartog to understand the world of tug boats and their importance for world wide smooth navigation.

    1. Ja ik ken diverse boeken can jan den Hartog…. Inderdaad de zeesleepvaart is een centraal element.
      Een yt lezer schreef… <>
      Mijn antwoord: waarom superman? De Hollanders zijn er toch?
      Iemand antwoorde: I see no difference

    2. My father was a tug boat captain and harbor pilot… the world of commercial maritime logistics, military vessels, cruise ships, etc. and harbor navigation is completely different than the pleasure craft piloting, which can be pretty complex by itself. 100 ton and over licensing and certification is more grueling than the bar exam.

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