Dom Von Hutch And it’s true. If you vote for him IMO then you share his racist ideology. I could never vote for a man who spews hatred like this idiot does. And he is dividing the country.
@W Towns Mothers choice = Legal Murder. Do you know there are places that more black babies are aborted than born? Sorry, I vote to protect the innocents. And if mom wants to kill the innocent, we should criminalize that act.
After listening to Rice speak, go to a video of a Trump admin official or Trump himself and listen. Presidents and their people should be capable of intelligent discourse.
@blackened 1 Really, go fk your Bible, ok this just proves who & what the leftist, socialist, communist, like yourself believes in. No civil discussion, it’s either your way or ……………..
@Honey Badgers rule It is time the left grows a pair and start to fight the rights fire with fire. We are just as hateful and vile as the orange clown himself.
@kathy 21 Very good chance of it. Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and won the electoral vote by 80 thousand. Something is way to fishy there.
@Dearly Diane <---- There she is 'Dearly Diane', known everTrumping Russian troll. Hiya 'Diane'. Haven't seen you trolling in a while. Where ya been? How's the weather in St. Petersburg?
What about the Republicans that just follow along and in some case do his bidding? They too need to go, we all know their names. It’s as easy as good vs. evil.
You are afraid of his resolute voice. His opinions cut both ways – left and right. But every time you kick him, over time you will force him to pick one. And it won’t likely be blue.
David Perrin – I watch a lot of coverage, both and all sides. I honestly don’t know why people get so fired up over Carlson he’s generally challenging people who should be able to defend themselves and their point of view legitimately. This woman being interviewed here would just implode and do herself a disservice.
@Dom Von Hutch Love or Hate Tucker he is very talented when exploring complicated issues. I don’t always agree with him, but I come away from his show… thinking. And I know that is most of the problem that Dems have with him, because they demand loyalty to the letter of doctrine – or you are the enemy. I am sorry, that looks and feels like fascism. The government dictates realities and the public chants agreement, or they are eviscerated as evil. I think about China and the millions of Muslims that they have in re-education camps… why doesn’t anyone ever talk about that? Because that is a Democrats wet dream. Having the power to incarcerate the unclean free thinkers is what they represent today. It’s a sad departure from the Democrat party of yesterday.
Agreed,Another Socialist Pig. Commie tactics. I feel deeply that more and More folks are awake and on the Trump train. Look at his rallies. Look at the Number of Likes for this compared to dislikes. Somethin is happening here. Revolution.
At a MAGA rally Trump and his fans have a real good laugh about shooting ilegals at the border. Btw … they’re not racist.
At a MAGA rally Trump and his fans have a real good laugh about sending back people who are not white. Btw … they’re not racist.
At a MAGA rally Trump and his fans have a real good laugh about punching a black protester in the face. Btw … they’re not racist.
Trump and his fans have a real good laugh to tell everyone that they’re totaly not racist at all … Btw
@R LWRC Moron, we’ve been living in a form of socialism for decades, what bothers a POS like you is the color of the people that it helps. You’re to much of an ignorant racist to realize it helps more people who look like you, and I’m pretty sure of what you look like if you’re a trump supporter.
@Fifer McGee Your comment makes no sense at all. It is very clear that both political parties have been dominated by corporate interest , the fact that the Democratic parties has become more progressive is because of Bernie Sanders. Not so long ago the Democratic debate party tampered the entire election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. In order to see fundamental changes in our country, Citizens United has to be repealed.
bout time you became a Trump supporter. WELCOME ABOARD THE TRUMP TRAIN! TRUMP 2020, GONNA WIN BIGGER THAN LAST TIME. Democrats heads are going to laterally explode.
Did you not know China was hacked into is for years and we still never knew what they were doing or exactly how long they had hacked into US?? While Obama was in the white house and that’s bidens best friends. Now that’s more concerning than some fake Russia hoax paid for by Clintion considering it’s said they used her servers to hack. Coincidence I think not!!!
There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
He was a crooked husband with a some-what crooked wife.
He had some crooked children and son-in-law…a louse.
And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House….
Only the American People
Hold the Power and are Empowered
to put a stop to
this Hate Hurt Heinous Violence
Propagated by Trump .
Against People of Color .
Social Unrest and Chaos !
Trump’s Agenda !
White Whitehouse Supremacism !
I watched that TC segment on Fox where he claimed White Supremacy is a hoax. He knows that if he said otherwise, he would hear the TV sets turning off or switching to other channels or maybe a beer thrown at the TV. That, in my mind, is the saddest thing about Fox “News”. He’s a disgrace, as Susan Rice said. But, what does that say about his viewers?
and you believe Susan Rice after she lied 5 times about Benghazi , Tucker has more viewers than all prime time host on cnn combined. Liberal sheep are the dumbest.
1994, Rwanda, Hutu’s had been told that Tutsi’s were “cockroaches”, from the R.C. pulpits. Dehumanization works: 500,000 deaths in 100 days, if I remember correctly.
Prayers go out to Presidential candidate Biden, and Dr. Rice.
@Dearly Diane
If he spoke the way trump speaks, yes
Mizz, so it’s the way, not the content? Perhaps you are prejudiced against NY accent?
@W Towns fkking RACIST ahol. Double standard hypocrite. Democrite.
@Dearly Diane
No not the way , the words
The Leader of the White Supremacists Must Go. IMPEACH, PUT ON TRIAL AND THEN IMPRISON.
Dom Von Hutch And it’s true. If you vote for him IMO then you share his racist ideology. I could never vote for a man who spews hatred like this idiot does. And he is dividing the country.
Impeach him on what? He’s a Russian agents? lmao
@Joe Smith
Go back to fox noise/trump channel with the rest of the blind deaf and dumb delusional clowns.
@W Towns Mothers choice = Legal Murder. Do you know there are places that more black babies are aborted than born? Sorry, I vote to protect the innocents. And if mom wants to kill the innocent, we should criminalize that act.
After listening to Rice speak, go to a video of a Trump admin official or Trump himself and listen. Presidents and their people should be capable of intelligent discourse.
@Phyllis Neal Speak that TRUTH

*Who was the President of the United States at that time? Who was in charge of our national security at that time?*
@Ricker Rocks

This is exactly what the Russians wanted to happen when they helped Trump win
This is it!!!!!
@blackened 1 Really, go fk your Bible, ok this just proves who & what the leftist, socialist, communist, like yourself believes in. No civil discussion, it’s either your way or ……………..
@Honey Badgers rule It is time the left grows a pair and start to fight the rights fire with fire. We are just as hateful and vile as the orange clown himself.
@kathy 21 Very good chance of it. Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and won the electoral vote by 80 thousand. Something is way to fishy there.
What this lady just said is what I have been thinking the last three years. Well said.
*You’re not allowed to think, you’re only programmed to receive and repeat.*
@Dearly Diane Oh so much ignorance pouring out of one sentence…… : (
@Dearly Diane <---- There she is 'Dearly Diane', known everTrumping Russian troll. Hiya 'Diane'. Haven't seen you trolling in a while. Where ya been? How's the weather in St. Petersburg?
What about the Republicans that just follow along and in some case do his bidding? They too need to go, we all know their names. It’s as easy as good vs. evil.
kalbs89 republicans are cunts morons with small man!!
@Dicky Jones You spelled Trump wrong moron
There is no Racism in our President. She is a Liar, a Socialist PIG. The democrats are the division.
Plain and simple!! Tucker is a disgrace, move on, no comment. #PowerFuLLLLLLL!!!!!!
You are afraid of his resolute voice. His opinions cut both ways – left and right. But every time you kick him, over time you will force him to pick one. And it won’t likely be blue.
David Perrin – I watch a lot of coverage, both and all sides. I honestly don’t know why people get so fired up over Carlson he’s generally challenging people who should be able to defend themselves and their point of view legitimately. This woman being interviewed here would just implode and do herself a disservice.
Philip Clarke – you’re a schmuck.
@David Perrin You’ve got talent!! ever tried out for Comedy Central?. ha ha ha
@Dom Von Hutch Love or Hate Tucker he is very talented when exploring complicated issues. I don’t always agree with him, but I come away from his show… thinking. And I know that is most of the problem that Dems have with him, because they demand loyalty to the letter of doctrine – or you are the enemy. I am sorry, that looks and feels like fascism. The government dictates realities and the public chants agreement, or they are eviscerated as evil. I think about China and the millions of Muslims that they have in re-education camps… why doesn’t anyone ever talk about that? Because that is a Democrats wet dream. Having the power to incarcerate the unclean free thinkers is what they represent today. It’s a sad departure from the Democrat party of yesterday.
Our swiss cheese system of government allowed an caucasoid supremacist into D.C.
What about Black Caucasians?
Adolf Hitler: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
Trump: Hold my toupee.
@David Perrin You’re a fucking idiot
Agreed,Another Socialist Pig. Commie tactics. I feel deeply that more and More folks are awake and on the Trump train. Look at his rallies. Look at the Number of Likes for this compared to dislikes. Somethin is happening here. Revolution.
At a MAGA rally Trump and his fans have a real good laugh about shooting ilegals at the border. Btw … they’re not racist.
At a MAGA rally Trump and his fans have a real good laugh about sending back people who are not white. Btw … they’re not racist.
At a MAGA rally Trump and his fans have a real good laugh about punching a black protester in the face. Btw … they’re not racist.
Trump and his fans have a real good laugh to tell everyone that they’re totaly not racist at all … Btw
Tucker that is because you are not personally at the receiving end of the sickness, you are part of the sickness.
I don’t like that Tucker.
America does not like left wing terrorism. Please stop libtard hate and racism.
Kremlin Klan Trump and Moscow Mitch must be removed.
Vote them out of office in 2020!
Listen to Kellyanne, then listen to Susan Rice.
Kelly Ann sounds like trailer trash without a soul.
@Dicky Jones “Kellyanne is ten times smarter and better.” In whose reality???! I think your pointed klan hood is on too tight.
Kellyanne would make great PR for the Manson family. Oh wait a sec. She already is.
@R LWRC Moron, we’ve been living in a form of socialism for decades, what bothers a POS like you is the color of the people that it helps. You’re to much of an ignorant racist to realize it helps more people who look like you, and I’m pretty sure of what you look like if you’re a trump supporter.
@Fifer McGee Your comment makes no sense at all. It is very clear that both political parties have been dominated by corporate interest , the fact that the Democratic parties has become more progressive is because of Bernie Sanders. Not so long ago the Democratic debate party tampered the entire election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. In order to see fundamental changes in our country, Citizens United has to be repealed.
This is what speaking truth to power looks and sounds like!
Brainwashed! Sad! Smh!
bout time you became a Trump supporter. WELCOME ABOARD THE TRUMP TRAIN! TRUMP 2020, GONNA WIN BIGGER THAN LAST TIME. Democrats heads are going to laterally explode.
bobby cowper you cant see that you are loosing while following a looser.
Kai Saito aww do you need some bactine on that nasty boo boo.
Truth to Power? she’s talking to a propagandist on a propaganda network!
Perfect time to attack the U.S., when the country is so divided. Beware I cannot be the only one who has thought of this.
Ricardo Williams First build the wall after pave the road for Neo/Nazi.
Did you not know China was hacked into is for years and we still never knew what they were doing or exactly how long they had hacked into US?? While Obama was in the white house and that’s bidens best friends. Now that’s more concerning than some fake Russia hoax paid for by Clintion considering it’s said they used her servers to hack. Coincidence I think not!!!
Adolph Hilter once said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Sounds like 45.
Do you have a gun? You must be a Nazi, that book does not exist.
@Cropper Copper, sounds just like CNN fake news and the Russia Hoax. CNN doing their best Nazi impression.
Sounds like CNN and MSDNC’s motto. They’re experts at gaslighting. And should be seeing as how they practice it on a daily basis
Big pop. Go to hell. Your whats. Worng. With. Amecica now
@Dominique Antonia Bryant Freeland who in. The hell are you. To. Judge somebody else. Are you preferit. Are. Greart in everything. You do.
There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
He was a crooked husband with a some-what crooked wife.
He had some crooked children and son-in-law…a louse.
And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House….
@Mark Pratt good I hope they get bullets in there head.
@Ana Young Ha, Ha,…letting past administrations haunt the halls of your mind.

@PAPAYAMAN “you’re “
Thank you, Susan Rice for not giving another thought to the “disgrace” by the name of Tucker Carlson. He is totally a disgrace to our Country!
@David Perrin, agree 100% that Tucker is doing good job…
@David Perrin ” the boss if me”?.. ha ha ha
….try saying something sensible…for once
Sasan rice. Is a. Decace
@Solar Eclipse who in the hell are. You you get your news. Frum. Cnn. Msabc.
@David Perrin You obviously haven’t read the report. Just watch fox news and follow your dear leader blindly.
Only the American People
Hold the Power and are Empowered
to put a stop to
this Hate Hurt Heinous Violence
Propagated by Trump .
Against People of Color .
Social Unrest and Chaos !
Trump’s Agenda !
White Whitehouse Supremacism !
Justin Gomez you are full of
. Get educated, get a job,

God will be the judge of all hate
I watched that TC segment on Fox where he claimed White Supremacy is a hoax. He knows that if he said otherwise, he would hear the TV sets turning off or switching to other channels or maybe a beer thrown at the TV. That, in my mind, is the saddest thing about Fox “News”. He’s a disgrace, as Susan Rice said. But, what does that say about his viewers?
Well you can’t stop people from giving their opinions but your sure can backlash if needed
it’s damn hoax and you have never seen one, just like the Russia bullshit.
and you believe Susan Rice after she lied 5 times about Benghazi , Tucker has more viewers than all prime time host on cnn combined. Liberal sheep are the dumbest.
1994, Rwanda, Hutu’s had been told that Tutsi’s were “cockroaches”, from the R.C. pulpits. Dehumanization works: 500,000 deaths in 100 days, if I remember correctly.
One million. Horrible.