See how Rep. Cummings defended GOP congressman

After President Donald Trump attacked Baltimore and Rep. Eijah Cummings (D-MD) in a series of tweets, CNN's Alisyn Camerota asks where the House Oversight chairman's Republican colleagues are, specifically Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) after Cummings came to his defense earlier this year. #CNN #News


  1. Hopefully, rep. Cummings can see that this guy is not his friend. Well, not all the time, just when it suits. The US is close to becoming a dictatorship and that is really n exaggeration!

    1. That is how some White people behave, he’s my best friend,,when u need them they can’t be found..

  2. he wants to polarize the nation to cause a riot like that of LA so that he can call a state of national emergency…which will then be difficult to undo

    1. Obama was the great polarizer. He set race relations back 50 years and that was his goal. It worked. BTW Obama was NOT a citizen.

  3. Republicans aren’t afraid to oppose him. They agree with him. So no, we are not going to hear anything from them.

  4. Baltimore is a microcosm of American society.

    Politicising people of colour’s misery will stymie future generations willingness and ability to fix things.

    This festering racial divide is going to destroy America.

    1. YOU ARE NOT EVEN AN AMERICAN!!!! I swear-to-God, People, the vast majority of commenters are NOT!!! Americans, and come from Leftist-Lunatic-run nations.

    2. Alistair Razi
      Good job drawing in the highschool dropouts. Look… three useless white people who need others to be less than them by default, or accept that they are on the bottom rung of the human ladder.

  5. She’s from Baltimore she lives in the huge huge mansion without any rats meanwhile her people live with the rats together

  6. If you don’t think Baltimore needs our help why don’t you drive down there. Pull together people don’t let the MSM brainwash you

  7. TRUMP not only the lying king but also the racist king also. almost 70 have never seen it this bad

  8. I love you Baltimore!!! Stay strong and proud. Every place could use a bit of fixing but no place has use for bullying. Mr. President…once again you are taking it to far. Is it worth it? How about compassion Mr. President? You are old and wont be around to long, but for the youth of every American city or town? And their future? No? Well, that says if not all, a lot…

    Rep. Cummings now have the great opportunity to find out who is really a friend and an ally.. Choose your history well people. Go America!

  9. Cummings is a race baiters. Gas him till hes dead. Gas his family gas his friends gas them till their dead. Charlie Hebdo the msn. Death to no choice news.

  10. Why would President Trump give money to any city that has Democrat Leadership, when history shows that Democrats waste taxpayer money and run cities into the ground???

  11. 7:22 wow from this point on the video goes into dark fear mongering lies. This has to be removed. @youtube

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