CNN's Poppy Harlow clashes with Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) over his tweet claiming without evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden committed a crime. #CNN #News
See lawmaker’s reaction when Poppy Harlow calls him out for tweet

CNN's Poppy Harlow clashes with Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) over his tweet claiming without evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden committed a crime. #CNN #News
He can’t remember something he wrote a month ago, after having it read to him three times!? This man should not be in congress!
He is a sad idiot! She did her job very well…Why, is in our Congress…that’s SCARY
I guess he’s admitting to being profoundly stupid and/or having brain damage.
stupid man, He can’t answer any questions lol.
Not just him, every republikkklan!
She’s pointing out his hypocrisy and he’s too obtuse to realize it.
Hypocracy is a sacament to the conservative mind.
“respectfully, let me finish my question.”
Such an embarrassment, imagine how he treats people behind camera.
I mean, Biden straight out said he leaned on Ukraine to fire the prosecutor. Trump is simply alleged to do something, based on a phone call we all know word for word, containing nothing even remotely close to what Biden said, and now it’s somehow an issue. Trump would legit be impeached if he said what Biden said. Democrats need to come to terms with their hatred for Trump and how they can’t get past it.
Albert Yuen dude is nothing more than a sycophant carrying water for a criminal administration and projecting his party’s own morally bankrupt enabling.
So, he basically made fart noises while somebody asked him serious questions.
CNN has never let
FACTS get in the way
before accuse someone of a crime,
So what he’s saying is that trump is trying to clean up corruption?
Grown man: I can’t understand what you’re saying when you’re not agreeing with me.
This Decepticon, will never answer the question literally, just like the rest of Decepticons( Republicans)
This wasn’t an issue until Biden ran for president. I find that odd.
oooo eeee GOOD POINT !!!!
linda millson don’t understand why people not seeing this for what it is. It’s convenient.
Linda P so Hunter who has zero experience in oil and has no business sitting on these boards in which he literally does nothing is totally fine? It may not be illegal but definitely should be questioned on how this happened. That goes for either side. Why is CNN so eager to defend this obvious corruption?
@Dylan Mello “but what about” jared, ivanka, guiliani’s son, billybarr’s son et al?
@Dylan Mello Why isn’t anyone on the right complaining about Trump kids? Ivanka getting all those trademarks in China, making 82mil last year while serving in WH, all that extra biz to trump hotels ect. But, conveniently, trump & friends wanna dig up a 4th investigation into Hunter’s privleges-of-wealth job. How absolutely stupid do you think we are at your double standard outrage?!
Just wondering if he’s in pain …being that stupid must hurt the brain.
Live&letLive he’s just scared because he knows they’re being cornered!!
lol. nope. he is probably numb and dumb.
You assume he has one
The congressman’s little hamster brain was on overdrive. Poor thing. My sympathies to the folks he represents.
the people that he represent is complete idiot to vote a guy like that to power!
Whats wrong with people, seriously its disgusting!
@steven pursley found dumbass! Lmao
@steven pursley quit projecting – look at the pile of CORRUPT
in the whitehouse.
Hamsters would be insulted to be compared to this guy, they are way too smart.
@DALMAS MACHUKI Thats a Kenyan name
Ah he’s basically a flat earther.
Round Earther: Look here’s the data, backed by evidence and why you’re wrong.
Flat Earther: The math is all wrong in my opinion.
This dude sounds like he’s afraid of his shadow
The American people are tired of fools like this MF.
@Jason G Btw- forgot the topic for a min there… off top of my head , Electoral college is a dinosaur safety device to ensure states have some equal say in leadership & isn’t taken over by a geographic majority.
Still doesn’t change the fact that the majority of ppl do not & never have supported trump for president. So, you cannot use phrases like ‘we the ppl voted him in’
@Sharon Smelser No, what you don’t take is “truth”.
@pachuekoloko you are an idiot. The republican controlled senate will never impeach
This clown makes himself look so guilty.
He really got embarrassed in this interview and had to pull the “fake news” card

@Lil_ Drag69 First, it wasn’t a perfectly legal phone call. It was the president of the United States holding financial aids in exchange of an investigation into a canditate’s son; which is an abuse of power and meddling in the election from a foregein power, that kind of Quid Pro Quo is an impeachable offense, and a crime. And this ain’t CNN saying it, that’s the law.
Second, Biden, and other world leaders, wanted the prosecutor gone cause he was a corrupt official. In fact, that prosecutor didn’t investigate Hunter Biden’s boss properly, and that’s why they wanted gone. Tell me this, what crime did Joe Biden commit?
Yeah sure, the airtime is for ratings. And yeah, they are biased, just like Fox News, just like MSNBC, in this day and age, is really hard to find a news channel that is cut down by the middle. But a lot of the shows in CNN are opinion based. And then again, you can disagree with their opinions, but that alone doesn’t make CNN “fake news”.
@Lil_ Drag69 What you stated in that long post is absolutely untrue. It is your news sources that are fake news. Even Ukraine Officials came out to say they have been pressured since May to announce those 2 investigations or their aide wouldn’t come, & it didnt until the whistleblower report came out. Don’t peddle your fake news here.
@rasjeff1 well said
@Lil_ Drag69 You just posted long, drawn out bullshit. lol
He’s a dinosaur in a rapidly diminishing majority.
That’s an insult to dinosaurs! Lol!
I feel like that Mother Fucker is going to peal his skin off his own head at any time and reveal the alien blood sucker he really is.
This guy is an insult to anybody’s intelligence.
Daniel Ger*** this guy makes anyone wanna punch him in the face.
Federal judge ruled that the impeachment process is legal.
It’s embarrassing that my fellow Americans elect asshats like this. SMDH