President Trump tweeted out an image of a dog who was part of the operation that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
#CNN #News
President Trump tweeted out an image of a dog who was part of the operation that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
#CNN #News
Dude’s funky undies were his undoing.
Such a good boy.
I hear it was a girl. Injured in the raid.
This AWESOME Hero K9 Troop is, apparently, [Good] Girl!
is the true HERO and man’s best friend.
Actually, poor dog… it was effectively involuntarily trained to put its own health and LIFE in danger
“He died like a dog” that’s disrespectful to the hero dawgy
@Sheik Yo Booty Libtards be like: “Look! Blackface! Punch that Nazi dog!”
@Sheik Yo Booty your words show just how ignorant you are. May America drop a big bomb upon your family in your home town.
Muhammad was killed by a Jewish woman who gave a poisoned Lamb to Muhammad, to see if he was a prophet or a king. He was neither, he was heard crying about Allah cutting his Aorta. Allah told him that He would cut the Aorta of any LYING PROPHET
@Sheik Yo Booty Your mouth is a c*ck holster. That’s not me saying that. It’s what your mom says.
@Starkiller _ No wait. That’s your mom.
He also said he watched it like it was a movie where’s the video
It must be bullshit!
you do realise everything has to go through a declassification process right?
@TJ youre really reaching its just a video
@TJ Don’t worry,
too ignorant
things on their own
Grade C-
You obviously went to school, Billy Bob, which is different to most Trump voters.
where is the body ?!! the body was dispose Immediately !!
FunFact: The dog’s name is Abu Barker.
Woof! Woof!,…Woof!
(Press pool clamors for answers)
Dogs: 1 : Cats: 0
@Bookmouse yeah, but I don’t like cats. Cats should be eaten with fried rice and veggies and some saki to rinse it down.
Cats put Baghdadi in power and sent the doggo to take him out. Haven’t you heard of the Felluminati? THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING!
Think he was watching “wag the dog”
Cause he was killed years ago
I’m naming my next dog Classified.
his name is conan
This AWESOME Hero K9 Troop is, apparently, a Girl! No confirmation on her name.
Jay Luck my dogs name is Kitty Kat
Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.
– Groucho Marx
Good Girl
Who would win:
* A Deadly and brutal terrorist founder and leader.
* A good boy.
Who would win:
*A man and his three children
* A pack of killer attack “dogs”
This story is bullshit.
@hodaka1000 if he thinks his kids will protect him from his crimes he was dead wrong
Mr. Prickles
Now to pin the medal of honor on the hero dog, Agent Classified.
Owww!!! He honorably bit me!!
That dog deserves the Medal of honor.
That would be great!
That’s a little underwhelming.he deserves more
Actually, poor dog… it was effectively involuntarily trained to put its own health and LIFE in danger
CIA “did you get a blood sample”
Informant “even better, I got his underwear”
why isnt this the top comment lol
His taint sweat lol
They wear underwear?
where is the body ?!! the body was dispose Immediately !!
“they call it a canine, I call it donjr. Er I mean a dog “
James Cooper
@James Cooper woof
@James Cooper don’t be a pooper, cooper
Dog’s identity is being withheld pending notification to his parents.
its conan
I love the dog
he is the hero.
I prayed that the hero dog heal soon.
Al Baghdadi went out crying
that is for all the innocent lives he took.
Thank God that the hero dog is saved.
That Jeff Zucker 9AM Conference Call must have been really fun this morning…
Zucker: “I don’t care how you do it but put a negative spin on this Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi thing”.
CNN Staff: “No problem we”ll emphasize the dog and then add…Trump gave out too much info”.
Zucker: “Excellent…remember Trump 24/7…there are no other stories anymore!”
We’re gonna hear trump talking about this everyday until the election