Fox News host Tucker Carlson is facing blow back from Republican leaders for peddling new falsehoods about the January 6 Capitol riot. #CNN #News #shorts
See McConnell’s reaction to Tucker Carlson’s Fox News segment

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is facing blow back from Republican leaders for peddling new falsehoods about the January 6 Capitol riot. #CNN #News #shorts
Not a mistake it was a deliberate lie.
You see pure evidence and still blame tucker
wtf is wrong with you people
@Jermaine Justice You mean “I hate him passionately” Tucker? The one that admits under oath he lied to his audience?
It was a mistake, Mitch, to not impeach the Con. You had two chances and blew them both.
@Baaliwood in his chest… unlike the lizard people…
@sames ryals thank you for your reply. “Joe has always been a good talker,”? Joe has had a well publicized lifelong struggle with stuttering and stammering. Are you a medical professional making a diagnosis without personally examining him or are you a self taught expert on everything? How can anyone believe anything you say, you didn’t do any research. You assert that Joe is a criminal and influence peddler, do you have evidence that supports your claim? If so what is it? All the best regards to you
Somebody needs to bring Tucker in front of a Congressional hearing
@Lonely Planet1 Yeah! So, why is it only Tucker’s to review and only his interpretation or twist on that day that’s put forth.
I have to ask of leader McCarthy…..What deal was set up for him to give this footage to one single person of one single news outlet?
And watch him change his story to avoid lying on the stand I don’t know how many court filing have to be put in by fox to let the public know that tucker is strictly a entertainer and is not meant for ppl to take him seriously
Bio crap that he spews out of his mouth. He should be tried as a traitor.
See what happens when you don’t do your job and play political games with our democracy under the guise of conservative.
Well said
They are already getting sued for billions you’d think they would learn a lesson…yea right
Did CNN learn a lesson when they paid Nick Sandman?
Still angry my CNN+ got canceled. Angry face emoji.
The Fox viewers will say they are being silenced. Watch the game being by Fox.
I FINALLY have something in common with Tucker.
“I hate him passionately “ —Tucker Carlson on Donald Trump
@Hellkat Mad ok bot keep repeating yourself.
@Hellkat Mad I only see you here. Lol
@Isdrevi Like Jesus Christ?
You Sir. Are as guilty as he is. You stood by as well as helped these maniacs gain power.
Mitch helps Mitch. His reasons are totally transparent. He is beyond low. Just as bad as tucker and trump. Add up the damage to our country just by those 3. Then multiply by the number of cronies they have. It is unethical as it gets.
I’d really like to hear Mitch give a weird little chuckle over Tucker getting caught saying how he hates Trump…
@Weirdo OK well you keep believing that.
@Hellkat Mad I’m just saying what we’ve all been seeing. You might be the last to know but everything will be okay.
We will still have a Republican president but it won’t be Trump.
Truth doesn’t = a like a for Trump.
This is stupid and so elementary. Most people cannot stand politicians, but can still stand behind their political positions.
This is like watching Satan himself tell somebody to “chill tf out.”
It is…….. BUT………… He finally did…… Stay safe out there everyone
A small attempt at cleaning up his legacy. But we still need him and many others to walk this path
Mitch McConnell doesn’t make a statement without consulting the big campaign donors.
That isn’t McConnell speaking, it is the big money behind the GOP
And that’s not what Tucker believes, do you watch anything other than fox news
And yet we know how he voted
You know the Republican Party has come a long way when Mitch is the only one sounding sane and doing bipartisan works
@Bobby J Bear you really need to tell everyone? I mean if it’s alright with you, here is a virtual hug
@7X HARDER bro I covered my breathing holes twice (2×) total , our 7 year old daughter is 100% pure blood. Vax free. She’s healthiest child ever. I was simply trolling.
Are you so blinded by party politics that you ar eff left with an agentic mindset
He is the turtle club, and nobody is turtley enough.
Spoken like a true democrat. Politicians who become rich. How they do that?
Of course a RINO would say that. We need a real republican leader
He should not have been reelected last time
Yes I understand there is a guy in Germany, very enthusiastic, gives great speeches and …..

Whoops he killed himself in a bunker…never mind
Mitch needs to just make it official to switch parties. He is SUCH a dirty politician
yeah, we don’t need politicians telling the truth
@John R man you cnn trolls are out in full force.
Its funny how conservatives can flip flop on “backing the blue”

Why play one second of those Fox trolls spewing hate ??!!!