See conservative analyst’s reaction to Oz’s loss to Fetterman

CNN's Anderson Cooper and political commentator Jonah Goldberg break down Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz's loss to Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman for a Pennsylvania Senate seat, and what it means for the GOP. #CNN #News

See conservative analyst's reaction to Oz's loss to Fetterman


  1. “PA voters overwhelmingly believed that being from NJ was a much bigger problem than having a stroke” 😂

    1. @Mike Rew she’s dumb …. I in FL and wish a better candidate for governor ran ..I was disappointed in the results

    2. @BARRON VON SCHNEIDER “This channel doesn’t have any content” Another rightwing moocher and deadbeat.

  2. I always knew there would be no red wave. But I didnt expect it to look this good (so far). And I was confident the messaging of Democrats was right on point in terms of the big talking points. But I feel they left some on the table by not hammering home how the GQP has not offered much or anything aside from culture wars and cheap lies – not to mention any solutions to issues everybody can agree on.

    1. I’m glad they didn’t stoop to repub tactics. People I talked to wanted to hear about the issues and solutions from those running. That OUR government was aware of and offering to help with the issue

    2. @Jeremy Benoit you lost, get your head out of trump’s fat orange arse dude

    3. I’m not so sure. There are basically two Americas: those who buy into television hype but are scared of losing their comfortable lives and those who actually have something to fight for. We are still a society full of entitled people who are duped into believing that politics can improve our lives from the top down when the most significant things typically start small and build significance over time.

    4. It’s hard to believe that anybody still supports democrats. Trump was the solution. America was thriving when the pedo potato took office. Didn’t take him long to undo all of that. Democrats are a complete disaster.

  3. If only I could’ve been paid all the money they pumped into OZ. I could’ve told them it was never going to work and I’m not even from PA.

    1. Same thing with the Democrats in GA. Spent a bunch of money against MTG that would have been better spent elsewhere.

    2. @Will Tell All What was the compelling plan put forth by the Republicans for how they were going to make things better?

    1. @RC .70 years ago you clearly have done zero research about oz or you would already know. It seems you want to stay willfully ignorant or you would actually research things before commenting anything.

    1. @$hiek Yobooty And the worst is Crist was beaten like a rented mule in Florida. Lots of trucks and guns here in Florida.

    2. @R C
      Florida 😂👎 libraries need books bubbas 😂😁😂 hoping the hurricane hits mar a Lago, need papee towels?

  4. Thank you, young people, now it’s time for you yourselves to start to seriously consider running for elective office starting in local and statewide office. As it has been made abundantly clear, who we elect locally can also play a part on who is elected on a state level. Also, if you didn’t know before, because I didn’t know until the 2020 election, who is in office on a state level plays a part in how elections for federal office are ran, e.g. Georgia and Texas, just to name two, enacted laws to make it more difficult to vote. We need an infusion of younger blood in politics. I am 68, and speaking for myself, I want younger people turning out to vote in large numbers, but running for public office as well. If you are about keeping Democracy safe, please insert yourselves into the political process on a whole other level by taking up the mantle to secure your future.

    1. @Jetsam Peres how to say you have been manipulated without saying you have been manipulated, God bless your misled soul

    2. I think there is a chinese proverb for this.

      The plague that you don’t see. Is the plague that gets away scott free.

    3. @Jetsam Peres The democrats aren’t the voice of reason. Anybody who believes we should mask children every year during the winter months because we always have seasonal illnesses that kills people, don’t realize that they are creating socially awkward kids.

      And white people who vote for abortion but don’t actually ever use it, only create a huge national security risk when black people start (and they have already started) asking the obvious question. “Hey you honky! why you killin’ off all our kids instead of giving us the equal opportunity we’re owed?”

      Democrats are going to be in a weird position someday when they are all surrounded by a bunch of armed black people wearing MAGA hats and are like, “wait guys… now you know we have been your friends for years… and I know you’ve heard some things that is totally republican misinformation” *gun fires into the air* “Okay okay wait… just wait a minute… please God just wait… HEY LOOK ITS TUPAC!” *runs off*

  5. I think the attitude is this:. We might not like what we have, but we are sure as hell not going to like what’s coming on the other side even more

    1. @Cowboy Curtis You’re comparing the prepandemic era with now. Of course things are different. Things are worse worldwide in our recovery. But Trump’s only major legislation was the tax cut act that gave him and his cronies nice tax breaks, and he promised that would generate GDP growth over 6%. In fact, our GDP growth never even reached 3% annually, and by 2019 he was begging Powell to lower interest rates and “print” money because economists were forecasting our first recession since the Great Recession. His stupid Trade War with China was a huge problem, especially in the Midwest, where factories and farms failed and a record number of farmers committed suicide. And to do all this, he had doubled the deficit and raised the national debt by trillions even BEFORE the pandemic hit.

      But the pandemic really showed how unfit Trump was to lead. We had the worst response in the world to the pandemic under Trump, and we’re having one of the best recoveries in the world under Biden.

    2. No, the attitude is this: I’m an unmarried, single women and I want the ability to go out and be a hoe so I need the ability to kill my child incase I get pregnant while being a hoe. Democrats are the party of unmarried women and they don’t care about anything besides casual sex.

    3. @Will Tell All If ya’ll REALLY believed that, why even participate in the process? Why leave your house to go vote? If you all REALLY believed it was rigged you wouldn’t have gone out to vote. You just say that because it makes you feel better about being a massive loser who supports losing candidates.

    4. @D.A. Oh Well said!!! There were also BILLIONS in bailouts for farmers because of what Trump’s trade war did (he and his daughter got some good China deals out of it though)… Trump’s monthly jobs numbers also NEVER exceeded Obama’s – I ask Trump supporters to search that, but never hear back… Trump simply road the wave of Obama’s economy – but STILL spent way more than Obama did in his first 4 years (pre-pandemic – AND Obama was dealing with a recession from previous years – a familiar thing Dems deal with)

  6. When I was a young, New Jersey was where you went to buy booze and for no other reason. All eastern Pennsylvanians – if not all Pennsylvanians – have a healthy disrespect for everything east of the Delaware,
    including shark-oil salesmen and snake-oil doctors. Which OZ is both, to the extreme.

    Go PENNA!

  7. Don’t overlook the impact Barack Obama had on this election he may have been the difference in ALOT of these races

  8. I can’t believe as many people voted for Oz as they did. He’s not even from their state. Sure Fetterman’s speech still glitches a little. But he can overcome that and get better. I did

    1. @D Squared OPPOSITE, he understands what is being said-he is recovering from a stroke. His ability to articulate his speech will improve with time.

    2. I’m a pretty solid Democrat and didn’t much care for Oz. With that said, I could hardly watch Fetterman. That was really tough to watch. Saying he “glitches a little” is a huge understatement.

    3. @D Squared Georgia is pushing a brain damaged ex football player into the senate, so not much room to talk about a stroke patient.

  9. Not sure who that last female speaker was, but VERY well said! Abortion IS also an economic issue. That’s the best I’ve heard that articulates by anyone in the abortion vs economy discussion.

    1. ​@Odin Mcboden I’m defiantly steering clear of liberal women. If this is what they are focused on, it raises some questions about their morality

    1. @dust in the wind I do not consider the MAGA’s my enemy. I believe they are an enemy of democracy and a threat to America, but they are still Americans and humans and therefore worthy of discussions in hopes of progress. It’s just that I was surprised by the large numbers.

    2. More so… oz doesn’t have mental retardation. Walker, who was never bright whatsoever, is intellectually subpar for a 4th grader.

    3. @dust in the wind There’s a difference between “shocking” and “surprising.” Another mass school shooting in the US is shocking, not surprising.

    4. @Matt M I would say your comment proves that the psychological phenomenon referred to as, “projection” is proven once again.

  10. Just got in and the news greeting me couldn’t be better 👍🙏💙 !
    From the Uk and probably half the World , Congratulations 🎉 👍
    Back to sanity 🤞💙!

  11. Democracy and freedom are those things without which it is impossible to imagine the life of free people. You can’t buy democracy and freedom with money !!! 💙💙💙

    1. @shanta balu I love how all of the cultists are melting down on every single media platform today! Please keep crying and I’ll keep registering Democratic voters and swing States. Brilliant I tell you you’re brilliant

    2. Big money has been buying our politicians since the court gave them the green light. That is why we have the garbage running for office we have today.

  12. Shows that the DEM establishment needs to move aside and allow younger people to run without being undermined.

  13. “Unapologetically progressive” is truly THE BEST reference I’ve heard yet regarding U.S. politics.🙏👏🇨🇦

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