1. The russians should be asking themselves why such a big number of countries in europe with different languages, cultures and a very bloody history are united against them. To me it looks like they are the guy who is driving in the wrong direction on the highway and is asking himself why everybody else is on the wrong lane.

    1. if 1 person protests about 10 times that think the same but don’t have time to protest. Tens of thousands have protest in European countries against Putin and the war. Do the math

    2. @Enigma luck wont help in a nuclear war,ukraine have 350k modern army with equipment from nato and they have special forces in from us,uk and others thats not a small military army thats huge.

  2. Moskva is a special design battleship that can transform into a submarine when it needed to dive to avoid humiliation.

    1. The F-35 is a high velocity jet that can operate in multiple locations including underwater in the South China Sea

    2. @Matjov What about a fighter/bomber. Modern jet fighters can carry as much ordinance as a WWII bomber.

    1. @MrCount Choculitis blacked out studio apartment, cheeto and lays bags everywhere, cats but no vacuum cleaner, empty fridge, and a triple chin that makes even the most forgiving of would-be-dates pause.

  3. If the ship sank as a result of “a fire of unknown origin” why would they need to “retaliate” against Ukraine?

  4. Russian commentator’s reaction is like a bully that tries to pick on someone smaller than him that has self-defense training, then says it’s unfair when they fight back.

  5. The anger & consternation on that guy’s face on state T.V. saying they should bomb Kiev in revenge for sinking of their flagship by Ukraine but then thought the gov’t line is that it was just ‘an accident’. However listening to the rants of this guy, anyone would think it is someone else other than Russia who has started this war against Ukraine & been bombing them these past 7 weeks in trying to destroy everything from residential buildings to their infrastructure!

    1. Don”t be happy about death and destruction, be it Russian or Ukrainian. Be one person who makes a stand for your convictions. Others will follow.

    2. The ideal path forward is for Russia, as well as all nations, to bring their best qualities to the world and lose their worst.

  6. I feel like I’m living in an episode of the twilight zone where Russian reality conflicts with ours in a trippy way

  7. Russia has historically overestimated its own naval power despite embarrassing defeats in almost every conflict they were involved in

    1. @RW4X4X3006 Well, a destroyer doesn’t really need them. Chances are any torpedo hit will split it in half.

  8. This is the longest and most costly “Special Operation” I have ever seen. Imagine what an actual war would look like.

  9. It’s amazing to me the brazenness of being outraged that the country you attacked actually can fight back.

    1. @Harry RicochetYes, Abd Al-Ghani, an Arab historian agree. He say:
      _“Since Palestine’s (mandate) lines of administrative division stretched from east to west and included Jordan and southern Lebanon, and like all peoples of the region [the Palestinians] were liberated from the Turkish rule and immediately moved to colonial rule, without forming a Palestinian people’s political identity.”_

    2. Voltaire described this situation in his “Philosophical Dictionary.” Under “Tiger,” he said, “This animal is wicked. When you attack it, it defends itself.”

    3. If say Iraq or Iran somehow managed to sink an American carrier you can bet we would see the same outrage on our networks. Hypocrisy is always lost on people during a war, remember how cranky we got when Iran launched some missiles at a random base after we killed a general?

  10. Russia: it sank because of an accident.

    Also Russia: we’re really butthurt that they sank our boat! 😭😭😭

  11. It’s almost comical how the Russian reporter guy says “we should go to war with them for this” like they really do live under a rock there 🤦‍♂️

  12. “Normally a ship like this would operate in a (defensive) formation.” Seems the Russian navy wasn’t operating normally.

    1. Russian sailors are woefully under-trained. Pretty good ship, the Moskva, but if its crew doesn’t know how to fight it, it’s worthless.

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