See Trump Lawyer Fact-Checked For Defending Collusion At Trump’s Senate Trial | MSNBC

MNSBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber fact checks President Trump's legal defense team arguing welcoming foreign help for an election is legal. Melber shows how this claim is legally false. As you will see in this video, when Trump insisted he still welcomed foreign help before the Ukraine scandal broke, he was condemned by leaders in law, national security and his most loyal republican allies in the Senate.Aired on 1/30/2020.
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See Trump Lawyer Fact-Checked For Defending Collusion At Trump's Senate Trial | MSNBC

See Trump Lawyer Fact-Checked For Defending Collusion At Trump's Senate Trial | MSNBC


    1. Why didn’t he show what the president said?
      Conspiracy t.v. msnbc, lol.
      1LIE AT A TIME!!!

    1. @OceanFragments I like the way you laid things out. Don’t expect him to read anything you posted. He just spouted out things he’s heard without doing the research. That’s what they do best.

    2. @DDKaraokeOutlaw I don’t expect so either… that’s why I added the insult at the end. But thanks, I’m glad there’s still reasoning people out there.

    3. It’s really really funny that in 99 Schumer and Biden and the Democrats didn’t want any witnesses in Clinton’s senate trial….But now it’s not a fair trial without them……talk about a bunch of hypocrites WOW.

    4. @Thomas Magnum Stuff it. No one is suggesting that ANYONE should be convicted on assumptions. THAT’S why calling Bolton, and Mulvaney, and Pompeo, and even trump is not only necessary, it is ESSENTIAL. THAT’S why getting EVERY DOCUMENT associated with this case and EVERY recording of EVERY phone call is ESSENTIAL. ALL of those sources are FIRST HAND sources and they have the power to either convict OR EXONERATE. Without those sources, this is not a trial, it’s a FARCE.

    1. Really so why is Flynn not getting any jail time and will be freed from all charges.Mueller created something that didn’t exist everyone involved in this scandal knows each other.
      A sitting president allowing spying on their political rivals is impeachable, Obama did exactly that with trump.
      This impeachment will backfire on the democrats

  1. Fascism is marching towards us in real time. If this bunch is re-elected we can forget our constitution and the rule of law.

    1. If the DNC wins, you can also 4get about the Constitution. They’re already trying to get a Constitutional convention approved so they can change it to their liking. I hope people don’t fall for their ploys.
      Remember Obama saying that the Constitution should be a living document. To be changed depending on who’s in charge❓ NO THANKS❕

    2. @Gee Nahh No politician wants to allow real democracy ~ they use that word as a tool to keep people under the democracy illusion…

      A DEMOCRACY is government ruled by the people ~ Do you have that❓ NO because they’ve stolen it…

    1. @mylifeastedturner Lol, you didn’t actually read what I said, did you? I was actually agreeing.
      You’re a special kinda stupid, ain’t ya?

    1. @Viking Strongman Nope. The combined police and military will land like a ton of bricks on anyone rebelling. Controlled by whoever’s strong enough to grab power. That’s if we’re not invaded and destroyed anyway by foreign forces.

    2. @Viking Strongman You poor dumb sissy poser. Don`t you know that your silly predictions of civil war means the US army, navy, airforce and police VS a bunch of unorganised southern hick MAGA gun-nuts. You losers wont last a day and you know it. Get real!

    3. @JJ Teacher Sure! The police always show up to fill out the paperwork. America will fall from within not by being invaded by Russia or China you DIMWIT!

    1. Welcome to the Royal Kingdom of America everyone.
      How many lives have been lost in the preservation of the Republic – They died for nothing!!!
      Unless – BERNIE2020

    2. Ya know what’s really really funny…… your tax dollars are flying the president all over the country to rallies that will probably get him re-elected.

    3. He wants to be a medieval King? Then I vote he be *Louis XVI* of France (21 January 1793). #DemocraticGulliotine

  2. A vote to acquit, however, will force every senator to own Trump’s emboldened rhetoric of being exonerated.
    Which means they’ll have to defend Trump when:
    > the next embarrassing audio recording hits the airwaves, or
    > when another witness surfaces to speak, or
    > when John Bolton’s book comes out, or
    > when internal memos about the “drug deal” come out via the Freedom of Information Act.
    Republican senators will become full-time exonerators.
    –Rahm Emanuel, WaPo Jan 29, 2020

    Bad ‘political alchemy’ has turned the impeached president* into an albatross around the necks of all republican candidates today, on November 3, 2020 and into the dustbin of history.

    1. If you haven’t done so yet and have the opportunity, watch Active Measures. The Republicans are now afraid of Putin or they’ve taken Russian money. The documentary is pretty scary

  3. 😶 he’s literally on tape asking foreign powers to meddle in our elections Republicans literally want us to ignore reality

    1. Their wordy lawyer is just that, wordy. He has no connect to Trump’s criminal behaviors at all, nor does he care. He is just in his head NOT even addressing the real case here at all. He is there to dodge the truth and make his case.

  4. Seem’s it’s perfectly fine for Trump to break the law as long as Republicans control the Senate. Fortunately this is the last time the Republicans will control the Senate for a long time.

    1. Unless we elect someone so far to the left that the right organizes against them.

      What scares me is that if Trump isn’t held accountable for the worldwide damage he and his family have caused America . . . that when the bumbling “house of cards” he’s made of our economy collapses, we really will end up with fascism.

  5. “Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools *whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty* .”
    ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism 1951
    Did this guy even have a pre-law intern to proof his screed? LMFAO, the Trumpian incompetence is thick enough to walk on.

    1. I love how Adam schiff is not intimidated by the Republican lawyers or Senators at all. Mighty Schiff, thank you, you are awesome!! God, I am so thankful to all these Democrats who are working so hard for us fighting for America’s justice and more.

  6. Blue wave 2020!!!! Americans must remove Trump and GOP in November. I will be at the polling station at 8 AM on the day that early voting starts.

    1. With the way things are going, there may not be any more elections in the US, or if there are, they could be Russian style elections, then even if it looks like “normal” US elections in 2020, Trump could just end up rejecting the outcome should he lose. In short, at this point, don’t expect anything to be “normal” anymore, as what you’re seeing now could be the new normal.

  7. Why does the GOP persist when their actions lost them the House at mid term, and they’re going to lose the Senate in 2020 ?

    1. @theodore chondros Then, why are you here? You do know that you add to there viewership every time you click on a video.

  8. Miss Lindsay said that it’s bad if a foreign government “comes to you” with dirt on your opponent, so apparently he thinks it’s okay if “you go to them”…🤔

    1. I love how Adam schiff is not intimidated by the Republican lawyers or Senators at all. Mighty Schiff, thank you, you are awesome!! God, I am so thankful to all these Democrats who are working so hard for us fighting for America’s justice and more.

    2. @birdlynn hubbard
      Adams doing a good job. It’s those Republican fools that are making him look like a genius! 😂😉👍

  9. Trump: ” I don’t think in my whole life I’ve ever called the FBI.” 😂
    Well no 💩!!! Criminals don’t normally call the Federal Bureau of Investigations. 😄

    1. *Trump* Hello, FBI, I have a few questions on how to hide my tax returns….eeeer I mean launder money, no that’s not it!! What was I saying again??

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