CNN's SE Cupp breaks down the discord between the Fox News opinion and news divisions over calling the 2020 presidential election and referring to Joe Biden as President-elect.
#CNN #News
CNN's SE Cupp breaks down the discord between the Fox News opinion and news divisions over calling the 2020 presidential election and referring to Joe Biden as President-elect.
#CNN #News
The secret service is going to have to evict Trump on January 20th.
in that case I hope they start selling tickets to the event. I’ll have front side, don’t care how much they sell for
wont happen, he will leave December and keep secret service.
Oh I hope he resists.
The fact that you fell for their tricks back in 2016, they are at it again, but this time, trying to stall a justified and fair election in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already won.
The attempt to recount is fraudulent in itself because they are going to cheat the count and the amount of ballots to justify a falsehood that isn’t there in the first place (Russian playbook).
@DEEJCEE right!!!
Trump’s a wounded gazelle limping on his hind leg in the jungle and the Southern District of New York are hungry lions lying in wait to pounce on him after January 20th 2021.
The fact that you fell for their tricks back in 2016, they are at it again, but this time, trying to stall a justified and fair election in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already won.
The attempt to recount is fraudulent in itself because they are going to cheat the count and the amount of ballots to justify a falsehood that isn’t there in the first place (Russian playbook).
More an obese javelina then a gazelle. Apologies to perfectly decent javelina-Americans.
@Drew Mitchem Well he didn’t win.That is the reality.
@Shane HickmanAs long as Hilter alter ego is removed from the white we are good. We don’t want a mentally deranged King who thinks he is a dictator.
Whats hannity and tucker going to do when they cant lie to people anymore so sad
Is he destroying the furniture, shooting the TV’s & writing graffiti on the walls?

No that’s what you idiots would do. Trump is fighting the fraud in court. If he doesn’t win he will leave. And then if Biden does win and mandates lock downs or anything else unconstitutional war will begin. Then all of you smug idiots will be lost and crying like little babies. You have no one to blame but yourselves. I’ll be on the beach watching you morons get what you asked for.
@Anonymous Person He’s lost/had dismissed 12 lawsuits so far and his lawyers have dropped another case and withdrawn an appeal. Zero wins. On Fox, you can make allegations; in a court, you must provide evidence and that’s where Trump’s team is having a problem.
Denise hodges only liberals destroy and steal things
How about we just go with the courts. 10 cases since the election and ZERO evidence presented to any of them. I wonder why??
Hammer & Scorecard – Live Video Footage – 19,958 Vote Flip
John Solomon says Mark Zuckerberg sent at least $350 million to election judges in mostly Dem areas
Democrat Vernon Jones Exposes His Own Party in Georgia for Election Fraud
confirming that it is not only now it happen but going on since long
@Liz Chelle So why has no evidence been presented to any of the courts??? Are you so simple that all you have to do is read something and as long as it fits your narrative its fact? Why are they not presenting evidence to the courts? None of you seem to be able to answer that question.
The fact that you fell for their tricks back in 2016, they are at it again, but this time, trying to stall a justified and fair election in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already won.
The attempt to recount is fraudulent in itself because they are going to cheat the count and the amount of ballots to justify a falsehood that isn’t there in the first place (Russian playbook).
@Rachel Barker Maybe you should stop watching mainstream media go to an alternative channel that showed more evidence and witnesses. Do you think the lawyers will hand the evidence to the media who attack Trump since 2016? They should do their job instead just polluting the mind of the people of lies and cover up. Knowing that these judges were given cash, he will not have a fair deal with decision even with those sworn statements presented
John Solomon says Mark Zuckerberg sent at least $350 million to election judges in mostly Dem areas
Democrat Vernon Jones Exposes His Own Party in Georgia for Election Fraud
confirming that it is not only now it happen but going on since long
AG Paxton: Limestone County social worker charged with 134 felony counts involving election fraud
Postal worker accused of stealing ballots, other mail
Hammer & Scorecard – Live Video Footage – 19,958 Vote Flip
Team Trump’s Tim Murtaugh repeatedly corrects Fox News host on PA election law
Trump: “I hate you.”
Fox: “I love you.”
Trump: “I love you.”
Fox: “I hate you.”
Proud Boy: “Babe, you there?”

However, YOU are the one who used the metaphor “jumped on”
You, sick, sick, inbred, weird, rightys

@MaxMisterC ..Hear!hear!…
The fact that you fell for their tricks back in 2016, they are at it again, but this time, trying to stall a justified and fair election in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already won.
The attempt to recount is fraudulent in itself because they are going to cheat the count and the amount of ballots to justify a falsehood that isn’t there in the first place (Russian playbook).
@MaxMisterC don’t know what I’m taking about or just too ignorant to admit I speak the truth . Go watch your gay pride parade and see who they dress the kids up . Yet you democratic say there is nothing wrong here . And now you want to deny thus happen . Just like your Child molesting fantasies will come to haunt you
The fact that Trumpers are abandoning FOX is hilarious.
This is good. Let them retreat back to their little corner of society. Meanwhile, a more moderate Fox News can help reshape the Republican Party back into the one that got McCain nominated
Fox is the only joke
cancel culture man… yeesh
@FAUX Fake News – TRUMP 2020 MAGA KAG – – – – wow. It’s not the Rona that’s going to be our end, it’s the stupid. Dope every time you comment in this space the algorithms that drive content into your feed register that you are interested in this and thus feed you more of it. It’s not politics it’s math 2×2=4. Stop commenting or even clicking on these feeds and the will shorty go away. Not magic just 4….. derrrrrrrrrr
Alaska and north Carolina go to trump . Georgia to hand count votes . Election official ” let me be clear we will find people who where not eligible to vote ,double votes . We won’t allow fraud “
fox news is utterly embarrassing. Everything working there is clueless XD
Apparently the legal count isn’t over.
@Paula Hood apparently, every legal count not counted yet could go to trump and he would still lose
@SupremeJalapeno ok we shall see.
I ve never been under a rock it aeems u cant take the truth just like little donnie
I do watch cnn sorry
Jekyll can’t hide from Hyde…they never were a news network, now they’re nothing more than an emotional support group for the former President.
@SonnyXL Bright Georgia Secretary of State Announces Full Hand Recount of Presidential Race
November 11, 2020 Updated: November 11, 2020
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Wednesday that the state will carry out a manual hand recount of ballots cast during the Nov. 3 election in the midst of allegations of voter fraud, mismanagement, and irregularities.
@SonnyXL Bright trump wins north Carolina and alaska .
@santa fe, bantayan island life : Ha ha ha ! Of course, Alaska and N. Carolina are Red States and were definitely not included in the states that Biden desperately needed to win. Georgia, on the other hand, has flipped for Biden and will flip again, after the manual recount.
The saddest thing, really, is that the GOP and those other weaklings on the right, who are obsessed with the “alpha male” image are suddenly too cowardly to tell the their emperor that he’s naked !
Why do we have all these Senators and Reps who only ‘speak up” on grounds of anonymity ? How very “alpha male” !! I think not. They’re all terrified of Bunker Boy and what he or his crazed supporters might do to them. Here’s a report about death threats sent out to electoral officials, Republicans and Democrats alike, by Trump supporters :
If you’re here in good faith for some meaningful discussion, you too might wonder if these Trump supporters are actually Americans or just a bunch of hate-filled, Moscow-loving nut cases who have channelled more loyalty in the direction of Putin and his far right idealogy than they have done with the The Star-Spangled Banner and the constitution of the United States of America !
@santa fe, bantayan island life : Here’s a “witness” recanting their previously reported “fraud” in Pennsylvania:
@D Phalanx uh…I’m not a news group…
I am hoping against hope,
admiral bone spurs, and his “administration”,
are all forcibly removed from the White House.
Preferably, have said admiral, being secured
in a straight jacket, foaming at the mouth,
and soiling himself as he is thrown into
a psychiatric hospital van.
Given how the current occupant of the White House is behaving, it wouldn’t surprise me if that in fact, does happen.
I want to see that happen.
Then if we saw it happen on national TV it would be like watching the Super Bowl except better. And then they could show him when he gets to the psychiatric ward how embarrassing he really is and then hopefully he would wake up. But I don’t think he will he’ll just be angry that the news covered him like that. And then they’ll have to put him right back in the straight jacket.
I like your name.
Trump should be arrested and put in prison if he does not leave peacefully.
@Mark Green bull s—
No cnn tells the truth and trumpsters cant deal with that fox r the liars and they do it with a straight face
@Heeks Heeks Ture to most of what you say, but at the end of the day welcome to America. 11 Billion on an election and a close one. Lost the house, loosing the Senate and that shyte for 11 billion.
The countries stuffed, Covid19, high unemployment, bankruptcies through the roof and the Alphabet Soup Companies propped up by massive hand outs to just by back shares.
@Michael Wuj
Trump to face firing squad for Treason.
@Rudy Jimenez
Looks like the entertainment news network is more about entertainment than news.
Yeah…ccn sux
@FAUX Fake News – TRUMP 2020 MAGA KAG – – – CNN needs help finding intelligent viewers
It’s more like the Fantasy News Network
I believe this is very much the case. Fox wants viewers (i.e. revenue) and news is often “boring” — after all, how exciting is truth? (witness TED talks, often getting relatively few “hits/views” despite having valuable information) But the opinion side is entertainment. True, it utilizes elements of “shock value” (the desire to draw your attention to what they’re talking about as if you are witnessing an auto accident or other catastrophe (such as the millions of views for natural or human related accidents, disasters, etc.).
Fox opinion segments are a form of “Days of Our Lives/As the World Turns” episodes (or maybe more realistically “The Twilight Zone”). They RESEMBLE life to some extent but are more caricatures of it rather than representing life as it actually is.
Again, they are in the ENTERTAINMENT business.
When you see NEWS — think NEWS (and there is no such thing as unbiased news). When you see Fox (or similar) opinion hosts — think FICTION.
It’s refreshing to hear the TRUTH, especially during these times when people wanna hear what “feels good”instead of what’s “honest/truthful”. SE keep the truth coming
@Rod As of Aug. 27, the tally in our database that tracks every errant claim by the president stood at 22,247 claims in 1,316 days.(Washington post). No matter whether you’re left or right , being truthful matters!! #ivote4truth
@Rod he who laughs last laughs best!
@J T P 1 – the TRUTH is no threat to any one of good intent and conscience.
You are projecting- again.
The fact that you fell for their tricks back in 2016, they are at it again, but this time, trying to stall a justified and fair election in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already won.
The attempt to recount is fraudulent in itself because they are going to cheat the count and the amount of ballots to justify a falsehood that isn’t there in the first place (Russian playbook).
Fox pissed off their fans and now they’re in damage control.
@Starboy’s Universe
It’s not your job to be FANS of politicians and political commentators. It’s your job as a citizen to be a critical thinker, and to be skeptical and demand transparency from all politicians and commentators. Be FANS of sports teams. It’s UNAMERICAN to be LOYAL to any man, over the constitution, and the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Loyalty is for cult leaders and puppy dogs. Hey Republicans, grow a pair!
@Epic Story Don’t forget, voting by mail has been going on for a long time in America in more than a few states. Therefore, if we are to take the Losers assumptions about mail in ballots seriously, Donald Trump and every member of the Republican Congress came to power in a fraudulent election. Seems like we need to reverse those elections sd well and award the seat to their opponent. I’m sure the principles and honorable Republican senators will be happy to step down given the terrible circumstances surrounding mail in voting.
@Darkprince37 you sound to be about 13 yrs old
@FAUX Fake News – TRUMP 2020 MAGA KAG – – – or to infowars
@J S, a couple of things, 1: you need to get a job, you are all these comments seek help. 2: 13 years old? Thanks, that’s at least nine years older than your President is acting like right now.
FOX NEWS: The More You Watch – The Less You Know
CNN news the more you watch – the less you know.
The fact that you fell for their tricks back in 2016, they are at it again, but this time, trying to stall a justified and fair election in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have already won.
The attempt to recount is fraudulent in itself because they are going to cheat the count and the amount of ballots to justify a falsehood that isn’t there in the first place (Russian playbook).
Liz Chelle You must also help Santa down the chimney every Christmas. Most of what you wrote has already been shown to be CRAP ( circular reasoning and anti intellectual pomposity). Biden’s plurality in too many states would require a massive inconsistency in all of those states to cause any change. That didn’t happen. Trump is an autocratic despot who wants to set up the US as a personal fiefdom for him and his idiot family. The voters did not accept that and gave him the boot. Now all that is required is for the State of New York to issue him an orange jumpsuit to wear in one of their secure establishments.
@Drew Mitchem Criminal Justice Reform. CNN, MSNBC and others all talked and praised Trump for doing that. You can find on YouTube.
The original fake news channel has tainted the meaning of the word “news”. Now they call everyone fake news. Of course they do!!
It’s living up to its name: *Faux News*
Fox News didn’t report:

-Russian collusion (for 2 years)
-Mueller Time!
-Jussie Smollet MAGA attack!
-Covington Boys “intimidation”
The list goes on and on from CNN/MSNBC (Ministry of Propaganda)
Rupert is abandoning Chump – he doesn’t like being associated with losers.
@Doug Kelly You’re so triggered!

@Jangus Roundstone it just kills you that i’m not doesn’t it?
@Doug Kelly In a few years you’ll realize that the only people getting hurt from all this is Americans on both sides. We all lose. We all lost. There were no winners under Hitler or Mussolini, just oligarchs and terrible things.
@Doug Kelly You’re trying to hard. I know it’s killing you that Dear Leader lost the election. Not enough boats I guess.
@Jangus Roundstone nope because I always look on the optimistic side of things! If voters have had enough of Trump and it’s Joe’s turn then so be it ! I am just getting a
Fun fact: Fox news can’t broadcast in GB because the “news” part of its name was ruled misleading
Wish that was the case in Australia. Here they call it Sky News. Still the same old far-right populist garbage.
@Davis Tran But here in Australia it has SKY news which .. wait for it, is worse than FOX :/ and owned by the same Murdoch
Alaska and north Carolina go to trump . Georgia to hand count votes . Election official ” let me be clear we will find people who where not eligible to vote ,double votes . We won’t allow fraud “
@SwedishBob_ Kevin Rudd’s petition got parliament looking into Murdoch’s stranglehold of Aussie news. Hopefully Murdoch’s empire of yellow journalism will take a big hit.
@Tim Countis Bloody hope so .. I live in Adelaide.. Stay Safe
Fox is a Propaganda and entertainment news network. Anyone who believe them are in big trouble.
The cult believes everything that only comes out of the pathological liar’s mouth.
Pretty funny! A fake news division, at an entertainment channel, getting in trouble with its viewers for interjecting truth into their faux news. Precious!
Alaska and north Carolina go to trump . Georgia to hand count votes . Election official ” let me be clear we will find people who where not eligible to vote ,double votes . We won’t allow fraud “
@Rod sad troll
@Mike Miller you’re a
Genius – not