SE Cupp: This is enough of a reason to give Biden my vote

CNN's SE Cupp, along with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), discuss the 2020 Democratic National Convention and what factors will push her to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

#CNN #News


    1. @Mrs Tasha Leger Good! I support your decision 100%. I wish certain others would follow your wonderful example.

    2. @P Smith So brave. Wonder what that red P stands for. I have a pretty good idea. Cowards hide behind their insults. But you know that. It would be like Jim Brown snapping Snoop Dog in two.

    3. @Jury Klymko “cowards hide behind their insults” THEN proceeds to….. HIDE BEHIND INSULTS! Brilliance! And yes. Youre right. Im Jim Brown. Youre Snoop Dog. Don’t worry about MY “P”. Worry about yours. Its running down your leg, punk.

  1. Joe and Jill LOVE each other and respect each other. You NEVER see Trump and his ‘wife’ showing this, NEVER!

    1. @Trumpty Dumpty your fall is coming! I see MANY THINGS IN THE BOOK YOU WROTE HERE that are NOT TRUE… THAT THE FAKE NEWS REPORTED. GOTTA RESEARCH A LITTLE BETTER. Or stop lying. A bunch of those lies everybody already knows it’s old FAKE NEWS REPORTS you get from CNN, MSNBC, THE NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ECT…ALL FAKE NEWS… GOTTA look beyond those pushers of Trump Hate Propaganda, all that THP going around 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮stop hating! Whether it’s race HATE or political HATE, HATE is HATE! It’s all the same! I’m sure your hate is very selective and only targets political beliefs…NOPE…if you have hate towards a person, a political party…I’m sure it doesn’t stop there…

    2. @Jared Newbatt No, you are lying. You support a corrupt Russian asset and mass Child & Baby Abductor & Abuser. You think you are one of them, but you’re not. You will always be an outsider looking in at the poor man’s idea of a rich man and the dumb man’s idea of a smart man.

    1. @Jury Klymko some people look at the glass half empty and some look at the glass half-full. The ones looking at half empty glass will always complain and always destroy what is working well.. Others will celebrate what is working well and will endeavour to fix what is not. Their conventions reflect who is who.

    2. @Sparky Sparky True, and I hope obvious enough for those that are honestly seeking the truth. Bob Dylan has a song about those that want to create and build up and those that want to tear down and destroy. He also said “it’s easy to see without looking too hard!”

    3. @Sparky Sparky Well said! True, too. But the left, even though they know it’s true, won’t admit it. They’re suffering from TDS and they’re too far gone.

    4. Cultivating Love = Torching & Looting & Beating our cities. Marching & chanting “Death to America ! ” . OH OK ! LOL ! SO much Love !

    1. @EcClair Mayo well if racist like him that doesn’t make him racist. He’s not a racist. Fake news and Democrats are calling him racist falsely. I thought this was proven already. Maybe your source for news is the problem. I’ve been researching news and different news sources. I use to believe Trump was a racist piece of crap, but the more I search, the more truth comes out..the stories that such organizations like CNN, MSNBC, THE NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ECT…TWIST THE TRUTH INTO LIES AND DECEIT. AND I FOUND THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT TRUTH, ONLY THEIR AGENDA…TO GET TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE, IT’S WRONG WHAT THEM AND DEMOCRATS ARE DOING TO OUR PEOPLE, AMERICANS, AND OUR COUNTRY. FOX NEWS IS A CLOSER TO TRUTH MEDIA. THE EPOCH TIMES ARE BASED OFF OF TRUTH. I SEARCH FOR TRUTH. I CAN’T NOT STAND LIES, HATE, RACISM, AND THE VIOLATION OF OUR RIGHTS.I AM NOT REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT BUT I WILL VOTE TRUMP.

    1. “You’ve either got faith or you’ve got unbelief and there ain’t no middle ground.” Bob Dylan. “You claim you’ve lost your faith, but that’s not where it’s at. You have no faith and you know it.” Bob Dylan. Song about hypocrisy and false friends. A lot of that around here.

    1. @Wili Wds yes and we need to tell as many people as possible about BLM true agenda it’s not about helping black people it’s about helping Democrats get rid of trump. I tried 6 times to put this video online and it was deleted five times. So check all your sites regularly because they are being deleted by either YouTube or CNN. Get the message out about BLM true motives. Take them down.

  2. Out with the lazy evil sob in the WH! It’s impossible to show him any respect, because he hasn’t earned that respect. He is what is called “low class,” no matter if he is debt king of America.

    1. Vee Ay idiot you were in debt before he was elected. Stop blaming others for your piss poor financial decisions.

    2. chippledon1, that’s because you have a mindset of blocking the truth. It’s a world of alternate facts in your bubble.

    3. @Vee Ay The truth is that this president has done more than Obama and Bush combined. And that’s the truth!

    1. @Aaron Joseph some of us are saying if Biden gets in, The world may turn to sh!t!
      Not saying Trump is much better, But he is the lesser of two evils.
      Your economy was booming with Trump before this covid crap came along and ruined the world not just America.
      He is looked at as being a tough leader, Which is what a country needs to get better deals for it’s citizens, Forget his personality you can hate the guy but what he stands for is what matters. I wish leader of my country would bring back jobs instead of doing sh!t deals and sending them offshore to make a quick dollar.

  3. Bill Clinton always had plenty of faults but he had great empathy plus when he left office we had a budget surplus

    1. @Jury Klymko Democrat leaders are hypocritical. Even in all the Democrats cities, the Mayors who have been supporting the BLM are now running scared because the BLM have made demands on them and have asked for some of them to resign. Now all of these mayors are saying what Trump has been saying all along. The BLM is a violent, Marxist, political organization. Mostly white people. Not black people. Black people are far too smart to get involved.

    2. @Sparky Sparky Yeah you’re right, but the left would never admit it, even though they must know it’s true. Hardest thing is to admit you’re wrong. Thank God, I don’t have to do it.

    3. @Jury Klymko This is ridiculous. The only one who pals around with Communist Dictators is the treasonous Oompah-Loompah in the White House that you are defending. If you are just a homegrown MAGA-head and not one of Putin’s Trolls, I doubt you are making a fifth of the money off of Capitalism as the wealthiest people who are against police being too ready to shoot unarmed Black people because they are wealthy themselves, and just don’t want to get shot. Yes, Communists in Russia used to exploit our disgusting racism against us in the 60’s to try to gain an upper hand — they have no need to do that now with their guy in the Oval Office helping to Make Russia Great Again, saluting North Korean Generals and being “great friends, in love with really” their dictator, congratulating China on the 70th anniversary of their Communist Dictatorship and saying Hong Kong is none of our business, etc. etc. — trying to out Anti-Communist the Lincoln Project, which calls your President a “sad, racist old man” is like trying to out-philander him — a hopeless affair. But by all means post about how the racial unrest has nothing to do with too many Black people getting killed/shot/arrested/imprisoned, and everything to do with abolishing corporations and private property. Maybe 1% of people reading the comment sections will fall for that.

    4. @jvsnyc communism comes from Marxist ideology. BLM leaders have clearly stated that they follow Marxist ideology. So there is a stronger connection between communism and BLM and Democrat Party. Republicans are clearly condemning this movement. Besides, BLM has clearly stated that they want Trump out of office. So obviously no Republican in their right mind would ever support the BLM movement. That means all these people killing and harming are Democrats.

    1. Doesn’t seem to be the case with Democrats. If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black – Joe Biden. Stay with the party of slavery coz for liberals it’s party over country.

    2. Duke T. This disgrace of a woman who can clearly see Sleepy Joe’s incompetent says She want to Vote Sleepy Joe. what phony. So You see Folks Sleepy Joe has been around in politics for 35+ Year what is his accomplishment. 💀

    3. I agree with the statement, but socialist policies are not beneficial to the country either. I have lived abroad in multiple socialist countries and it isn’t all fun and games, it opens a whole new can of worms of problems. All I want is a level headed moderate for once.

  4. Thank you, S.E.! There has been a shortage of goodness for the past four years. I am encouraged by what I have heard tonight.

    1. Miss Sissy Yes there are underlying symptoms , pneumonia is but one part of COVID-19. It is with true dedication you would find any excuse whatsoever to relieve this abomination of a president from his responsibilities. Your alternative facts do no hold up when death is so final.

    2. @C. Scott again you are being ridiculous about criticizing the Trump for this. Shouldn’t you be more upset that the CNN and Democrat Party lied to you? They pulled a big hoax on you. Are you not upset and feel stupid right now because I certainly would. Trump tried to tell the truth and he even told you that your media was fake and was pulling off a hoax but you didn’t believe it. We all know the coronavirus is real. We all know the coronavirus killed. We now know 177,000 people did not die from this disease. The disease is new. We are only learning about it. It has side effects and so do many other diseases including the flu. Next time listen to Trump.

    3. @C. Scott except did you know a death due to pneumonia only gets $5,000 but the coronavirus gets the hospital $13,000 so where there is wiggle room what do you think the hospital is going to record as a death reason.

    4. @C. Scott I think you should really be blaming your Democratic party and media at least you had decent Democrat doctors who have been screaming for months now about what the truth really was. You have four videos as evidence. Two of these are by doctors that you can phone and have a conversation with because one of them is a senator and one of them is a public health director. Both are accessible to the General Public. Both are senior Democrat medical officers.

    1. @RAP You were neither asking any intelligent questions nor displaying any ‘logic’ whatsoever. Just an endless series of talking points from the last time you watched Fox or read Breitbart. That you immediately drop into personal insults pretty much writes you off as the troll you are.

    2. @Richard Barber – You simply can’t accept the FACT that you Liberal DOLT opinion writers here in YouTube Land are being exposed for supporting Corrupt, Derelict and Grossly Incompetent Liberal Political HACKS. You can’t defend them in any way. That’s totally obvious. All you people have is Liberal Group-think Horsecrap to pass around to each other. All I see from you people is Anti-Trump opinions with no substance. Now, that’s Pathetic.

    3. @RAP hey dude first Trump doesn’t have a platform to run on . The make America hate each other b.s. has work off.with one hundred seventy thousand deaths forty million unemployed and an economy worst than the last recession he’s standing on shakey ground. As far as rioting and looting you should know that white supremacists show up at protests and create a lot of the chaos that is blamed on others. Nobody charged with rooting or looting were proven to have any connection to either black lives matter or antifa. And neither group has never been charged with killing anyone … up. And there has been reports of black lives matters turning in looters and rioters to police but fox news would never report that like the umbrella man in black clothes burning down a store.

    1. Danu’s Dragonfly
      Well Joe Biden literally authored the 1994 crime bill that disproportionately imprisoned Black people and destroyed their families for two generations so far.
      Kamala Harris threw over 1500 people of color in jail for minor marijuana “offenses” , While she admittedly smoked pot herself – Later laughing about it when asked.
      That’s the point Danu… do you get it oh nah?

    2. Danu’s Dragonfly
      I actually live in one of the supposed
      “hot spots” and I’m actually in the medical field and have seen from day one what has been going on. You and everybody else have been lied to. These tests are BS. They are telling people they test positive with no symptoms, they end up coming to the ER with shortness of breath and chest tightness, which are very common symptoms of anxiety. These doctors from day one were told to intubate and admit as many “Covid +” patients as possible because of the reimbursement they were/are getting. I’ve worked in the hospital for 12 years and know exactly how this works, I see it everyday. So continue watching your daily cnn propaganda and spread your fear and fall in line like the good little sheep that you are.

  5. A responsible adult making a well thought out commentary. Almost forgot what that was like! Thank you, my sanity needed that!

  6. I appreciate what you said and that is really the main point. We need to preserve our democracy. This election is not about politics, it’s about right/wrong and human decency.

    1. Thank you! The founders weren’t fools. Which can’t be a claim Trump could justifiably make
      Person, woman, man, camera, TV! There! I did it! Now I’m a genius! Where’s my “Noble” peace prize?!

    2. Senates on another vacation while America burns tells me the system is outdated. 🔥 it ⬇️. #KanyeWest2020

    1. @John Dexter Democrats need to be blamed, not Republicans. It was the Democrat party endorsed and supported BLM violence. Trump condemned it 5 months ago and Trump offered every mayor and Governor support if they needed and the said no thank you we have the situation under control. Does this look like they have control of anything? That is the arrogance of democrat leadership. They would rather let their Cities Burn and citizens die than ever admit that they needed Trumps help. Your own Democrat polls by Don Lemon is showing the Democrats are not buying into the story that this is Trump’s fault. The ones living in this city know what’s going on and how its Democrats fault. The ones not in these cities have no clue what is going on.

    2. @John Dexter
      The police are not killing black people!!! Of 45 million black people, just over 200 were killed by police. Out of these 200+ deaths, fewer than 10% were really innocent versus 90% who had criminal records and where killed in the midst of committing a crime or resisting arrest when they were shot. Over 1500 black people were killed by black people at over 300 white people were killed by the police. Where is the police brutality?

      People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2020 | Statista

    3. @John Dexter Republicans are walking away? You do know that six Minnesota Democrat Mayors have now endorsed Trump. Do you think they would have done that without the support of the citizens behind them?

    4. Matthew Lewis: I think he has done a fantastic job so far. I think he should stay. Trump is getting my vote in November!

    5. @Mark Keller That is accomplished through campaigning, debate, and dialogue. And then, free and fair elections!!!!!!!!

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