A security guard intercepted a gunman wearing a devil mask who was trying to force his way into a Tampa nightclub.
RELATED: Security stops a devil-masked man from entering gentlemen's club
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#Club #Gun #CaughtonCamera
Wardrobe fail
Quick action
stay safe.
Definitely a trumper
Looks like he pistol whipped him and the gun went off lol
Those men are heros.
The battle of the beasts
Well done sir.
WWE champion chip wrestling
Great job guys
I don’t if it was the way security flipped him over and then hit him in the head with the gun or the way the guy just didn’t care about the security guy pointing the gun at him!!!!

that guard is so quick and brave
Experience Counts

Excellent TAKE DOWN

Give that man a round of beers. He earned it.
Bad guy has gun good guy takes it points it at bad guy bad guy moves forward to slap the guy around then get’s a pistol whipping with his own gun now that is something to watch.