Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH) announced that he has tested positive for coronavirus.
The announcement came shortly before DeWine, a Republican, was scheduled to meet with President Donald Trump in Cleveland.
DeWine was tested as part of the "standard protocol" to greet Trump on the tarmac at Burke Lakefront Airport, the governor's office said in a statement. He is returning to Columbus, where he and his wife Fran will both be tested.
DeWine tweeted Thursday that he's not experiencing symptoms at this time.
"As part of the standard protocol to greet President Trump on the tarmac in Cleveland, I took a COVID test. I tested positive. I have no symptoms at this time. I'm following protocol and will quarantine at home for the next 14 days," he wrote.
Lt. Gov. Jon Husted was also tested for coronavirus Thursday ahead of Trump's visit and tested negative, DeWine's office said.
Landing in Cleveland shortly after the news broke, Trump wished DeWine well in light of his diagnosis and told the crowd gathered at the airport that DeWine is a "great guy" who has "done a fantastic job."
"We want to wish him the best, he'll be fine," Trump said.
#Dewine #CNN #News
why couldn’t he get tested after he met the president?
@77kirkwood Trump even slipped that he wasn’t taking it. There is nothing more gullible than a trump supporter
I would think part of it stems from ensuring Tangerino Mussolini’s safety, which is the protocol for all presidents. With the economy already in a tailspin, trump getting COVID-19 could likely set off even more trouble in the U.S. markets and markets around the world.
I know…right?!
The Governors of the Corona Virus
Featured Governor: Mike DeWine, Ohio
165,000 Americans Dead and counting. No leadership. Only Failure.
Mike DeWine after testing positive for the Corona Virus. “I feel fine. I have a headache. I have a lot of headaches in my life”.
Mike DeWine has been a headache to Great Americans of Ohio since elected in office.
No amount of Tylenol or Aspirin can remove this headache.
Time to vote the Corona Virus Governors out of office November 3rd 2020 and in 2022.
Oh, that’s mean Trump is really afraid of Covid 19!
@Magnate News The Governors of the Corona Virus
Featured Governor: Mike DeWine, Ohio
165,000 Americans Dead and counting. No leadership. Only Failure.
Mike DeWine after testing positive for the Corona Virus. “I feel fine. I have a headache. I have a lot of headaches in my life”.
Mike DeWine has been a headache to Great Americans of Ohio since elected in office.
No amount of Tylenol or Aspirin can remove this headache.
Time to vote the Corona Virus Governors out of office November 3rd 2020 and in 2022.
@Lady G The Governors of the Corona Virus
Featured Governor: Mike DeWine, Ohio
165,000 Americans Dead and counting. No leadership. Only Failure.
Mike DeWine after testing positive for the Corona Virus. “I feel fine. I have a headache. I have a lot of headaches in my life”.
Mike DeWine has been a headache to Great Americans of Ohio since elected in office.
No amount of Tylenol or Aspirin can remove this headache.
Time to vote the Corona Virus Governors out of office November 3rd 2020 and in 2022.
Antonio saxon i agree completely
@Tim Croswell With that insult you definitely and without doubt has make your point clear, you are the smart guy with all the answers, the visionary and wise father teaching us the right way, keep it up stable genius.
@Ëë Mage- keep voting blue, smurf. Any person that supports braindead biden is a moron.
What’s incredible is how Donald Trump has everyone tested before meeting with them, traveling with him or working for him.
MrKikoboy the press should tell him to stop testing people who are meeting him if he mention says that again.

! Listen you need to STOP telling people that they don’t have a brain because you’re NOT no EINSTEIN yourself
@queen samara YOU really do sound like a damn clown though:
“do you think aids and hurricanes are false”
WHAT TF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN LOL are you just trolling me or something lol
“Do do you believe this? So do you think that?” Why do you morons always ask weird nonsensical questions like that. Learn how to spell and use correct grammar
I posted facts and studies about hcq that can be backed up with verifiable sources, most of which ARE FROM GOVERNMENT WEBSITES.
I dont like talking about what if type theories or about what somebody “thinks” that’s why I posted links to source and back up everything I referenced and talked about so I dont see what the problem is
YOU asked about that specific medicine, and for proof that it works
I posted NUMEROUS in depth studies on THAT medicine, NOT FROM MY OPINION but from MULTIPLE doctors, university professors, government websites and from doctors and mainstream researchers in MULTIPLE countries all over the world.
YOU sound like you’re in DENIAL lol.
I POSTED LINKS, SOURCES, from .GOV websites, .ORG websites and REAL Medical Doctors, Virologists, major university Professors etc.
EVERY link, quote, statistic, report, study and/or doctor listed is verifiable and can be checked. I’M WAITING.
YOU just posted some weak wanna be funny jokes and then some repeated STORIES you heard from your favorite biased NEWS anchor who only does what he’s paid to do, and just reads whatever the script says for ratings..
YOU SAID HCQ was found to have killed people faster…
YOU said that…..BUT WHERES YOUR SOURCE? And please don’t post a CNN article. I DIDN’T.
&WHO is a “SELF PROCLAIMED YOUTUBE DOCTOR”??????? Which one?????
WHAT PART of what I POSTED was wrong??? WHERE PLEASE
The next time one of these YT accounts keeps giving you their OPINIONS and keeps arguing with you about verifiable FACTS…
Y’all just remember that it is probably some 9 year old that doesn’t know anything about politics besides what she repeats from her racist mommy and daddy LOL like this one:
@queen samara
@CapoVelli still 160k deaths classified under Covid
*Plot Twist:* If DeWine didn’t get tested, he wouldn’t have coronavirus. Allegedly.
He does not have covid
@[Arjuna] If it was a hoax, Trump wouldn’t demand that people were tested before they are in company with him. *You have been hoaxed* into thinking it’s a hoax. It doesn’t get any more meta than that.
@David Hatchell You conflate to make your point…which means you don’t have a point.
@Scot Mile Too bad.
Herman Cane was also feeling ‘fine’ in the beginning.
Maybe the next recucklican will think twice about virtue signaling then LOL
He’s already tested negative
@imdahG He’s already clear of it
In Singapore, I did my testing and get the result within 24 hours.
@John Nordby gets “information”
from CNN Major Septic Media spews when you’re holding all the worlds information in your hand
*WikiLeaks has never had a retraction*
How that Mueller investigation work out for you CNN viewers

Let’s continue to ignore the atrocities against ethnic minorities being sent to concentration camps.
*Never again unless it is our totalitarian communist Chy-na they get a pass from CNN viewers*
Trevor Guthrie:
Asia is WAY ahead of US. Even in a poor country like my girlfriends of Thailand, they have developed good rapid testing, amazing contact tracing, and are moving into human testing on a vaccine….. and have gotten there numbers down to 0, twice now because they have also defeated there second wave.
Wish the US could get some federal help like that in combating covid.
@Trevor Guthrie US is the richest country, but most of the wealth belongs to the filthy rich. As far as healthcare is concerned, it is worst for its citizens. When come to corona virus response, it is no better than the third world country, maybe even worse. To ordinary people especially those homeless, US is a third word country.
Also please don’t repeat those CIA manufactured lies about China, they are too old and have been debunked.
They need to stop all this testing around the president. He’s got his hydroxycloroquine!
tecums3h yeah, Trump should have listened to Dr.Fauci and NOT closed our borders so soon. Then just maybe he wouldn’t have been called a racist either. He should have gone along with Pelosi inviting everyone to egg rolls in China Town and Deblasio in N.Y.C.
You guys are ate up with it.
阿松 Thank You.
I agree. Trumps against all this testing; why should his minions be tested?
Right!! The man who is promoting testing less, is testing the most…really
Yeeeeee. Gov. Dewine’s second test was taken and has just turned out to be negative. Thanks be to God.

Dude, we’ve seen you in public. You haven’t been “staying at home”.
Hes tested positive and hes not wearing a mask either. Things like that are how I know we dont have to worry
He was able to get test. We can all be tested here in Ohio. Get your facts straight.
He should say that he wears a mask because if we get the virus, wearing a mask will keep him from spreading the virus.
Lmao. He’s a candidate to die. Unless, he’s lying for political reason. Lol
I am beginning to wonder if testing everyday is not poking more holes to the already empty ones in trump’s brain through his nasal cavity.
They tested him again and the result was negative good luck Governor
” started to deal with the coronavirus in *march* ”
Well, there’s your problem right there.
“SlOw ThE tEsTiNg DoWn” except when you are about to visit the president, work with the president, or travel with the president.
@Antonio saxon The Cleveland Plain Dealer 8/7/2020
“Like Day And Night Governor Mike DeWine Tests Positive In Morning Negative In The Evening”
So There You GO! “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself” Get Over It “Coronavirus”
I Know People Tested Negative Then Positive Then Negative AND NEVER GOT SICK!
How About Investigate You Know Obama-Bidengate Hey Where Is Little Doom & Gloom Jimmy Bozo Acosta Liberal HACK ** But Oh NO CNN = Fake News = Communist News Network ** Obama-Bidengate
You can look city by city, even country by country or hospital by hospital and see how affective hydrochloroquine with zinc and zpac has been. Far lower fatality rates. The hospital I was in contract with at the time this all started began using this cocktail almost immediately and almost all corona patients were sent home and the hospital was emptied, making me and others need to seek work elsewhere.
Recently Italy admitted 99% of their covid fatalities had other illnesses, mainly heart disease and high blood pressure with an average death age of 80.
@Mike Mower Do you have sources for all these claims you make here?
About the supposed situation in Italy? About that hospital that began “using this cocktail almost immediately and almost all corona patients were sent home and the hospital was emptied”?
Oh, and don’t say that I should go looking for evidence to back up *your claims*! That’s not how it works.
@Mike Mower It’s got nothing to do with Trump buying the 90% of the worldwide stock????
“We all told you that masks didn’t matter…..but we know it does.” So please tell us why you lied !?!
Cause they DON’T everyone I know that even uses gogles have gotten sick.
I don’t use it and i’ve been in over ten protests and in the same room with cv patients my brother and my mother.
these tests do not detect viruses they detect SEQUENCES and ither organisms have these sequence like the papaya fruit.. the president of tanzania tested everything on site lol
He’s already tested negative
My children need to meet the President before they go back to school.
I bet the president has better coloring books than they do.
He tested positive and then negative. May be he was just trying to find an excuse to not meet the orange idiot.
False negatives are common, mostly due to not swabbing properly.
Maybe the Orange Idiot didn’t want to meet DeWine a republican with a brain.
Ha! That’s what I thought! I’d find a way out of meeting the moron too!
I love how all these “high profile” people (governors) say “be careful and be safe” AFTER they get it. Step off your high horse please.
belaireguy411 did you already forget about Trump giving the test making contract to his buddy and having the worst test ever conceived?
Right now out test is leaps and bounds from what Trumps buddy tried to make
@Kevin Arzola
Thanks but I just watched the tyrant Dewine’s interview on Fox news. Listen closely, “THERE IS NO COMPETENT TEST,” after 7 months. You people are incorrigible and simply practice apologetics. “Tests have made leaps and bounds,” really? What does that even mean? Holy shite. You’re right, the covid bullshite was a virus only to turn into a disease “caused” by an existing coronavirus. Is that what came from China? This thread is the freaking definition of insanity, I thank you all as the hits just keep coming. Good luck and remember, wear your masks. Ugh. Take care Kevin.
belaireguy411 yes I know this. My point is that at the start Trump had his buddy make a test that gave millions of false positives and negatives to Americans.
Right now, if you take a blood, nasal and spit test your accuracy is around 80-90%. Which is pretty good. That’s about as good as a condom at preventing pregnancy lol
We were far below 50% when Trump was in charge of the test
belaireguy411 you take care too man. I’m sure and hope we will all get through this healthy and economically sound
@Kevin Arzola
Thanks Kevin and do not mind my frustration. My wife and I have been unaffected by the current debacle, our work has continued as if nothing is going on. I feel sorry for those that are hurting terribly and those dying because they can’t get appropriate care. What this has done to the children and high schoolers may never have a remedy. The rest of the year will be like a time we have never seen before, I continue to hope for the best. Have a great night and sleep well, all the best of course to you and yours.
He’s actually negative. NBC reports he’s negative today. Oh, really?