1. @Wayne Brown Projection. We are not in a recession. I know you hate America but stick to the facts Wayne.

    2. @Auntie Pha I hate America??? That’d be laughable, if it were not so factually incorrect. Let us say, for the sake of argument, that we are not in a recession. Still, can you not admit that we are going in the wrong direction?

    3. @Wayne Brown Admit we are going in the wrong direction? How so? We are in much better shape than we were in 2020. Democrats with zero help from the Republicans just passed the inflation reduction act. Last month’s job report was over 500,000. What exactly is so wrong with the direction we are going?

    1. Put on a cafeteria pageant too, inmates be beating their metal trays on the tables while he sands on one singing
      ifra-structure WEEK

    2. Barack called Brandon to congratulate him on the biggest watergate breakin since Nixon. When Barack called Brandon thought it was cornpop, and told him to send the kids on over to play with his leg hair.

  1. Obama in 2020-“Trump wants to take full credit for the economy he inherited and zero blame for the pandemic he ignored.”


  3. The president alone cannot do certain things. We need to elect both Senators and House Rep in big margin to be able to pass appropriate legislation.

  4. Sure, he’s old. He has also helped to right the ship and gotten at least part of the government up and running again. It’s up to us to figure out how to move forward. D or R, the next president needs to be an actual “stable genius”.

  5. Well done Joe!👏👏👏👏👏 All the former guy did was play golf, watch TV, hold rallies, post incoherent tweets, give the top 1% tax cuts and lie, lie, lie, lie, lie…………😅✌

  6. Good job Chris Wallace for mentioning a few limitations of this bill, which the hosts *never* seem to do – one would almost think they’re trying to manipulate the viewer…I’m referring to the fact that they will be able to negotiate *TEN* drugs, and not until 2026!!

  7. It’s does my heart good to see Chris on CNN. His soul was rotting on the F. He’s an actual journalist and deserves to be seen for that rather than have a network’s rhetoric hanging over his head

    1. @Jeffrey Sodusta 👈. Seriously? No one was arrested convicted just implicated. That’s the same as an opinion. So what were they guilty of Jeffy?

  8. That’s my President doing the will of the people, He is working hard for Americans! If a voter approaches me & says he is a Republican, I just walk away, majority of America- Democrats & Independents will save our Democracy & our Country!❤️🇺🇸

  9. *This is what actually happened. This video is not for kids, it’s shocking* ALLTIME.ML
    Mr. Dunn – respect to you.

    1. Kids think it’s funny
      Adults mostly don’t have a clue.
      Life passes by.
      A few learn.
      I’ll not know how it ends.
      I’ll only know how it felt.

  10. Good on Chris Wallace! We also need to keep pushing for better legislation that benefits real Americans.

  11. I love the fact that the President gave that pen to that man…Thats a great message to him and to the public…..was that not the Joe Manchin??

  12. I absolutely love this bill! I think that the more the government spends, the better off the people will be! I cannot wait for inflation to be reduced but I also want to #FightForUkraine. I do not mind the high prices of everything as long as it is going toward fighting PUTIN!

  13. Biden needs to do something about Student Debt and Democrats might be able to beat the fascistf since voters won’t be saddled with a sense of despair.

  14. I watched interview with Manchin.
    He gave big kudo’s the Joe Biden.
    Bidens experience with getting legislation passed was key.

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