NBC News' Antonia Hylton reports on the continuing search for survivors in the Surfside Beach, Florida condominium collapse.
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Search For Survivors In Condo Collapse Continues Into Sixth Day
The Millennium Tower in San Francisco was completed in 2009, it is already sinking and leaning to one side by 18 inches.

You’re fooling yourself if you think you can bring that building back to a true plumb. They are only trying to prevent further tilt. Most of downtown San Francisco is reclaimed bay or wetlands and will liquefy during a big quake. Just as in Florida, palms were greased and things got done without benefits of safety. The Hayward fault unleashed a 4.0 quake just yesterday, just a taste. Because the pressure has been building since 1868 on that dangerous fault and when it SNAPS! LOOK OUT!
Half of the buildings in SF will collapse. The USGS pointed out 39 skyscrapers were built with faulty welds that haven’t been fixed because of the tremendous cost
And then they used autoCad mixed with illigal immigrate labor.
@Helping Heroes Hatzidakis when republican Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor?
@Richard Lewin Millennium Tower is leaning 18″?… plus in an earthquake prone area = Another disaster for sure. Maybe it should be renamed.. “The Millennium Leaning Tower of Pisa”.
It would be a miracle at this point to find someone alive.
@Anna Gutierrez not true read it again without your shallow perspective
@Hush Whisper agreed…so what…you are still wrong and prejudiced in your perspective, ,you, in short, don’t know what you are talking about
@Hush Whisper again…who are you to tell anybody about the past, present, or future? You have no idea what you are preaching (?) about…you are just another hack quoting biblical references without understanding…you really are a self promoting, hypocritical, apostate driving people away from the gospel as expressed in the New Testament you really should be ashamed
@Rev Dr. Doo we’re done.
@Hush Whisper wanna bet…oh…I don’t gamble…wanna prophesy?
Humans can survive 3 days w/out water. Your making it harder on their families. Sudden death counseling needed and lots of lawyer’s!
@J T D have lawyers??? for what to file suit against the OTHER owners that didn’t die? maybe anyone that voted against the assesment to do repairs???
@J T D nobody was warned that the building would collapse, ??? also the codo association is made of of other owners in the building, its not a business.. Many of the condo association are dead in the collapse also.
@J T D – but they own the building and elect the members of the HOa that is, they also vote on spending their money on repairs
@Amy Walker – 40 years ago? they are retired or dead by now
@William Haynes There’s already been 2 lawsuits filed against the condo association. Stop arguing, you’re wrong.
This is so sad. It would be nice to see some survivors but it ain’t lookin to good. My prayers are with the victims loved ones.
@Lil Narm what lol it’s the truth. There could be survivors it’s just unlikely given the damage not dehydration
@Lana _ no it’s not it depends on the person and situation. Google is free
Typical Republican response. Thoughts and prayers! These people died because of corrupt politicians. Republicans would allow every person to die before they do anything to help each other.
@Joy Liu I hate to say it sis but with the heat and all that damage theirs no way anyone is alive. It’s been 6 days
@Lil Narm yeah I mentioned that
They’re all gone. Begin the recovery operation so relatives can get some closure.
6 days in Florida heat, dead bodies in a rubble pile. imagine the stench.
@Lady Smith This IS about Politics. In Chicago people pay the Building Inspectors to look the other way all the time. This causes many collapses of stairwells and while I don’t think any buildings have collapsed yet I could be wrong, however there’s blood on the Mayor’s hands as well as many Alderman who’s responsibility it is to ensure code violations are remedied.
@Lady Smith politics make the world go round.
@Lady Smith OH BOO HOO.
This is what all Republican states smell like. Death and corruption.
that place looks slum-lordish. the cockroaches are feasting right now.
Still over 150 people missing? They don’t want to say they’re all gone.
Whats the best spot to be in a building collapse? Stairwell in a corner if possible?
It’s just a mockery wake up
@Prof. Scheere standing a block away at least…
@Imma Big God Now????? Why did u have to go their exctly?
They never planned on saving anyone. They’re probably a team of corruption looking for something valuable. They aren’t worried about what’s under that rubble or lifting it off of potential people. And people keep praising them and encouraging them while they let people suffer and die right in front of your face. Give praise to all the mass shooters as well! They’re also killing people. They’re equal
It’s a miniature 911. The same thing happened in heartbroken family members screaming at the rescuers. But they’re not screaming at the rescuers they’re screaming out dear god what happened to my loved one and why. The rescuers are the only people they have to lash out at it’s horrible. I hope it’s part of the rescuers and the leaders training to be able to deal with that because I’m sure it’s painful.
@12th Salty Account yea not trying to do conspiracy theories this early on a Tuesday bro
@12th Salty Account what exactly are you saying??
The terrorists in Florida call themselves Republicans. Which have caused more death than 100 bin ladens.
Oh yeah I agree. I just meant it’s similar in the way that nobody came out alive after the first day the doctors are waiting by to help people and there’s no one to help because nobody’s coming because everyone’s gone. I just meant searching an unstable dangerous burning pile of rubble.I think I said it because the officials in Florida keep saying this is unprecedented but it’s not very similar search I mean.
I get that they are frustrated, but those workers are risking their lives. If they think that they can do a better job, by all means let the families have at it and then recover their bodies too when the rest of that pile falls on top of them.
So sad & god bless everyone their
“There” not “their”
“Their” is possesive
There’s no way there’s going to be Any survivors it’s like an ant being stepped on by a shoe
Sometimes when an ant is crushed by a shoe it can be between the grips on the soul of the shoe perfectly safe miracles can happen I understand the odds aren’t in there favor but it wouldn’t be a miracle against all odds.
Understand this is tragic and maybe some family members of those unaccounted for are reading this.
They dont wanna see your comment just want hope.
@Markgtz5 yes papi
Well you’re not lying. Each floor fell flat on top of each other. Pretty terrible way to go. Also add the fires from beneath.
@Markgtz5 The fact that this even happened in the first place is proof there’s nothing miraculous about this situation
@DoctorChained human error
They stalling to admit they failed but instead keeping false hope for families.. It took them 5 days to admit those people in that Sub had been crushed but they knew Day 1 just like this…
It’s easy for you to sit behind a keyboard and say this while the rescue workers are risking their lives. The rest of the building could fall on them at any second. Israeli rescue workers flew to the scene and slept on site. They’ve already scraped crushed remains off ceilings and floors. You wouldn’t last 5 minutes in their shoes.
“Answers to how it happened” sound like they didn’t pay for their assessment for damages. This is absolutely tragic.
Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Don’t think they will find anyone left alive at this point, sadly. This tragedy was completely avoidable. Apparently, the 9.1 million dollars projected for repairs nearly three years ago had risen to 15 million just before the collapse. Some or even many of the owners may have leased out units in the building, and because they didn’t live there, suspect they balked at paying the large sum of money needed for repair, as the lessor may have been prohibited from passing those costs along to the leasee until the lease expired and a new lease drawn up, and may have also been reluctant in any case because the higher lease costs would translate to people moving elsewhere cheaper at the end of their lease to escape paying the higher lease, while also making it harder for condo owners to find tenants for any existing or resulting vacancies. It is often common practice, or at least not unusual, for people to buy one or more condo units as business investments, then lease them out to others. So, have to wonder how many of the condos were leased out by the owners. At any rate, that fateful, misguided decision to procrastinate will have cost owners not only more money, but has also cost some owners and blameless lessees their very lives.
A week in and headlines still read “searching for survivors”? This became a slow recovery effort 2 days ago.
Excellent report from Antonia – serious, measured, but conveying the emotional tone of the site.
My god such a sad horror. At this point this is a recovery mission. Praying for all the families involved
Bro, the Chinese could’ve built like, 10 condo buildings in the 6 days it’s taking us to search for survivors. This is embarrassing.
Building is easier than searching for survivors. They will bring in the heavy equipment soon after it’s too late to find anyone left alive. That won’t take long.
Chinese buildings? Uhh google Chinese constructions lol you’ll have a great time.
Even recently (like 2019?) that huge building that sways in strong wind lmfao then the news just stopped. Most likely crashed then ccp hid it XD
It really is
I feel like we’re being being brainwashed into a scoop up of the debris instead of actually finding bodies.
It’s not a search for survivors, this is a recovery.
It’s not even a recovery they are GTA npcs performing construction emotes on a piles of concrete
This could have been avoided. Anyone responsible for this should be held accountable. This building should’ve been shut down long ago.
A lot of them are already dead. The apartment owners make the decisions.
Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Don’t think they will find anyone left alive at this point, sadly. This tragedy was completely avoidable. Apparently, the 9.1 million dollars projected for repairs nearly three years ago had risen to 15 million just before the collapse. Some or even many of the owners may have leased out units in the building, and because they didn’t live there, suspect they balked at paying the large sum of money needed for repair, as the lessor may have been prohibited from passing those costs along to the leasee until the lease expired and a new lease drawn up, and may have also been reluctant in any case because the higher lease costs would translate to people moving elsewhere cheaper at the end of their lease to escape paying the higher lease, while also making it harder for condo owners to find tenants for any existing or resulting vacancies. It is often common practice, or at least not unusual, for people to buy one or more condo units as business investments, then lease them out to others. So, have to wonder how many of the condos were leased out by the owners. At any rate, that fateful, misguided decision to procrastinate will have cost owners not only more money, but has also cost some owners and blameless lessees their very lives.
May God bless those folks…