1. Ya, all they have to do is invent a shrink ray and shrink themselves down to about a foot tall and squeeze through the bars…..
      Oh wait, they immediately caught the kid so that obviously wouldn’t work.
      You have any other bright ideas ??

    2. @Jesse Riley terrorist groups already use young kids in the middle east.
      What I’m saying is those types of gates are now easy to breach.
      How did the kid get so close anyhow?

    3. @Queen City Hornets sorry for ruining it with the truth.
      I wonder who will just slip on in through the open borders.

  1. Ok that’s really funny but that kid could have been wired with explosives, y’all do realize that right?

  2. Can’t believe they let the kid go He should be held accountable for his actions.
    Just shows there’s no equal justice in our country. Well at least his crib has bars on it. 😂 😮

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