SE Cupp: This was always how it was going to end

CNN's SE Cupp discusses the relationship between the Republican party and President Trump as his time in office comes to a close amid negotiations over stimulus packages and government spending.
#SECupp #CNN #News


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    1. @Mister Tambourine
      You got to be kidding ?
      Its was 4 years of Chaos, of deaths and of division .
      That’s why he was 1 term Don.
      He spent the last month while deaths continue and he tried to perform a coup on democracy.
      Was thrown out of dozens of courts .
      I don’t know many presidents before JFK but he will easily be the bottom of the last 50 years .
      History has a good way of seeing things clearly .
      You’ll find all these trump supportes saying ‘ we were conned ‘ ‘ he lied to us’ in a Ken burns documentary in 50 years.
      There’s just no way of a positive spin . Even fox can’t do it any more. That should tell you something .

    2. @s3renity his followers are probably pissed that msm refuse to acknowledge he won the Nobel peace prize hahaha I saw the video where he lied and said he won it. He’s truly a sick f–k

    1. @PaulBCohen A if this is what it’s sounds like . F u I can send a link showin black in the state 198,000 votes who came up missing. Or where not counted Racist sob. Don’t hijack the election cause ur party refuses to do the right thing. But will pass bills to line ur pockets

  1. Georgia you have to step up and vote for warnock and Ossoff because if Republicans win just one of those seats then McConnell will BLOCK everything just like he is doing right now today.

  2. Forget McConnell – the Senate is broken. No one senator – Majority leader or not – should have the power to block any bill from a vote. The system is broken.

    1. They DON’T KNOW THE CONSTITUTION…THEY CAN’T READ, IS NO LONGER TEACH IT IN SCHOOL, I know people that listen to the news 24/7…you can look at them full of misery…SOME PEOPLE WILL NEVER LEARN…

  3. You can’t call it a “principled” opposition to debt when the Republicans only care about the debt if the money is being used to help the average American! Those tax cuts to the wealthy have blown the cover on those “principles”!

    1. Dubbin Nutt interesting that at the time, the Obama administration only reported 540 drone strikes and 3800 deaths during his administration.

    2. @bngr bngr not sure what your trying to point out here, but your batting average is already extremely low. Better you quit while your ahead, follow the links to the articles I posted, and then avoid the temptation to go near the keyboard again.

    3. @salome
      You’re the one who is delusional, get psychiatric help if you’re still seeing imaginary friends.
      It’s puff puff pass right? Maybe you’re on something stronger.

    1. Trump was their king. That’s why for the next 8 years vote blue big and early in every race in every state. Purge out the GOP with your vote. Simple.

    1. @m jones a cheese ball in the flesh a case of a bad fart REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. Yup! They’ve made their billions off the same people they are meant to be working for, oh and don’t get me started on the tax cuts.

  4. Purdue and Loeffler only care about themselves and the rich. They knew McConnell wouldn’t put it on the ballot

  5. For him to remain relevant he is going need quality lawyers because there is a tsunami of litigation heading his way.

    1. @Richard Hawkins Who cares? after what your party did with YOUR orange king’s impeachment the bar has been removed.

    2. @Richard Hawkins by who, the house of Representatives bring impeachment proceedings and the house of Representatives are controlled by the democrats.

    3. @micregil Actually Biden will never be seated so I was just being a smartass. There are numerous moves to decertify electors because of the cheating and impossibility of discerning what is and isn’t a legal vote in some states. The left screwed the pooch big time. Stay seated kiddies your first real civics lesson is about to begin.

  6. Every time I think Mitch has shown us his most disgusting side… he snatches money from people who need it to eat, live and simply survive.

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