Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, went to space and back on an 11-minute, supersonic joy ride aboard the rocket and capsule system developed by his space company, Blue Origin. #CNN #News #Business
See Jeff Bezos go to space and back

Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, went to space and back on an 11-minute, supersonic joy ride aboard the rocket and capsule system developed by his space company, Blue Origin. #CNN #News #Business
This just proves we buy way too much junk.
From him.
I haven’t bought anything from Amazon in 20 years.
I know all rockets are somewhat phallic but this one takes the cake
@Lauren Hills You use kinky tampons.
@[Hashknight Gaming] maybe but hugely impractical. Also, lets stick to polluting our own planet before we start on the rest of the galaxy.
Thanks LateKnight. Now I know my mind wasn’t in the gutter when phallic symbol was the very first thing that came to mind when I saw the rocket.
@LateKnight Lol you don’t know the point of working in space.
@LateKnight working in space makes anything we do in space zero emission you are surrounded by poison in space you send any toxic waste into the sun it’s not a hard concept.
The Billionaires are hinting that they know what’s up with Earth.
No. Billionaires are proving they have far too much money.
whtas up
@StevexNYCperformance no they own walmart u noob
@lantrick what is
Or, that there’s something beyond earth that we don’t know about just yet.
I see Jeff is a fan of Austin Powers. He’s overcompensating.
Fauci for Prison 2021.
@jusadude He probably pee peed out the window like haha losers, Lightning should of struck that ship
@Antony 24

I would never go on that trip.I could visualize it blowing up.My life on earth is more important.Im a chicken,lol .
Now can we be shown how much climate change gas was released for this joy ride?
@Jamtommy no CO2 emissions, just hydrogen and oxygen are expelled, driving your car does more damage than this does in theory
The real question is how much carbon footprint it generated for creating the fuel.
It was just water vapor, just study before commenting
@Concious man radical environmentalists don’t have time for research.
@J L and his name is Rocket Science,,,
So funny
For the money he spent he could let his employees use the bathroom.
@Heraldo Medrano how much you make lol lets compare
@Harry Bawsac or worse
The one time we wish it exploded
How many homeless people could have been helped with the money they pissed away.
So much for stopping climate change.
@Zeus1955 why do you think space launches are so expensive? Because it costs money to create thousands of jobs, oh wait don’t jobs prevent homelessness?
I’m sure they are excited they didn’t kill their boss.
I think the Amazon employees are disappointed in all honesty.
@Smart Mark thats the joke
They didn’t die either….
@Smart Mark yeah I wondered about that
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the prequel of the movie Elysium.
I was literally thinking the same thing
The dildo jokes practically write themselves.
@Tony and power thrust
Did you hear that? It will be “reused” in the future
It’s probably the first time Bezos had his rocket up since his divorce.
Ordered this ===D like ten years ago, but it was smaller and didn’t last nearly as long as past devices from Earth.
Very unsatisfied, not recommended
As long as it only goes to Uranus and not mine.
This gives new meaning to the expression, “He has so much money, he doesn’t know what to do with it.”
No reporting on the Southern Border ? Let me help cnn , This Administration is Flying Illegals with Covid all over this Nation , On our Dollar ,.
Lets hope lightning hits the rocket next time
Exactly. Nothing new about going to space, but the new record for the worst money ever spent was achieved. Congrats
@Amália Maria Gagliazzi Lage All while the world is fighting disease and famine
Bezos’s inspirational message from space: “Y’all better not be taking any pee breaks down there. I’m watching you!”
@Logan M Ypu probably believe the earth is flat.
@Logan M Wow really?!?! So exciting. Im sure Trump will be reinstated!
@[Hashknight Gaming] we both know there is no proof. Even less proof than when they claim vaccines cause autism. It’s all in what passes for their heads. Let’s just ignore them.
5 min pee break and start docking pay at that moment lmaoo
Prime shipping at its best… to the moon and back in less than a day
I know this is a joke, but it would take couple weeks before reaching to the moon
Either he starts building a Death Star or I have misjudged him.
Jeff flies to alien planet. Alien shouts “The giant D is coming, the giant D is coming! No not the ship, dumbasses. The dude inside!”
Lol underrated
Its a shame. They should’ve send him straight for andromeda without a return ticket.
The only shame is your insensitive violent-promoting comment.
@Lizelle Swanepoel tell that to his workers peeing in the bottle working like cattle.
While many small businesses folded during the plandemic, Jeff doubled his net worth.
Don’t discount the dead who you killed.
I was told at a young age, that if you want to get rich then automate something to profit off of people’s laziness.. Amazon speaks directly to that.
“They launched Merv Griffin’s microphone into space.”
-Tom Servo
Inventive way of escaping taxes. Literally hiding in space.
Don’t give them any ideas….
What do you mean, he doesn’t need to go to space to avoid taxes bc he already does
Year 2069:
IRS : Space Department
The tax man can’t catch you there.
What makes you so deserving of someone else’s money?
He’s out in space while Im at WFM asking if its okay to take a short break
Nothing says tax the rich like a space race of billionaires.