Former President Barack Obama speaks during Rep. Elijah Cummings' funeral service at New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore.
#CNN #News
Former President Barack Obama speaks during Rep. Elijah Cummings' funeral service at New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore.
#CNN #News
Now that is how a true President speaks.
Can I get an Amen up in here?
Makes me wistful for a time when listening to the President speak was listening to wisdom….
Yes Lord
But isn’t Obama gay?
@zevyzev ness hell no he too handsome good looking
Such a deserving recipient of the nobel peace prize..oh wait he drone bombed children
That is what a president look like!!!
God he makes me proud to br an American again.
Yes indeed!
@Truth Triggers narcissist how?Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder
Grandiose sense of self-importance. …
Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur. …
Needs constant praise and admiration. …
Sense of entitlement. …
Exploits others without guilt or shame. …
Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others.
All of these things are things trump do…
The world is laughing at Trump and his administration, it’s laughing at the America he wants it to be for his own personal gain. But we’re cheering the real America on and waiting for those who wish to live its actual values return to the helm. We see those real Americans fighting to preserve your democracy, and those people have no reason to not be proud. And I’m not taking a partisan view here, any Republican who stands up and fights Trump’s corruption has my respect as much as any Democrat.
Truth Triggers you are an idiot!!!
Truth Triggers u mad I remember a white man said there will never be a black president but barak pulled it off and n u racist haters
The last president who can speak proper English.
@P A were not sweating you guys are just snow flaking

@john teague kindness is not from your vocabulary I guess … You are more like a monster
@P A yeap kindness in my president, furious batteling you snowflake clowns. I have no mercy for idiots like you’ll who tris to destroy our nation.
john teague if you support #45 because he epitomizes your belief system, then I’m afraid for you, this country and for its future! May the true love and justice of Jesus Christ (not the Jesus Christ of the Religious Right and Christian Evangelicals) enter into your heart and CHANGE YOU!!!
Just because he can throw a sentence together doesn’t make him a good president
I miss having a President. RIP America
Terms are 4 years long. You are giving up on America because your candidate lost?
Low iq ignorant response haha
The Merge me too. I miss having a president who put love out into the world. As a world leader it is very important. Words matter.
Well I guess you’d go pack your s*** up and get on out then
So refreshing to hear President Obama speak.
@Charles Styron
Pacino Heat at least Obama don’t cyber bully people on twitter all day like your racist hero trump does. Tell me why all you trump supporters always mad ?? You won last election so why you still mad ??? Your racist asses never happy you racist idiots always been miserable
I know what Trump and Putin have in mind, and if you had an open mind i would tell you, but should you consider listening let me know
@Charles Styron so you proudly support racist scumbags like Elijah and Obama?
It’s so refreshing to hear a person who can actually string a coherent sentence together.
Greg B let me ask you this, who had control of FBI, CIA, and attorney General??

Just because you can string a sentence together doesn’t make you a good president
So a racist scumbag is okay as long as they speak well?
Obama is like a father that provides stability, hope and comfort. Love him for that.
Reporting trolls is so easy
@Take the red pill Wilson Oblunder and his Jesuit intel spys are going down
@jude jackson POOPY
Can I get an Amen up in here?
Only a deceived person would support Obama he is one of Satan’s all-time great minsters of death. What you thought the antichrist was showing up as Hilter? Hilter killed the body, Obama killed the soul with Gay homosexual marriage. Obama campaign slogan was “Thank you Satan” backwards. Even in 2008 when antichrist Obama accepted the DNC domination he built a replica of the Seat of Satan to accept that nomination in Denver.
You don“t miss your water until your well runs dry……
But how’s it pertain to Elijah? He was was a sociopathic ignorant…..
@zevyzev ness OK 1st of all why would you guys watch this video in the 1st place if you don’t like it why why you still commenting.
taylor Merriweather it’s entertaining to watch people lie , plus it’s entertaining to see people react to what I said…
@zevyzev ness it’s also entertaining to witness how pathetic some people’s lives must be to complain about a person that’s past away. Is this how you get your attention? Lmao Obviously Cummings was a respected man amongst many. Not politics related.
@zevyzev ness What a sad loser you are.
God damn do I miss his voice
Not who I’m crying about but I have tears watching this
@Mind Freshener How very adult of you. I bet you’re really proud of yourself.
Pro tip: Grow up. Get a life.
@Erastus Njoki

We have a great loss in ELija CUmmings passing. May his legacy live on deeply
How I miss the time when we had a president like this man- President Obama! It seems like a dream that turned into a nightmare. God help us.
Now … that’s a man with all the best words. I miss him and Michelle so much.
He wasn’t a man
@ghosttrain2066 Nice try, troll. Now be a good boy and go try again to finish fourth grade.
Nice to see a real man who respect all people with dignity and words of wisdom!

much respect sir Barack Obama! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!
It’s great to hear such eloquence once again, bigly.

Totally miss this president. Such a decent human being.
@jesusfarias5590 Are you some sort of communist?
EAGLE SHIELD back door barry!!!!
All the children he drone bombed would like to speak
@Bruce Alan …time to grow up and come back to reality.
Old Lady we all know he a pedophile that what most whites like him are
Damn, Obama knows how to use the power of the pause.
God, how I miss intelligent, coherent speeches.
Jerry VanNuys now that’s what one would call a STABLE GENIUS if he was a bragger.
“Being a strong man is also about being kind” and “You are not a sucker to have integrity” ….. Back in our not so long ago, we had a President that was eloquent, elegant and intelligent. It’s by no accident that the world over still reminisces about when this man was President.