President Donald Trump's legal team filed a lengthy response to charges he abused his office and obstructed Congress, decrying the attempt to remove him as a "charade" and calling on senators to quickly reject it.
The 110-page filing reflects the most fulsome rebuttal of Democrats' accusations against Trump and amounts to a preview of the case Trump's lawyers will make on the Senate floor when the impeachment trial commences.
They argue the impeachment was a partisan sham that failed to prove any violation of law. They warn against dangerous precedents should Democrats' efforts prove successful. And they insist Trump was well within his prerogatives to raise the issue of his political rivals with a foreign leader.
#CNN #News
See how Trump’s legal team plans to defend him at trial

Remember when Trump said Hillary as president would have scandal after scandal?
@DDKaraokeOutlaw you have any proof ?
Just the proof written on Nancy’s bottle
Too easy
@Ian P Nancy’s bottle. You think you’re so funny but you’re an immature POS. Your parents must be so proud of you.
@DDKaraokeOutlaw my parents?
You are now relegated to the type of personality that you claim to hate you hypocrite.
See what happens when you exhaust your pretend knowledge that’s limited what you see on tv?
@DDKaraokeOutlaw it’s funny but not nearly as funny as a pissed up speaker that cannot hold a sentence down and then gleefully fist bumps that maher puss all on tv.
Look at your matriarch shes a crumbling mess
@DDKaraokeOutlaw I’ll wait to see if lyou can construct a mature response to rectify your previous dribble
That’s the strategy of the Democrats. Fauxcahontas and old white man Bernie come to mind immediately.
Bill Clinton?
So having someone get a blow job is a good reason to be impeached. Sorry that isn t against the law either
Brian Walsh – That’s a list I’m proud to be on. Meanwhile, your revered party violated the Espionage Act, violated the Federal Records Act, committed perjury after intern sex in the Oval Office, donned blackface, falsely claimed minority status to get a Harvard teaching job, demanded quid pro Joe, took 26 flights on Epstein’s “Lolita Express”, married their sibling to skirt immigration law, assembled a fake dossier to illegally obtain FISA warrants, spied on the opposition party, received national debate questions in advance, had a tarmac meeting with the AG investigating his wife, secretly shipped $ to the terrorist Iranian regime without congressional approval, lied for 2 years about having Russia collusion evidence, established sanctuary cities in violation of federal immigration statutes, paid off accusers of sexual.molestations, desires open borders, openly endorses socialism in the US, and proposes ratcheting up our national debt to beyond $30T.
Rudy, Dershowich, Bar, Nunes etc., are redundant.
mxnfx the republicans GIVE one everyday to trump.
@Moms MADD They sure are. Yet you only chose to become aware of FLAWED politics since 2016. Had Rubio won you would still be fast asleep
@CL sucks No because Rubio is just as crooked as Trump all Republicans are. Look how many have gone to jail Ex Senator from Oklahoma, 15 years for child trafficking. Moore from Alabama pedophile. One just resigned got caught with child porn. Shine who Trump hire was fired from Fox for ignoring sexual complaints. Gym Jordon under investigation for ignoring kids telling him they where being sexual abused by there coach, One of Trumps employees was a wife beater, One was and Alcoholic he tried to put in charge of Vet Affairs, Kavanaugh accused sexual predator in Supreme court. Trump himself 7 sexual assaults going thru court right now, Rubio in bed with Russian, MCConnel selling Kentucky to Russia, List just goes on and on, Trump brought out all the scum with him
the great old “ MY DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK” defense

@Thumbs Up Democrats lied about everything since Trump was in office but we are the ones lying. You should shut up stupid biddy.
@The Ultimate Demon rat You got rat in your youtube name…. You’ll probably fall into Peru they eat rats and Guinea pigs
@Austin Jackson It wont be your political beliefs that would tempt me thats for sure
@jacqueline russell #Trump2020 #Pence2024 #Pence2028 #Ivanka3032 #Ivanka3036

@matt eppich
any sex between condcenting adults is legal
Bill Clinton…..
@matt eppich what kind of logic is behind what you just said, did you put alot of thought into that comment.
Chris Wyatt merely pointing out that the apple does not fall too far from the tree.
“This is Chewbacca…”
Captain Swag

It don’t make no sense
“perfect” Jackie “perfect……they covered it up because it was all so perfect….
By bullying and by lying through their teeth.
@Carole Mincks-Blanton
Obama committed many impeachable offenses if we used the Democrats standards of today
Republicans could have impeached him for ” fast and furious ” scandal but decided against it because Impeachment should not be used for political revenge which is what Democrats are doing today. They have made impeachment as just another political tool to be used against someone they don’t like and no doubt Republicans will impeach the next Democrat President, something the founding fathers feared which sadly has come true
@Gregg Noonberg
Obama was a FAKE and a COWARD thank God ( Trump) that he is out of office as he did GREAT DAMAGE to America at home and abroad
@sun dial As opposed to the orange man with the combover? The same brave man that sent five other kids to go die in his place while he avoided STDs? he same Bluto Bonespurs that cries to boy scouts, college kids, fights with TV shows, plays, Gold Star widows? Says as much about what a loser you are as it does him. What a hero!
@Gregg Noonberg

Trump is GOD in Human Form who has come down to Earth to save Humanity from Obama’s madness and socialist policies. We are living in Holy Times 🕇🕇🕇
His defense: “I don’t know him/her…he/she may be a great guy/gal, he/she may not…we may have met a party…but I don’t know him/her…”
@Li pov Yajdon’t you know that’s just dumb, you probably still think the moon is made out of cheese.
@Hildebeast Clinton Clinton lives in your head rent free you should sue her for back rent.

Ray – lol! You’re gonna cry so hard in November. Remember to tune into CNN for your butthurt masters.
@Hildebeast Clinton Yeah yeah sure sure! just like the midterm blue wave
right? November’s blue tsunami will bring the white house an Senate. So we can erase Trump’s rasist policies from the history books forever.
let lev testify!!
There we are….The PETULANT POTUS. Such a Bully Jerk.
Bully Jerk?

Send that to Nancy, she’ll add it to the child-like list she sent to the Senate.
@Custis Long trump is amazing, he’s completely running the show like as 3rd world dictator and nobody can stop him! I’m so proud of how so many kids have been separated from their parents and are locked up–some of these folks are even dying–Obama never had deaths in the concentration camp! 2 million thrown off health care, phew! Hell yeah I hope they all have life threatening illnesses! Lastly trump can assassinate any government officials he wants and he can go around congress as often as he likes—he’s a king for gods sakes. Please let their be prayer in public schools next and take away women’s rights for abortion and access to birth control!! We’re getting God back they way it should be!
Jeremy Serwer .. Obviously your brain is TDS mush..
Ashley Drew Jackson “child-like” ??? There you go projecting like a good little cultist. Trump administration: “He is like a child. He needs constant attention and affirmation. He even speaks like a child…” Nuff said.
alan: oh just massage over over the boxers

@Lexy Ortiz

@Lexy Ortiz it was a very visual remark.
Making a motion to move trial to Moscow.
Jerry Ilic Trumpanzees or Trump Lemmings running with Russias disinformation to cause chaos in our country aiming at “divided we fall”.. somehow we need to move forward my fellow countrymen , “United we stand!” and inform ourselves and our friends useful idiots and all
Hardy har har
@Truman Neill Must Be Chines communists in the comments they love Democrats and hate Trump.FYI the Russians Love the Democrats it was Hillary who made sure that Russia gained control over 20% of Americas Uranium.
@Why so serious? Biden Needs to be Investigated, He is as Corrupt as Hillary if not more corrupt!
@zero g templar Hilary was completely cleared and probably has a good law suit case against the Impeached pooper spank.
By your logic Biden did nothing wrong ? The facts certainly support that. If you want to go back in Presidency’s Bush is still considered a war criminal by the United Nations. Good luck digging up witnesses, quite literally in some cases.
FYI his next move for the benefit of the base will be to start amping up being a victim. You know the devil, or whomever, made him do it

He did nothing. Obama administration & Clinton Foundation financed it all.
Dark Bulb blame shifting. Great abuse tactic cu•nt
No that’s what dems do
ALAN ‘I kept my underwear on’ DERSHOWITZ:
I just threw up a lil bit in my mouth…

It’s worse while you type

@Mikayla Bansie

“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.”
—George Washington
Cody Jarrett You should make that comment a bumper sticker.
NIS Studi You’re young and naive.
Cody Jarrett hm? How so? Ok first off, tell me how the U.S. is screwed? Have any evidence or are you just making assumptions?
I agree with you that after John Durham has finished his investigation Obama and his admin officials will end up in jail
sun dial Are you fucked in the head? Are you a vegetable wired to an IPad?
A script for a theater of absurd play has been cobbled together.
No the Democrats are winging it. Enjoy the circus.
Dark Bulb

GOP: “There’s no evidence”
Lev: (Here’s a picture)
GOP: “There’s no evidence”
Lev: (Here’s a picture)
GOP: “You all just hate Trump”
Lev: (Here are transcripts of my text messages)
GOP: “There’s no evidence”
(And repeat)
@Painting Animals On RocksLittle mind’s are not what America wants.
Good luck painting on rocks. Haha
@matt eppich So you’re admitting it wasnt, as Trump said, about Corruption in Ukraine in general, but about investigating not through legal, Government departments, but through Gugliani and his gang, investigating and smearing his potential political rival for the Presidency in 2020, and he got caught!!!!
Deborah Hennessey first of all, dems calling Biden a potential political opponent makes me laugh out loud. He needs to just go to heaven already. I am 100% all for Donald trump holding back aid to any country as corrupt as Ukraine. we would not want our hard earned tax dollars ending up in the Biden’s bank accounts now would we? LOL!
Yea, I remember when the world felt unsafe because Clinton got a bj. Thank heavens our president listens to Russia now for the real truth.
@Custis Long The Lying Perverts should never have ASKED Clinton a personal question in first place.
One thing about this is fun. Nancy keeps on ensuring that Traitor Trump knows he’s IMPEACHED FOR LIFE. It doesn’t matter if he wiggles out of his crimes, he’s still IMPEACHED. The third president to be IMPEACHED. That’s his legacy no matter what. And Donny’s fragile little ego just can’t handle that. He should just do us all a favor and kill himself. Because he’s IMPEACHED FOR LIFE.
@Custis Long It already is.
Clinton got praised when he got that bj and his popularity skyrocketed, you’re just spewing revisionist bs.
What’s going on in melanie’s p brain.

Life was so much easier as a high end escort
When he dies, she owes the IRS alot of money from his estate.
Welcome to The United States of America

Death & Taxes.
@Diana Lynn dont forget he lowered the inheritence tax for just that reason!