See how Putin puts on a show of strength amid Russian military struggle

Russian President Vladimir Putin puts on a new show of strength by making an appearance at a training ground for newly mobilized soldiers and firing a sniper rifle alongside other soldiers. These acts come as Russia faces major battlefield reverses in Ukraine. CNN's Brian Todd has more. #CNN #News

See how Putin puts on a show of strength amid Russian military struggle


    1. @EDUARDO what? What does trump have to do with this he isn’t even the president they guy is still living jn your head rent free and he isn’t even. The president, I think you mean too say send Biden to the front lmao

  1. Look at that jacket he’s wearing. How many layers of kevlar and titanium does that have? You never know when you’re going to run into one of the 100s of thousands of of disgruntled citizens.

    1. If they were soldiers at all 😂 We have this joke in Russia, that anywhere Putin goes he’s met by FSO (Federal Protective Service) members in disguise)

    2. Absolutely. I doubt any of them were even soldiers! Probably just his police goon squads or actors. And, right after he left, some master sergeant probably shouted, “You men in uniform! Get on that bus there! You’re off to the front lines!” And they were shipped off saying, “But, but, but, we’re just actors!” They can pick up their Oscars in Kherson. In all seriousness, it does make westerners realise just how unhinged his denial is, though. Putin’s probably nuts enough to plead, “not guilty,” at The Hague!

    3. @Alan S : If they were actually real soldiers I would be surprised. If you told me that any of them had served in Ukraine, I’d call you a liar. My guess is that they’re, “cops,” who are fairly used to these kinds of play acting, cover ups and, “special acting and denial operations.”

    4. @Atlantis Rising : You read my mind. This is what political avoidance buys you as a citizen. Or, “moral absenteeism,” as I heard one political philosopher put it.
      Whenever you next hear someone say, “Oh, I never get involved in politics,” just remind them of how deeply, “political,” that choice is. And your examples are plentiful. Show them what it’s done to the people of countries like Russia, Belarus, Iran, China, etc, that thought they could buy themselves some peace to live quietly while their politicians, “did stuff,” that was nothing to do with them. Now they all have real skin in the game.
      If you’re not a fighting age male or a veteran, being drafted, you’re probably the mother, father, son or daughter of one. Now every Russian is losing real skin and bone and is outraged because Putin has broken his, “social contract,” with them. It’s almost impossible to explain to these people that THEY made this war, their dictatorship and the people who dominate their existence now. They have a generation of denial conditioning to break.
      That’s why I would always urge everyone to understand: YOU, me and everyone you know of voting age (and even younger) ARE POLITICAL, whether you like it or not.
      The only real question is whether you’re willing to take responsibility for steering that ship of state – a journey riven with pitfalls, disappointments and hard, thankless work – or whether you prefer to opt out of all that risk, relentless pushback, denial and intolerance, and to be chauffeur driven to the front lines of your doom? There is no third choice. That’s modern life and the price we pay for democracy.✌️


  2. That was the most awkward looking “hug” I’ve ever seen in my life. More like he tried to clutch the soldier to him but was so small and weak he just pulled himself weirdly onto him.

  3. Judging by the way he’s staggering to the range, he looks like he’s got at least 25 pounds of body armor on under that giant coat. I bet they didn’t show him going prone (to shoot) or getting up, becasue he couldn’t do it unaided.

    1. @Gene M What are you saying? Biden is much too intelligent and savvy to get up to the antics that Putin does. You should be proud of your President. But I guess you would rather have the ‘democratic’ régime of Putin wouldn’t you?

    1. @Jimmy Timmy I disagree it was the correct response and if the same were to happend we would do all again

    1. @P3F Alien : “Oh look, Mr Putin, 20 bullseyes with one shot! If only our soldiers were like you! Then we wouldn’t be getting our asses handed to us, er . . . I mean, ‘winning,’ this war so slowly, er . . . did I say, ‘war?” I meant, ‘special operation,’ of course, and we wouldn’t be so broke that our boys are eating their fallen comrades on the battlefield, er . . . I mean . . . Oh, I don’t know what I mean anymore. Nothing is true, everything is fake, nothing makes sense, I’ll see myself to the gulag shall I?” 😂

    1. @Mike Felix I’m sure Ukraine was planning for cloudy days over Kiev after they attacked the bridge… lol.

  4. Putin: Do you have everything you need?
    Soldier: No issues sir!
    Putin: Good!
    *5 minutes later*
    Commander: Soldiers! The show is already finished. Proceed now to the Battlefield. Oh.. and don’t forget to leave all the equipment you are wearing today, it will be used for the next show.

    1. Do you know the story of how the term Potemkin village originated. Your comment is reminiscent of that to me. Very fitting, and very uncoincidental that both are about Russia.

  5. wow, what a man ! He probably fired that rifle more times than the conscripts did before he sent them out to be cannon fodder……….


  6. This is the equivalent of me putting on boxing gloves in my lounge room and squaring up to Mike Tyson while he’s on TV.

  7. And with just a single bullet he hits all the targets! Just incredible! If there’s one thing, that is strong about him, it’s the stench.

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