CNN's Jim Acosta speaks to actor Sean Penn and Ukrainian fighter pilots "Moonfish" and "Juice" on their efforts to lobby US lawmakers for fighter jets and air defense systems in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. #CNN #News
Sean Penn helps Ukrainian fighter pilots lobby for US aid

I’m from Russia. All our lives we have been shown on TV that we are the strongest army in the world. And everyone believed the TV. Now I understand that everything is bad with us. I wish health to Ukraine.
@ smartest within Kentucky* Lol … Facts !!!!
@Kelly Tom it’s the will
I didn’t like Sean Penn but after I saw he gave his heart and his soul to Ukraine people after Russia invade Ukraine. I became big fan of Sean Penn . Great work Sean .

Sean Penn is a very brave and dedicated humanitarian. He goes to places the diplomats won’t.
@Jaye Williams

Sean Penn is still alive?
Whether the US gives Ukraine the jets or not the US should start training pilots to fly them so that that option is open.
But it also requires training ground crews as well for maintenance.
they are currently receiving pronoun training but as soon as that is sorted they will be trained to fly if they have marginalized candidates available and are cleared of any extremism flags.
Treason and traitors
You know what’s funny is; if Israel was being attacked from border states, Israel wouldn’t hesitate to attack those so-called neutral countries. I don’t know if it’s NATO telling Ukraine they can’t launch attacks inside Belarus but it seems completely ridiculous for Ukraine to fight with one arm tied behind its back.
@sultan whomever based borther
Thanks, Sean
If only Tom Cruise had the same balls as you.
Tom can’t really fly a jet you know
He’s cloned
The troll above who said “Fuk what you saying here” are on any video about Ukraine. They’re trolls with all different names harassing commenters with the same sentence and link
Yes, training and aid is so important to the Ukrainian defense individuals.
This kind of stuff should be done BEHIND the scenes. I’m sure than Penn’s intentions are good, but this push should NOT be fronted by a Hollywood actor.
Lol they need to just surrender.
MoonFish and Juice! Surprised to see you here but glad you are ready to fly.
We (the United States) need to give Ukraine literally EVERYTHING they need to WIN!! Not to just hold their current ground.
And that includes training!
Ukraine should also allow Eric Prince (founder of BlackWater) to put together a a large battle group to head in and take the Russians out! If the Russians can employ and support the Wagner group, Ukraine can support private contractors as well snd should certainly do so!!
We volunteer you as tribute to open your check book and donate to Ukraine. Also, hop on a plane and fight for them
@Sayin wat Let Ukraine fight for Ukraine. Smaller countries can defeat a superpower. It is possible.
My respect for Sean Penn grows more and more each time I see him.
It so honorable and courageous for these celebrities to use their platform to help Ukraine. Joe Biden has really unified this country into helping the Ukrainian people with all of our resources possible.
The Bucking Horse~Steamboat.
Are you from Wyoming?
Funny, haven’t heard anything from Penny on helping Palestinians. Oh wait, he’s Hsiwej. Makes sense why he wants to help Zelenskyy.
Penn is a hero,Ukraine defeat Putin
That would save lots of lives! Thank you for supporting Ukraine.
Sheep go baaaaaa baaaaaa
I said this before and I stand by it it’s time to send these airplanes now!
It’s not just pilot training on American fighters; you need to train the ground crew. Normally, for every 1 hour flight time there would be around 3.5 to 4.5 hours of inspection and maintenance. You would need a repair depot, spare parts, munitions training, inspection training, and other support ground crew training.
It’s a war. Combat has a way of turning a 2 day job into a 2 hour job
Sean, Has Turned Into, A Hell Of A GUY!
He always has been. His activism is just his priority now not acting. His organization CORE does amazing work in Haiti and during the worst of the Covid pandemic. He walks the talk. And he’s not doing it to satisfy his ego.
Way to go Sean ! Attorney general Mitchell’s inner self doing the business:)
Thank you Sean! Press on!
Sean Penn is an amazing actor and a super human being. He sees the death, destruction and devastation russia is inflicting on Ukraine, and he’s speaking out. Ukraine needs more famous people to do the same, perhaps then world leaders would be reminded of the urgency.
He’s a clown.
God is with Russia
God Bless you both and your families….
I think Mr.Penn really cares about victims & does all he CAN to help..wish more were like that.
Sean’s a good dude. He is a true humanitarian and gives a lot of his time and resources to help people in need.