New York state vaccinated their first health care worker during a livestream organized by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine was administered to critical care nurse Sandra who shared a message of hope after the injection.
#CNN #News
See first Covid-19 vaccine given to a New York health care worker

Can you follow her with a camera for a couple of weeks
@James Quinlan No can’t read no. Either
@James Quinlan This is social media not English
@James Quinlan I’m trying to learn to read so I can talk to people like you
@James Quinlan what does reading have to do with periods and question marks I thought that was Writing but I’m speaking into my phone
… I begin to wonder when this pandemic broke out how they said that black and brown people were more vulnerable on getting the coronavirus and also dying from it… Just like Tuskegee all over again experimenting on the poor and the black and brown community because if you look at it who’s ever the poorest that’s who they going to experiment on and it’s always been black people… It makes you wonder if it’s a conspiracy to use us as guinea pigs… It was just a setup from the beginning how they kept pushing it the black and brown people or more likely to die from this virus than the white race… It was made to experiment on us… Like I said Tuskegee all over again… When they tested us from 1932 to to 1972…
It’s not a coincidence that the first person to take the vaccine is black and the doctor administering the vaccine is also black. imagery is very important.
Axum ገብረመድሂን it should have been Bill Gates in that seat and the
should have been given by a VERIFIED RN. The RN should have to sign that it’s in fact the vaccine and not saline.
Moderna, a company that has never made vaccines is bringing doses to the people.
These people pushing this agenda have to go, staring with the top genocide master Bill Gates.
And not only Black, but Caribbean as well.
That’s the Democrat bullshit. Cuomo has destroyed NY. It’s so terribly sad. DiBlasio and Newsom are a close 2nd.
Dangerous COVID-19 Vaccines By Dr. Carrie Madej
Tradedmen are going to get shaaaafted HARD. My neighborhood committee will be requiring any builders or trades people to get a vaccine before they can do any work in the neighborhood. So companies who don’t require their employees to get the vaccine won’t get the contract. This also goes for any construction work or contract work four government contracts.
Passive Aquired Immunity: Convalescent plasma
She should have took a photo holding her ID then 3 months after she do the same to show proof she is ok
@eveFlower101 2 months with a rushed vaccine? Should be 2 years minimum
@B1ACKP0W3R But in the other thread you said its the ‘Mark of the Beast’ with RFID in it. So this is a BravoSierra argument on your part regardless.
All people of color should read MEDICAL APARTHEID before taking this shot, the book speak to the dark history of MEDICAL EXPERIMENTATION on dark and light brown tone Americans from colonial times to the present.
Why do that when it’s already been tested on 1,000s of people? Be scared of covid now be scared of the vaccine??
@Esha Kiarra race baiter bullshit. The vaccines been tested on 1,000s of people already man
God bless America!
Stay safe everyone!

@Seko Seko 3 All people of color should read MEDICAL APARTHEID before taking this shot, the book speak to the dark history of MEDICAL EXPERIMENTATION on dark and light brown tone Americans from colonial times to the present.
@Esha Kiarra oh god, we aren’t living in the middle ages
@Typical apple Your skin tone must be pink lacking melon…those are the people living in denial and under an illusion separated from reality.
@Esha Kiarra can you speak modern english? i dont speak science and poems
Is this getting weird or what?
They did this in Australia of recording the “first people” it is soooo ritualistic and such a joke!
The manufacturing of events is becoming more obvious
It’s a cult
Hoh yes
What’s that in the background…
Sistas eyes in screen shot says ” Sunken Place ” all day
Sistas eyes say: “Learn American English” all night
@True Hebrew thank you I just learned
She can have mine…sharing is caring.
We should do a follow-up with her in a few months just to see how she is feeling.
Exactly! Let’s check up on all of those who have taken this rushed out drug!
Be scared of covid now be scared of the vaccine. Pussified people man
@Andrew Rose
@Skip Jones so take the fucking vaccine if you’re so big and bad.
@Jack McBride Wonder why they just released a notification that people who have egg and peanut allergies shouldn’t take the vaccine. Amazing that it took several people having severe allergic reactions in Britain to learn about this side effect. Thorough testing must have not been very thorough….
God bless us all. Good luck.
Goh yes
Dangerous COVID-19 Vaccines By Dr. Carrie Madej
If it’s this safe than barron trump should be sitting on that chair.
2 minutes later…
Nurse: That will be $10,000
This is why I hate america
It’s free man. All vaccines will be free to all american citizens. It’s been said many times
@Felipe Correa Vieira vaccine is free to all u.s citizens. This is in new york
No thanks, ya’ll can have my dose
Right because who needs to fly on airplanes or attend public functions like professional sporting events?

Dangerous COVID-19 Vaccines By Dr. Carrie Madej
Where’s the Lollipop
How do we know that the shots being televised are actually real? I want close ups! For all we know this could have been a Tetanus shot!
@Davit Gevorkyan because Trump ain’t giving’ em out
We should wait a couple of weeks to see what happens
@Davit Gevorkyan just go mask less and hang around the emergency room…. that’ll help.
Shut up with these conspiracy theories already!!!!
@Oscar Jaramillo freedom of speech
a black nurse with a Caribbean accent?Hmmmm
You ever hear of Jamaica?
Bill Gates has three kids, think they’ll get this crud?
Hell naw, hellbto the nah nah naw

They are use black person for vaccines. Come on guys.
Dangerous COVID-19 Vaccines By Dr. Carrie Madej
Repent for your sins and get right with God before it’s too late. Forget all these politicians, and these vaccines, they can’t save you only our Father can
cnn 5 months later: A zombie outbreak has happened starting in new york