The House of Representatives formally presented two articles of impeachment to the Senate after voting to approve the seven managers to prosecute the case against President Donald Trump, a long-awaited move that marks the beginning of the third Senate impeachment trial of a US President in history.
#CNN #News
See McConnell’s response to arrival of impeachment articles

I need to believe there consequences for being shady
@susan hickingbottom
Adam L. Don’t answer to obvious bots
@susan hickingbottom maybe you should show your evidence, instead of being a drone.
@susan hickingbottom okay Boomer…
Hey Mitch, I have a question that I know only you can answer. if a Turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
@MidScream1 And who says racism isnt alive and well. Oh well…just more of them for Jesus to condemn.
@The Remixstress you are very easy prey
@360gunner underrated comment
@Frank Bellomo the Blue States pay their fair share in taxes. It seems to be the rural areas who keep finding themselves more and more out of work trusting the rich ceos of the manufacturing companies. How’s that working out? How about we start making the rich companies, who contribute far less than our military service members have, start paying their fair share and raise their taxes considerably?
I watch too many of those wedding videos so i was waiting for the doors to swing open and see a conga line
See Jim Carrey come out in a salsa conga line
@Ausblack rose between his teeth
Ceremony _is_ important, don’t you know?!
Almost everything has become so lax. Our speech is lazy; people don’t want to put the extra effort into speaking properly and knowingly contract and mumble their words…. [sigh].
So having this formality still firmly in place, however somber and morose in appearance, is a reassuring change from what is now “the norm”.
@Ann Tyler You are absolutely right and it started with George W Bush. Died down for about 8 fantastic years and then came roaring back full steam with the current head moron in charge. “Make America Hate Again” is his moto.
@paul moss Embarrassed DEMS? ENJOY the GOP tRumps IMPEACHMENT…you OBVIOUSLY delusional tRumper.
LOCK TRUMP UP👋👋👋👋👋👋😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@Steve -O YEP…..poor tRumpers…
There is a time and a place for the “Pen show” this definitely was not the time or place….
I would like Moscow Mitch to get rid of that stripped jacket and give it to Jacketless Jim Jordan.
The word you’re trying for isn’t stripped but striped.
LOL Well done
wait…. do you mean to tell me that Mitch is a Russian agent? My God man…. Where did you get this information? You should tell the authorities….
Cladrastis You have TDS
Cladrastis get Nancy another drink while your at it! 🤷🏻♀️🤣😂
Wonder who is going to make a movie out of this.
Clyde from “Every Which Way But Loose” was offered the role of trump, but declined, saying that it would be to degrading.
@montetank tankkiller I second this motion.
And playing Mitch McConnell, a mindless zombie.
@Didymus Mac I’ve got a Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo & Raphael here for an audition sir!
The news will show these 2d images on 3DV devices in 25 years and people will look at them like we look at black and white images now. The movie can’t be made till the story is done, and there will be dozens of them. One particularly poignant and already famous 3DV director will make one that will be the classic, but he/she is busy being born right now.
That’s a long walk,. They need one of those airport carts.
Just too bad it was not The Long Walk.
@Cathie Ludemann he would divert military funding into his own golf course to “donate” them
@Ausblack: 🤑 😖
You are correct, sir.
John Barron: Parabellum
PAB45: “I’d like to see the Managers.” 😫
House Managers: “Sorry but you are under Excommunicado.” 😎
Moscow Mitch
@Ausblack awe c’mon even potatoes have eyes so maybe they can see more than repuglicunts!
@Iain Herridge lol , pinas
@Iain Herridge and potatoes can be useful. I apologise to all potatoes (except republicans)
@Edson Pinas What hoax? People with an IQ over 100 know it as fact, you fucking fool.
Lost Birds Production Piglosi 🐽
My god he’s a good liar. Basically, he just said the opposite of everything he’s been saying, but with a completely straight face.
@Norm alice really? because the first time you fucked it all up? and now you want a redue? what you think this is, highschool? Dumbshit.
@George Santana isn’t it called a beak on a swamp dwelling enabler turtle!
@George Santana the fact that you put redue instead of redo is elementary😂😂
Tay Tay It’s easy to spot the Russian trollBots, George Santana! They make very unique spelling errors, lol
I know someone throwing a tweet swearing storm while watching this. 🤣🤣😂😂🤣
Why he is the one that dared pelosi to impeach him.
None Ya Trump was busy signing the trade deal with China today. More winning for Americans!
Trump 2020! 🇺🇸
Trump’s done. Get on with your life.
@Rod Allen nice distraction from that Rudy news today lol he’s cooked
Moscow Mitch must be chocking on his words, his whole lying world is about to implode.
@paul moss ARE you GOP STOOPID?
@Keion Chase Your the one that can’t spell. Lots of trolls out tonight. I think I’ll turn in.
@Ellen Hunter tRumpers can’t READ
Therefore that XTRA. “O’s” help them sound it out.
@Ellen Hunter FYI it’s “YOU’RE”
Ms. Grammar POLICE.
@Keion Chase FYI back at you, it’s STUPID young’n
“rise above the petty factualism” well sounds like you need to rise above the bs and see clearly lol
@Caution11995 They probably won’t, but if they don’t they are taking one more step to the end of America. There is more choices than just Red or Blue but you are so bent you can’t see or think straight.
@us citizen wouldn’t be surprising if “factualism” is correct term, being that facts seem to be ignored rather than considered.
Only one needing to see clearly are snowflake liberals
We all know the ignorant orange traitor won’t be convicted and removed.
But most Americans agree that Trump, who has been impeached, should undergo the upcoming trial.
A majority of Americans also believe he should be convicted and removed from office.
That’s not going to happen unless twenty RepubkiKKKon senators locate their testicles. I’m not holding my breath.
A majority of Americans are also baffled as to why such a corrupt, felonious, execrable human being ever got to be our forty fifth president.
My theory, and I think it is a valid one, is that either his supporters are corrupt and amoral, as is the case with Mitch McConnell and his ilk, or in the case of the general populace, they are racist, ignorant, stupid, have their heads placed firmly up their own asses, or any combination of the above.
Trump say done incalculable damage to this once great country.
Now half the country is in the tank for Putin.
History will remember these morons as the primary force behind our collapse.
“Make America Great Again” might be a catchy motto, but it is exact opposite of what that idiot and his supporters are doing.
Trump supporters should be ashamed of themselves.
The word choice is not important. If the writer doesn’t want to correct it, that’s OK. We know what he meant at least as well as we do on most, but not all, of trumps tweets and speakings. That our president is no more capable of writing, or caring of correcting it, than this poster is far more important, and that, in turn, only %1 of what concerns us with this president. Those that agree with me know this. Those that don’t will find an excuse to insult and bellitle no matter what is written.
There is just something about Moscow Mitch, that makes my skin crawl the little arrogant Sh!t.
kwolf43 😂😂😂
I hate his face!
It’s called righteousness, it gets under the skin of wicked….
yep, me it makes me wanna smack his face into a wall buried his glasses inside his eyes. Hate him more than i hate Trump and i hate Trump a lot.
He’s so old.
That old geezer belongs in the political dust bin of American history
You’re talking about Nancy right?
@Raymond Eissler Fool
ibrahiym ghany Just as Piglosi does! 🐽
Didymus Mac jail? For what? All the lies Dems made up.
Obstruction of Congressional OVERSITE caused this need for SENATE to demand compliance . In my opinion
Moscow Mitch should have been wearing a Russian Red tie, not a blue tie. Then again, with those pinstripes he DID look like the gangster he is.
@Raymond Eissler you should start with yourself.
@Raymond Eissler Only thing MOSCOW MITCH FUCKS is KENTUCKY, the USA and the middle CLASS…
@Raymond Eissler LMAO! Well played!
a gangster’s nutsack
@Raymond Eissler Fool
Rising above “Longtermism”? This coming from a Desert Tortoise in the Senate.
It’s time to see if our constitution is more than just paper.
Spoiler alert; it isn’t. The GOP is going to wipe their asses with it and it’s a shame.
The House has already damaged the constitution by presenting an incomplete case. They had the opportunity to Subpoena more witnesses and chose not to. It will be interesting to see how the Managers present this case, with little to no actual evidence.
Douglas Phillips it is just a piece of paper.