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The true legend Sean Paul…big up yourself

Dancehall King
Sean Paul my favourite artist

Koffee definitely crossed over
Good interview and good project. Dancehall music is trapped. These young artistes say they doing trap Dancehall and actually trapping dancehall. The moment you stray away from your roots the international artists won’t want to work with you because they are looking for something different from what they are use to. If you are in halfway tree every day the moment you go to north coast is a different feel. Same thing with the music. International artistes already have trap music they won’t come to Jamaica to seek what they already have. Even though Sean Paul fused his music the fundamental dancehall drums still exists and thats the key. Rihanna “Work Work” and “Replay” Shenseea and Tyga “Blessed” you can hear the Dancehall drum beat. If Dancehall is not rescued 95% of the artistes will never crossover or get an international collaboration.
Legend SP

Sean paul di speaking legend he knows what he is saying