"New Day" co-host John Berman wishes farewell to Alisyn Camerota before she moves to her new role anchoring CNN's weekday coverage with Victor Blackwell. #CNN #News
See co-anchor’s hilarious sendoff to Alisyn Camerota

"New Day" co-host John Berman wishes farewell to Alisyn Camerota before she moves to her new role anchoring CNN's weekday coverage with Victor Blackwell. #CNN #News
That was just adorable
They better be replacing her with a black queen or Stacey Abrams will boycott Weight Watchers and Planet Fitness.
(e-n-t-r-e) (e+m) (c:o:n:t:a:t:o) (n-o) (W•h•a•t•s•A•p•p) (p°a°r°a) (s_e_u) (i-n-v-e-s-t-i-m-e-n-t-o) (e+m) (b•i•t•c•o•i•n)
(e-n-t-r-e) (e+m) (c:o:n:t:a:t:o) (n-o) (W•h•a•t•s•A•p•p) (p°a°r°a) (s_e_u) (i-n-v-e-s-t-i-m-e-n-t-o) (e+m) (b•i•t•c•o•i•n)
That was the most cowardly way of saying our ratings are in the dump firing i have ever seen. Probably like your divorce
Oh my God, they’re my favourite duo, I’ll miss them
@Darien Gordon I’m sure you’re used to that
@skoomalegend1 funny, I’m sure you are too
@Darien Gordon no. Actually very relevant.
I didn’t know she was leaving too. Brooke Baldwin is leaving as well.
Wow, I did not know she was leaving either !
@Nika Nika Allison is moving to new time, with Victor, not going anywhere!! Breanna will fill morning show with sweet John.
@President NotSure What you’re saying is “MY guess is right and YOUR guess is wrong.”
She’s still going to be at CNN. My guess is she’s taking over for Brooke Baldwin.
@elroy the great

nicely done. alisyn will be missed.
Not really
Shes moving to the 1 and 2 pm block.Brianna will be on with John Berman
@Michael Easterwood you have to much welfare couch sitting time on your hands
@Drew P. Balzak you’re obviously obsessed with black people, you have a black woman as your pfp
@Believerc thats cuz I am black
Aww. So really, really, REALLY hilarious, and heartfelt and STILL beautiful LOL

…i guess he really, really, REALLY,did notice HER….
(e-n-t-r-e) (e+m) (c:o:n:t:a:t:o) (n-o) (W•h•a•t•s•A•p•p) (p°a°r°a) (s_e_u) (i-n-v-e-s-t-i-m-e-n-t-o) (e+m) (b•i•t•c•o•i•n)
So sad I loved watching Alisyn!! Take care and thanks for your passionate and caring reporting.
(e-n-t-r-e) (e+m) (c:o:n:t:a:t:o) (n-o) (W•h•a•t•s•A•p•p) (p°a°r°a) (s_e_u) (i-n-v-e-s-t-i-m-e-n-t-o) (e+m) (b•i•t•c•o•i•n)
She was a liar of the first order, and always trying to take everything out of context. So glad to see this heifer go!!

you’re brainwashed
Best send-off / farewell I have ever seen on a news program.. perfect !
Wow…this was amazing
Skank tbh
How Does China’s Social Credit System Work?
I love them together. That was a nice sendoff
(e-n-t-r-e) (e+m) (c:o:n:t:a:t:o) (n-o) (W•h•a•t•s•A•p•p) (p°a°r°a) (s_e_u) (i-n-v-e-s-t-i-m-e-n-t-o) (e+m) (b•i•t•c•o•i•n)
That is my husband.. It’s red! No babe is not, it’s candy apple.. Hon, it’s blue, why didn’t you just say blue.. Because it’s not, it’s peacock.. Wtf is Chartreuse?!
This was so awesome I love it..
Sounds like your husband is gay
@Diddy Doodat How insecure are you about your sexuality that you call a happily married man gay?
@Diddy Doodat lol
@ᜃᜆᜒᜉᜓᜈ ᜈ ᜑᜒᜋᜐᜒᜃ gay men DO marry women you know. The women they marry are called beards. And I’m wondering how you know he is “happily married”?
Alisyn, You are the gold standard in news reporting & a beautiful individual.
Pfft! I’ve seen better.
Is that why they canned her azz?
So cute and sweet!!! I love those 2 together….for ever

Happy Wednesday to you dear
It’s so nice to see that some co-workers can actually enjoy one another
You must live a very isolated hate filled life
Well done Dont Care for hyphenating ‘co-workers’ and steering clear of the ugly and ubiquitous ‘coworkers’. Every time the latter is used I see “cow orkers”. Ugh!
@Jumbo Wumbo well done living a cookie cutter fake life
@CNN is this your communist algorithm not being hid well?
I watch them and the news have been so juicy for the past 4 years that I never noticed they would try to match their outfits.
*has been
Only someone with no life would notice that
@skoomalegend1″Trump in 2024″=no life or brain
That was the most heartfelt sendoff a Man could give! Wow how he must have loathed those color themed texts and how he will ultimately miss them!
It was fake.
They have the best synergy on TV.
Ugh. Gross
What a great tribute. I bet they had FUN at work all the time.
Berman and Camerota were marvelous together. Congratulations on the assumed promotion for Alisyn, but disappointed to see this pair broken up. But, what a wonderful, heartfelt and funny send-off from John! It even brought some tears to her eyes–revealing just how close they are.
Electric blue and knees
. That was a light-hearted, yet touching, send off.
*I learned so many colors just by watching this farewell LOL*
Work spouses. We get super attached to them, coz we spend more time with them than anyone else. Bye Alisyn. Bye Brooke.