CNN's Jessica Dean sits down with SE Cupp to discuss why a number of congressional Republicans have rallied to Trump's defense and are outraged over his indictment. #CNN #News #shorts
SE Cupp says ‘no one should care’ about GOP outrage over Trump indictment


Well said
The law is outrageous, MAGA!!!
S.E’s exposure of the obvious shouldn’t even be a thing.
She always leaned to the right… but I’ve never seen a more clear eyed evaluation of the dumb things that they do for Trump and their support…it’s unwarranted too!

Thank you.
“GOP care” is health insurance benefit nobody can afford!
@Lisa Benavides why should it be free? Dope.
The dogs that don’t bark
The irony in Lock her Up to Lock him up is epic
Ya think
@Trial by Wombat I guess you miss the point of my comment. It’s never was bout both sides. It’s about accountability. Trump did it to himself.
@Noblemann PROJECTION!
@Noblemann The problem within that statement is ….
Really well said
This !!!! She said it all PERFECTLY!!!!!!
Very well said. She hit the nail on the head. They are only outraged because their False Idol and Cult Leader may finally be held accountable for even one of his crime’s against the Country, the People and humanity as a whole.
He was always the same creep and they hated him tuckums
Very well said.
She almost couldn’t get in all trumps crimes in one sentence …

she actually missed a few to be honest.
No one can, lol
The people who are outraged are the ones who think they should be able to get away with anything
Like joe the shmock you ment
Preach sister!!
Love this

said exactly worst we all feel
The GOP should be abolished!!
Our family is celebrating TRumps indictment!
lmao, he wont be arrested halfbreed
Bravo, SE!

Absolutely! Out raged by a person having to pay for the crimes they’ve committed! What has happened to the GOP!
The cult
Love SE Cupp! Telling it like it is!
You go, SE!!
Hi dear, you look so adorable, can I please have your iG handle so I can keep in touch with you, if you don’t mind Queen