A Russian warship "aggressively approached" a US Navy destroyer while it was operating in the North Arabian Sea, ignoring warnings from the US vessel and increasing the risk of a collision, the US Navy said. CNN's Ryan Browne reports. #CNN #News
See Russian warship’s ‘aggressive’ move near US ship

They are mad that their pos aircraft carrier “caught on fire”
@Русское море says the drunk country.. Go fix your top notch lada you dork
@Jeff Gara The USA is a country of fat addicts.
@Ev Cruel there’s nothing funny about it. The US can only bomb weak peaceful countries and kill civilians.
@Alexander C Yes, the US is the biggest loser.
Who cares? All they are doing is making a propaganda reel for their citizens.
” Look at how we are not scared of the capitalist Americanski comrade “
Forever Remain Nameless Amen!!!
Randy Smith And Fox News is a paragon of truth and virtue. YOU fucking idiot.
@Joshua Chamberlain we’ll when it leads to neo-McCarthyism its not!
@Nicholas Stephens Russia has a capitalist economy.
The marching trench coat ushanka Bolshevik is replaced with the drunken hard bass music Adidas tracksuit Gopnik
Bad russian driver extends to the ocean too.
100% had a dash cam on the ship
We need to wait to see his dashcam to see if the Ruski ran the light or not.
I know, now we will all start watching Russian shipcam videos of crazy piloting and near misses. I wonder if they get a ration of vodka beer or rum in the Russian Navy? I know that the commonwealth Navies have a daily Ration of rum and beer from being invited onboard a New Zealand navy ship when I was stationed on a frigate in Pearl Harbor. The U.S.N. has no such ration except one time after we had been at sea over 90 days they gave every man 2 budweisers, good times, I don’t think that was Navy policy I think it was the captains to raise morale ever so slightly. Just about every drinker on the ship would stash some booze onboard before we headed out on a cruise, i’m sure that’s pretty common in most navies. of course I was in in the 80’s when it was a whole different navy than it is today.
Hahaha so true Russians are worse drivers than Chinese.
They were just racing to see who’s ship is faster
@Enagy Atesik STFU….WE GOT NITRO…
@looes74 looes74 Turn AROUND would be nice for a change
Are you stuiped?
@makario gazparini Its OK! Bernie Sanders will have tax payers to fund methadone and suboxone clinics for jobless addicts.Its a disease,not a choice.
*”Do you have any Grey Poupon?”*
Wax meoff 420…Too funny!
Perfect for liars…shitting on someone isn’t the best character to have. A path some chose not to go on.
Wax MeOff420

Hahaha u know most young people wont get that joke.. U have to b in youre 40’s
Russians: “Who ordered some vodka”
@Ciara ooh fool
Satan 2

@Dannyjoe81 1996mustanggt Satan 2

@Dannyjoe81 1996mustanggt

Thank you CNN for settling out of court in the Nicholas Sandman Case, for millions of dollars in the fake news he suffered from you.We hope you learn from future fake news posts,that this is not the route to go.We sincerely hope CNN learns to post real news.Thank you on behalf of American citizens.
Russians think they are old school pirates.
dont dey
Leaked footage of Russian captain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7ALdl0gkaY&t=
I can just make out a dude with an eye patch … you called it.
rumbaut17 butt pirates
@Guy Incognito They were looking for their new butt buddy, the democratic canidate Budd-a-butt, whatever his name is. I know he has declared as both a democrat and a bummer.
Surveilance ship approach a Destroyer, literally the balls of steel lol
@Darius Kang *calls someone snowflake, gets offended with ok boomer*
@Never Again stop boomer cum
@Never Again *Says ok boomer, cries when called a snowflake*
@Darius Kang dude that Russian ship doesn’t have guns yet that u.s battle ship has alot of machine guns and weapons and Bombs that can one shot another battle ship ever seen the main weapons of a battle ship dude no it’s balls of steal the captain of the Russian scout boat has.
@Darius Kang dude a battle ship isn’t gonna be scared of a scout boat that’s an American destroyer and your saying the Russian scout boat would have would have destroyed a battle ship very funny any battle ship even if it’s Korea’s or China’s battle ships would have destroyed that scout boat in a heart beat.
The republican cult leader would say”That never happened”!

TRUMP 2020

@AllanCruz0311 Bernie 2020 & 2024.
But Putin was “very strong” in denying this ever happened.
Vodka on the bridge
Trump: it wasn’t a Russian ship, it was from Ukraine……
Naaaaa ,more like what you talking about ,I didn’t see anything,it didn’t happen Lol
You’re simply a leftist with nothing constructive to say.
When I heard that Tump was taking it up the stern from Putin, I thought it was metaphorically.
America: has vodka
Russia: *heavy breathing intensifies*
Russians mistook the US ship for their Vodka order from Amazon.
Nice, copying others comments…
“Look Igor I’m playing battleship with the americanz”
Oh no……. Russians investigated themselves and found no wrong doing.
@Terry Parenteau no but it’s all the bullshits about the “IMMINENTE ” threat and all the lies come out from Pompeo junk mouth while in the Oval Office Lavrof is seriously showing trump who is the male!LOL
@Baxter PowelWe Know Iran behind Russia they !!
@Chidanand fighter they are like China!
@Baxter Powel Yes !!
@Jack Stannard The US is destabilizing the middle East. The US has destroyed dozens of countries.
Iran: We are standing down
WW3: Am I a joke to you?
“Well someone’s gotta start World War Three!”
@yyc for life u know everyone hates trump, many of us protest in front of his building
@yyc for life which state do you live man? Are u from texas?
@Kreuzell Tech do you have anything to say about Texas?
Kreuzell Tech Don’t mess with Texas!
Oh no! “This hasn’t happened since June.” Oh…
“Well someone’s gotta start World War Three!”
When everyone has a problem with you, the problem just might be everyone. Right?
They should’ve started throwing eggs at the Russians if they were that close