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Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden showed up at the end of Jill Biden's speech to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
#DNC #2020Election #CNN #News
Want more of the latest 2020 election videos? Watch here:
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden showed up at the end of Jill Biden's speech to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
#DNC #2020Election #CNN #News
Want more of the latest 2020 election videos? Watch them here: https://cnn.it/3g9mMAL
Michelle Obama has lost all sense of shame as showing at the 2020#DemConvention the fake pictures of the captured kids of her husband time. Africa for Michelle. Back! China is impatiently waiting the day when their allied Joe Biden to be elected.
Biden said he is Joe Bidens husband. What a idiot
Fake news!
I’m joe Biden and you ain’t black
No thanks

This is elder abuse.
Tf when did I ask, are you your own husband too
Yes it totally is
… I’m really sad for him, why nobody says anything 

@B Grimm this is what you HAVE TO do when suffering from Orange Man Bad….
And Putin Lapdog Trump sees America as a P..sy, thats why he grabs it everyday and abuse it.
She’s plastique
Biden comes in and starts touching sniffing and kissing her ..
@Izako Palma
Tired Trump barely has the energy to walk down a flight of stairs and drink some water
@Raphaela Botticelli And counting.
@wishus knight 175,000, and counting
@wishus knight 180,000 and counting.
Cringe fest.
I didn’t cringe.
He everyone im joe bidens husband
@Stephen Z. Everyone is realizing that he CANNOT even make his brain work, how can he make a country work? What a joke as a candidate, however honestly back in 2016 i might have voted for him because he was far less left-winged but now that I have done more research, he only made more poverty occur as well as more reliance on goverment assistance along with obama.
Now, with President Trump’s numbers have been astonishingly great, record low unemployment, record high economy, more use for the resources we have wasted by the previous presidents and so much more. (besides this covid situation, which was a manufactored disease by the commy chinese goverment). Only uneducated idiots who hate no one more than Trump would vote in a raccoon the white house before they would vote for Trump REGARDLESS of the great numbers that have been occuring (covid exempted) however even with Covid the stoco market is STILL going up after the initial panic in March.
He said jill dumbass
The ex-husband of Jill Biden is speaking out this week to claim that she and Joe have been lying for decades about the way they met, alleging that they actually had an affair that broke up her first marriage.
Bill Stevenson told Daily Mail that Biden’s story that he met Jill and fell in love with her after a blind date is completely made up. He added that he is about to publish a bombshell book that will blow the lid off the entire story forever.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Stevenson said. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”
“I genuinely don’t want to harm Jill’s chances of becoming First Lady. She would make an excellent First Lady — but this is my story,” he added. “It’s not a bitter book — I’m not bitter because, if it wasn’t for my divorce, I would never have met my wife Linda and she’s the greatest thing in my life — but it does have facts in it that aren’t pleasant to Jill and Joe.”
“People ask me how I can go back 40 years, but I am not, I’m going back 72 years to tell my life story,” Stevenson continued. Stevenson married Jill Jacobs in 1970, and two years later, the couple was working on then-New Castle County Councilman Biden’s first campaign for the Senate. Biden was married at the time to his wife Neila, who died along with their one-year-old daughter Naomi in a car crash between the election and Biden taking his Senate seat.
“Jill and I sat in the Bidens’ kitchen,” Stevenson said. “We worked on his campaign. I gave $10,900 to his first campaign — in cash.”
He added that he first suspected that Biden and Jill were having an affair in 1974.
“I know exactly when it was,” he said. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.”
“I asked Jill to go with me and she said no — she had things to do, she had to look after Joe’s kids, Beau and Hunter. It was kind of a big deal to go meet Springsteen. I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly,” Stevenson continued. “Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close. I was surprised that she came to me.”
In October of that year, Stevenson got confirmation of the affair.
“I was at work and a guy came in and asked: ‘Do you own a brown Corvette?’ I said yes, it’s my wife’s car,” he recalled. “He said back in May it had crunched his bumper and they told him to get an estimate and he never heard back from them. I said: ‘Wait a minute. Who is they?’ And he said: ‘Funnily enough, Senator Biden was driving.”
Stevenson knew immediately that his marriage was over.
“I asked Jill to leave the house, which she did. Her father was begging me to take her back when he found out what was going on. He asked me to give her a second chance, but I wasn’t interested,” he said. “I considered Joe a friend. I’m not surprised he fell in love with Jill. Everyone who meets Jill falls in love with her immediately. It’s hard not to.”
Biden has long claimed that he didn’t meet Jill until March of 1975, after her first marriage was over.
@David Stone wow. That is going to be crazy
“I’m Joe Biden’s husband and this message ain’t black!”
Trump will beat the Sleepy Joe Biden… He Can’t even make a proper sentence!
@Biden 2020 Lmao when things go wrong he says “its a joke” XD
@Biden 2020 Trump is funny deliberately , Biden is funny because he’s the Barney Fife of politics
@TRUMP FAILED The only sad joke we had for 8 long years is gone, thank God for that. I waited for the Hope and Change and it never came.
Can’t wait to see Joe Biden’s husband in a debate.
@Kyle Dubs , Y’all a man or a girl? Senile or just stoop ped? , Y’all ain’t one ’em Eye tail lion trollops, are ya? Y’all got one em nonsensical channel images, an empty YouTube account, No subscribers, already posting hate and harassment, silly English and weak-assed rhetoric that is ridiculous and very swarmy. Did y’all really believe that fox entertainment fantasy y’all saw? Y’all thought it was one em dock you mint tear ease, didn’t ya.
@Ann van de Kew im sorry are you proud of your 218 followers who are there to stalk you? Since you have 0 original vids… Im not a youtuber. Just a troll. You need to polish your english. Or just stop. Also why do dems think all right wingers like fox? I just listen to what the pres actually says live. Not what don lemonhead and rachel madcow tell me.
William Stall no it wasn’t. Put the phone up to your ear and pay attention
@Mick E Biden is extremely racist. One of the most racist candidates America has ever had. See for example his insane ramble on corn pop where he referred to black kids as roaches.
@Trinket Mage If Biden was really racist you racists would be voting for him, not lying on him.
“Hello I’m joe Biden and I forgot what I said 2 minutes ago”
Hi I’m Trump and I like killing people and stealing and cheating and lieing
Norma May S he says joe play it at 0.25x speed it’s very clear
@Evon Williams why you say that, your just saying lies about trump because you dont have any combacks, so you make up stuff, JUST STOPYOUR MAKING YOURSELF LOOK LIKE A IDIOT!!!
@Norma May S Similar, but you can hear him say Joe. #IndoctrinatedLeftist
I can’t wait to see when you get 77 years old and see how coherent your mind will be you better stop making fun of people cuz it will come back and haunt you
Joe Biden’s husband’s message: TRUMP 2020
170000 dead and rising fast. Trump for prison 2020
Just A. Name: Tump 180.000
@Shula Hangel 180,000
@Raphaela Botticelli “Tump” sounds much better than “Trump”.
@wishus knight yep
She has one of those lying faces like she been lying all of her life
kind of pretty yet oddly alien
Because she has, she’s a “Democrat”.
At least he’s sniffing his wife’s hair for once.
That is his sister
They do look a like
His wife joe i might add
She is the only other person in the room.
“Hey everyone, I’m Joe Biden’s husband” LOLOLOLady….lady Lady LADY LADYYY
170,000 and you´re talking about vowels!!!!!
Oh, it wasn’t anything close to clear. Their names are so close that it is ambiguous, but I had to listen to it 4 times and I’m still not sure. I think it’s easy for an old guy to say the word in a lazy combination of the two. Almost like the many idiots who say “weary” in place of “leery” or wary”, but they’re just half illiterate. Easy ambiguous mixture in his case.
Whether hearing or seeing, people tend to interpret what it is they want to see, period.
@Jeff’s Boy Nicky What does it matter when Rome is burning??? And Putin is pulling strings? And Trump supports the batshit QAnon freaks, and The Senate Intel Report has proven that Trump and Co have lied and sold our soul to Putin, and on and on and on? Let´s save ourselves. Vowels are not important at this point!
And while you people are discussing the important issues of vowels and their pronunciation: the United States has 16,563 cases per million cases. 175,000 deaths.
What is wrong with you covfefies?
I am reading the comments and can’t stop laughing

Did You see her picture on drudge report with her high beams showing.
Democrash n’ burn

Everyone campaigning for Joe Biden except Joe Biden
someone has to speak for him, he certainly can’t. By he, I mean, her husband.
“If you don’t fire the prosecutor looking into my son’s company Burisma, you ain’t gonna get the billion dollar!” – Joe “Ukraine” Biden.
Shhhhh……we’re not supposed to talk about that.
The mother of a crackhead, going to tell us how to raise children
No chit

My god Joe Biden really wants to be Joe Biden’s husband
“I’m Joe Biden’s husband and this message ain’t black!”
I wish Joe Biden’s husband would do an interview.
@J- Rukkus and now the narcissist is going to ruin even more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaWHgS6x0Lw
@J- Rukkus And here is something straightforward and a warning, so you won´t be able to, after the fact, and whine, “where were all the Democrats when….”: The ODNI has cancelled all further briefings on foreign election interference.
@Raphaela Botticelli still haven’t answered my question
Last one he accused black reporter of being cocaine head.
You don´t understand the insanity of your question, but now, it´s time: no more traitors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_nDjw23P-I
“Poor kids are just as bright as white kids”- Joe Biden’s husband.