Sec. Buttigieg clashes with GOP congressman on Biden’s mental fitness | USA TODAY

During a House Transportation hearing, Sec. Pete Buttigieg clashed with Rep. Troy Nehls who questioned President Biden's mental fitness.

RELATED: Joe Biden fist bumps Saudi Crown Prince

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#PeteButtigieg #Biden #JoeBiden

Sec. Buttigieg clashes with GOP congressman on Biden's mental fitness | USA TODAY


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  3. The big question is…..who changes Joe’s diaper when it’s full? Jill or Kamala? No tacos Jill. Messy

    1. I guess at the WH it would be the same person who changed Donnie’s because we know his wife didn’t touch him.

    2. But the bigger question is who dropped you on your head as an infant. Was it your mother or your father? C’mon Dodd family, head trauma can have long lasting adversities.

  4. Not! Ridiculous when a majority of the country believes the President could be a standby for “Weekend At Bernie’s”

  5. He’s like a puppet? That’s very sad 😢! What can people do now? Nothing ? That’s even worse.

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