CNN's John King reviews state coronavirus trends over the month of May after the US reached the grim milestone of 100,000 deaths. #CNN #News
See how state coronavirus trends evolved in May

CNN's John King reviews state coronavirus trends over the month of May after the US reached the grim milestone of 100,000 deaths. #CNN #News
I’m sure Oregon would be dark red if Knute Buehler beat Kate Brown in 2018.
What the hell is going on in California? They shut down earliest and opened latest no?
@Raven R Your black antifa mask needs adjusting. Lol
Riots outside CNN headquarters in Atlanta…..breaking every window……must be them same Russian bots they always talk about.
They shut down but opened up prisons and released thousands ironic.
Why go to California anyway it’s covered in trash and human poop
@Free from Sin your ironic, hypocritical username says it all. “Free from sin”…I supposed you have a profound need to feel morally superior to others and attempt to fill that empty miserable pit by chopping down and dissecting any and all “truth”, and “untruth” by belittling and ridiculing total strangers with a different account/experience/viewpoint? How many covid patients do you personally know? How many Covid deaths?
Let’s do a simple math experiment.
You know approximately 1,000 people on a first/last name (and even familiar face) basis. Each person you know is acquainted with about 1000 ppl. Which means you’re only 1 person removed from 1 million ppl. Bet if you ask them all you cant come up with 10,000 names of people they knew (on a first name basis) and I dare you to try.
That million,knowing about a thousand, would mean you are 2 people removed from a billion. That’s the entire population of the U.S three times over. Let’s even assume our data is off, and that many of them know the same ppl and go as far as to reduce it by a 1/3rd. That’s 333,000,000, roughly the entire American population. Dont you think most people should be able to name 5 covid patients deaths BY NAME (not simply dish it out as a supposed statistical NUMBER that is purported as FACT), and yet odd that very few can?? Yet there are supposedly 100,000 deaths? We act like this same news organization didnt prove to have the biggest disparity in election poll Television history just 4 years ago, when they tried to sway the vote by showing hillary winning by a hopeless margin (over and over again) simply to discourage ppl from voting for Trump?
And again, this coming from someone who didnt vote for him the last time.
These numbers dont reflect anything I, or anyone I know (including those who work in healthcare) are seeing/experiencing . That is the truth. Rather that is representative of the entire U.S. population (or California) is up for debate.
General Flynn what’s going on with that case?
It doesn’t fit the narrative of Fake News CNN so they won’t cover it. Fake News CNN SUCKS!!!
Report on general Flynn case and the injustice
CNN can not report on real news.
They forgot how.
How about a report on your cnn hq in atlanta being surrounded by protestors

They’re pretty quiet tonight on YouTube
When are you going to release the video about the destruction of the CNN building in Atlanta?
@Squid Ink its just Russian bots protesting. (laying the sarcasm on thick)
@Brian Bianco lol, I thought it might be all those dastardly conservatives out looting and destroying people’s workplaces..
@Squid Ink yeah I bet……after a long day of work the first thing on their mind was to burn down a building and steal some Hennessy from a liquor store.
It’s Fake News CNN. They don’t report news.
@Chris Rowen I want to see Fake News CNN Headquarters burned to the ground!!! I can dream, can’t I? It would be ultimate Karma!
Cuomo sent covid 19 positive patients to nursing homes and CNN is trying to cover it up for him
COVID CUOMO-19 murdered over 5000 seniors by sending them back to their nursing homes while the uss comfort the javit center and all the hospital tents in Central Park were empty. Cuomo should be in prison
CNN Atlanta: the roof, the roof the roof is on fire!
Joe Biden: the thing, the thing, the thing is that thing!
Is it true that the blacks are now attacking CNN headquarters? lol
Nathaniel that’s a weak burn and yes CNN was attacked by peaceful protesters
This is great. I’m teaching my daughter how to recognize when people aren’t actually saying anything. Good job cnn
CNN is sick.
Bruh they burning your house! Smh
Republicans have been here warning you everyday that dems leaders were preparing staged events now that the virus was dying out
CNN LITTLE QUITE THIS EVENING, STARTED A Lot didn’t you. Lets hope the protesters in Atlanta don’t start singing burn baby burn ,,there right out side
I heard CNN is being burned down by protesters. So satisfying.
It’s a beautiful sight watching Fake News CNN burn!!!

Hey why don’t you guys report on how your headquarters are about to get burned down.
China News Network (CNN) ginning up public fear as they have done since the very beginning of this virus scare.
*_Whose streets? Our Streets!_*
*_This is against Democratic lock downs!_*
*_Whose streets? Our streets!_*
FAKE NEWS CNN HEADQUARTERS BURNS – Trump supporters get blamed by Don Lemmon & Company in 2…1… 0!!!!
Don Lemon is the Dumbest Man in Media BY FAR!!!
@Chris Rowen Don Lemon is a JOKE!
News about cnn headquarters attacked? I guess people realizing that media is the enemy of the people
Giving all these people jobs and the Democrats took them away because they didn’t like it!..