See the moment NASA’s DART spacecraft collides with asteroid

A NASA spacecraft has successfully slammed into an asteroid called Dimorphos. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission, also known as DART, spacecraft has been traveling to reach its asteroid target since launching in November 2021. On Monday, it hit its target, going about 13,421 miles per hour. CNN Space and Defense correspondent Kristin Fisher and Col. Cedric Leighton (Ret.) join CNN’s Erin Burnett to discuss. #CNN #News


  1. Very impressive. Can’t imagine the sheer amount of calculations and problem solving they had to over come to hit a moving object in space. Wow! Congratulations to everyone involved in that project!

    1. @El Hajj Malik El You’re a moron. Asteroids have hit the Earth before, hurricanes have hit states before, and millions of people have lost their lives before. The craziest part about it? All of it happened BEFORE movies.

      You act like natural disasters are only happening to us NOW. They’ve BEEN happening, they will KEEP happening, and try as we may, we can’t stop all of them. However, we can try and atop the asteroids, with technology, to AVOID this “Armageddon” you’re so afraid of.

      Fucking dunce.

  2. LOVE IT!! IF mankind came together to try and achieve resolutions to the problems that plague our planet,..Imagine what we could do

    1. The only thing this proves is that NASA has really good CGI which I hope so with a budget of 54 million dollars a day

    2. @Sealof TheLiving it changed its path would have to be really powefrul to break it apart like a nuke would struggle doing that

    3. @Sean Scott
      I am genuinely curious.
      Anyone having followed NASA for any length of time knows their story and data is consistent across decades: NASA is one of the rare cases where it would be harder faking than making it.
      That leaves irrational fear.

      Why does people smarter than you scare you so much?

      Or is it because your god-of-the-gabs are going to be squashed if you don’t try to deny science??

    4. @Sean Scott really good cgi? You could make that animation in your backyard with a phone.
      But they launched a rocket and hit an asteroid.
      You should save the bridge, your dad bought it for you, polished it himself

  3. This is awesome! Anytime you can hit a relatively small target with a mechanical object that far away you’re doing something right! Bravo!!

  4. What’s amazing is that I was 8 years old when we first landed on the moon and in my lifetime they can target asteroids that could end mankind and redirect them away from earth.

  5. 3:07 same with the most recent mass extinction event that we had 12900 years ago, it also was from some sort of meteors or comets

  6. I’d love to see if there’s one more satellite with camera somewhere in the distance just to see the actual impact.

  7. Very awesome! This and the JWST are great examples of why government space programs are necessary. Private space companies like SpaceX have zero incentive to spend millions of dollars on an important project like this.

    1. @Ashley Davis
      This makes missions like this – if needed – faster to deploy, and for multiple quick re-launches. That’s the “…yes,and?”
      It matters in a life and death situation. Nothing about space travel or rocket development is disconnected from anything else – not really.
      Compare it to an ambulance that has to be built from scratch every trip (NASA’s way) and multiple ambulances always ready to get where you are quickly (SpaceX’s way). Which would you rather have?

    2. @berretta9mm1 No, spacex is doing very important work. The way ‘Lazareth of Nazareth’ said it, it sounded like it somehow disproves the original statement. They are important for different reasons, just like the public and private sector in any other industry.

  8. Congratulations NASA and all involved in this important test! 😊👍✨
    Let’s hope the path tracking data prove the DART achieved its goals.
    M 🦘🏏😎

  9. Big deal… my mother in law could easily hit that asteroid with her Prius. Yes, I’m aware the asteroid is in space… yes, I’m aware there are no roads in space. Look, I’m telling you, doesn’t matter how far away that asteroid is parked, she’ll hit it— She’s never missed, completely undefeated.

  10. Well done guys, this brings hope ,knowing that there is something we can do to stop ,the event for example that wiped dinosaurs off the plant.

  11. What stuns me is the precision of the object they slam into the asteroid, it is hard to get this type of precision in the orbit,great job guys.

  12. First I thought ” meh, what ever, dude…” but as the Asteroid came closer my heart started to race…. when it impacted I was in tears.
    I wonder what humanity could achieve if we would really work together … NASA was, is and will be forever HOPE …

  13. Very impressive. Can’t imagine the sheer amount of calculations and problem solving they had to over come to hit a moving object in space. Wow! Congratulations to everyone involved in that project!

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