A winter storm bringing the triple threat of ice, sleet and snow to parts of the South and central US has prompted some officials to close roads and schools as they urge people to avoid traveling in dangerous conditions. CNN’s Ed Lavandera reports from Dallas. #CNN #News
See cars slip and slide on icy bridge in Texas

Well said. Thanks for keeping us updated. I’m really impressed. Our government has no idea how much people are struggling right now RIP I will forever appreciate April Davies. You’ve helped me a lot with your advices on Mental Heath, homelessness, gun violence, mass butchering, elementary schools, starvation, no healthcare, divided country with racism, hatred, fentanyl overdose, gang violence, police brutality, human rights violation, mass illegal immigration, collapsed financial system, extreme economic downturn, record high inflation and great depression, shedding light and keeping this story alive. It’s truly been a blessing. Seriously, can it get better than that? You are a genius.
Are you done crying ?.
@Muttin chops 3 Nobody didn’t force you to read his comment.
I live in NH and we have to deal with icy and snowy roads every year. The easiest solution? Don’t travel when it is icy out. You risk your life and property and those of others. Our highway and municipal departments do their best to plow, salt and sand but it’s easiest for everyone if people stay off the roads when it is hazardous unless you have studs or chains.
@Ow3 Wells TC there. Stay safe out and about.
@Mystic Cove Same to you.
There is no “easy solution”
The problem with your comment is that you fail to take in account other peoples living situations. Not everyone is able to sit at home on YouTube in the comment section and tell others not to drive around and stay at home. Some people have to go to work regardless of the weather, because bills, groceries, life.. etc. Stop pretending like you have the answer for everything. People who “pretend” like they have a solution for everything are the most annoying people in the world.
@HMX Falcon Back in the blizzard of 78, the roads were shut down. The trains were shut down. You could only drive if you were an emergency worker or were transporting an emergency worker and it was like this for two weeks. If you want to risk your life, property or children, have at it. I’ve driven in snow for many decades and know how to do it. When there’s ice on the road, I just don’t drive. You have no control. If you want to be one of the many people who get into accidents, knock yourself out.
No infrastructure to deal with ice/snow. No sand or salt, no trucks to spread, no machines to scrape. No personel trained to work on machinery. Instead the city closes.
Yeah, it’s been cold in Arizona too. It’s a high of 62f today. Unlike Texas though we can manage our power grid.
@John Ingram We manage our water pretty well but the newcomers all want lawns and grass like they had back home and they waste lots of water
How’s that water and pure desert landscape doing for ya? Cheapest housing in the country for a reason…
@Kronk Desert landscaping is all I have on my ranch. I didn’t need to plant anything. From the 30 ft tall saguaros to the mesquite trees, prickly pear, cholla and barrel cactuses it’s all good. No mowing, no raking, no snow to shovel, and you can grill out 365 days a year
It gets colder in the freezing degrees in Flagstaff & Grand Canyon Village.
@security base I can eat breakfast on my patio get in my truck and drive a couple hours and play in the snow then drive home and have dinner on my patio. I like Arizona
It’s extremely dangerous for people who never drive in the snow and ice. Plus places like Texas don’t have salt for their roads
@Kelperdude Biden can’t even walk upstairs or ride a bike
Remember when Biden asked for a dead person in the audience ? When Biden had to be told where to go by the Easter bunny.
Remember when Biden’s wife had to help him put his jacket on as he could not do it by himself.
@Kelperdude. TDS is a severe affliction. Please seek help. You don’t have to suffer alone.
@larainne. I must live in a different Texas…
@KC true I lived in San Antonio 30 years ago though so it definitely could have changed but still think the 1st part is still true
@Kelperdude I am not a fan of trump, but you could have kept that one dude. Now is not the time.
Its snowing and icy out of state. Meanwhile California is cold but sunny.

Stay warm y’all.
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Video:-
Do NOT hit your brakes on ice but drive slowly!
2 basic things.. right on
Don’t even gear down quickly. On ice, the engine locks the wheels and away you go. I made that mistake once and found out what a car imitating a tumbler washer was like.
I would hate to know I had to put faith in anything Abbott says
Driving too fast with bad tires
They could not keep the electrical grid running, now they can’t keep road bridges safe?
That first idiot: “Let’s drive as fast as possible, that’ll help!”
Ted Cruz was recently sighted in Cancun Mexico.
They should have called their northern relations for tips on how to drive in icy conditions.

But in all seriousness God Bless Texas.
It’s pretty simple. Stay at home unless it’s a big emergency. Ice is undefeated.
I’m not in that boat I have a great boss who would never do that. But that is because the company I work for is owned by a family local to the city and not some giant behemoth.
The problem with your comment is that you fail to take in account other peoples living situations. Not everyone is able to sit at home on YouTube in the comment section and tell others not to drive around and stay at home. Some people have to go to work regardless of the weather, because bills, groceries, life.. etc. Stop pretending like you have the answer for everything. It is very problematic.
@HMX Falcon well I wouldn’t have a job like that. Nobody needs to be out except medical personnel, news casting or emergency crews
True that
Yeah us Texans don’t drive on this stuff. We also don’t trust Greg Abbott about our power grid. Have everything charged up.
Ignorant and overly confident truck and SUV people thinking the laws of physics don’t apply to their AWD vehicles. Maybe we should require education classes for these drivers?
That dude in the sliding white SUV…WTF was he thinking, ripping along at that speed over a bridge in the morning after a major ice storm?
Try living in Canada
Hi from Dallas/Fort Worth,
Texans in this area tend to drive like we live in a Mad Max movie at the best of times. We now have a lot of folks from California living here to now. Texans + Californians = :oh crap!” on the roads. And when it’s bad outside like this it becomes more like a speed racer cartoon.
We look outside and it doesn’t look so bad at first glance. Then you figure your truck or SUV can handle things.
We only see this type of weather maybe once a year for about three days.
This is every day in the Midwest this time of year.
As a fellow Texan, most people here CANNOT DRIVE.
I just watched a guy purposefully gas it through an intersection to drift on ice even with 3 cars being in the same intersection.
I would say people in Tx drive worse during heavy rain, snow and ice, but that’s how they usually drive around with perfect weather.
Same here in Atlanta
I did a drive in TX that would normally take 20 minutes, but on ice it took 1.5 hours. It is scary especially driving the overpass.
When you need a chisel to remove ice from your car it’s a hint to just stay home. In 48 hours it will melt away.
Lol you would never survive in Canada