New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc won the Republican nomination after months campaigning on false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump. A little more than a day later, he attempted an about-face. #CNN #News
See GOP election denier’s flip-flop after winning Senate primary

“Doing the research” means “what gets me the most votes”
Con is good with good news but it

Bong is your new job and I just

Last fight
This is a great example as to why you don’t piss off the swingvoters.
Really!!!! Well,,, I thought that it meant that you were still doing research,,,not I’m gonna win,,,,
so I would like to believe this guy. HOWEVER… there are way too many clips of his play-out being MUCH different than his original analysis.
I worked with him in the service – he’s NUTS. Forced to retire.
@S N just curious. How is he nuts?
1 Crissy F. Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“Dammmit, I stand by it”
Needs to be on every billboard in the state.
@Francis Hurley umm, why would a democrat run against a republican in primaries/ Don’t you know how Primaries work? Now can you explain why Liz Cheney lost her primary? or how over a million Democrats have switched to republican?
@Ironskull you wrote that republicans haven’t been losing at the ballot box lately. I pointed out that the only races they’ve been in recently are the primaries
When you purge your party of all of mainstream members, how oh how can you expect to nominate mainstream candidates?
On either side ….there is no middle anymore
I picture the conversation with someone high up in the party saying to him: “you’re not an election denier are you? Because election deniers are idiots, and you’re not an idiot right?? Tell me we don’t have an idiot running for office on our ticket….”
And him answering: “I’m not an idiot but I do believe it was stolen!”
And the higher up says: “you realize in the last 25 years we’ve one the popular vote once after 9/11… And that’s it. So I say again you’d have to be an idiot to think a man can lose the electoral college and the popular vote and think it was stolen with zero evidence…. Tell me you are not an idiot and get down your new talking points quick.”
Him: “yes sir”
I would call it Un-American instead of election denier.
Good thing Banana Republicans found an outsider, a general, who stands by his word! . . .
. . . For a month!
LAUGHABLE! Say one thing to primary voters and something else to general election voters. Typical republican strategy and it won’t work in New Hampshire!
It’s called a LIAR … he is a dangerous one
He was for the big lie before he was against it.
1 Just Rico Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He still is
PLEASE!!! Continue to vote all blue Democrats
American people!!!
1 Stacee Ellis Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He just said what he needed to say to survive the primary. He’s an opportunist. I believe this is how he felt about the election all along, but he sure fooled those voters. What a shame…
yep, he’s just doing what every republican does and they love the lies regardless.
Sometimes, you can’t blame the politician for this. That’s what they do. The sad part is that those who votes for it. They just don’t think it through. They are easily manipulated. And there are too many of them in this country.
Sad to see this political opportunism from Republicans. You shouldn’t have to lie to voters
This is his big chance to become a Senator, and if he has to lie to get there, he is down with that.
what’s the lie?
I Don’t Stand By My Own Words, I have ZERO Integrity, and I LIED to You, Vote for ME!

~ Senate candidate Don Bolduc
1 Eric C. Sabadin Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Can’t wait to see these clowns explain their flip flops in debates.
It’s disgusting to be this classless. So you win is all good but when you lose they cheated, great example for our youth from idiots that never grew up.
Pretty cowardly for a general. You think he’d be offended by a draft dodging coward. Takes one to know one.
Another perfect example that attempts to disprove the old “Words have Consequences” saying. Deny, Deny, Deny. If someone has proof then it’s fake. Right out of the DJT playbook. Here’s one for you. When someone tells you who they are believe them the first time.
If they lie now to you, imagine their lies later.