CNN's SE Cupp looks at different ways President Donald Trump has tired to circumvent Congress, even when Republicans had control of both houses.
SE Cupp: Republicans have let Trump get away with too much

CNN's SE Cupp looks at different ways President Donald Trump has tired to circumvent Congress, even when Republicans had control of both houses.
The Republican Party has continued to put their party over the best interest of the country.
They have not! Wait… Which country?
because trump is all they have left
@Michael McCullagh
Lmao you guys sound pathetic
Things are getting “Watergate-y”

What about Bidens father and son?
What about the Ukraine interference in US election?
What about the anti US pro OPEC pro Russia Warren policies?
SuperCorrector1, Exactly! That is my point. Why was Hunter Biden getting all of this money from Ukraine and China? CNN is so fake. CNN are not real journalist
Yeah for Biden, his son just resigned from a Chinese firm… wonder what he could be hiding
The rallies are his Stewart Smalley moment. You know, they reaffirm that he’s good enough, he’s smart enough, and damnit, people like him.
Sorry Nick, it seems you don’t understand politics.
Rudy, that is how paranoia works. i am waiting for you to call me a Russian Troll next
@Dearly Diane More like a Parscale MAGAloid
Ppl/Eusa r in love with him cause he’s just like them, a KKK member and wht supremacist and that automatic privilege they born with. There’s no other explanation as to why that is.
Top Secret e-mails deleted
Conspiracy idiot commenting cluelessly…Get a brain, russian bot!
Three Branches: Separate but Equal. The powers of our federal (national) government are divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The branches are separate but equal. They each have special responsibilities concerning laws, the principles that govern our nation.
Three Branches: Separate but Equal | Scholastic › teachers › articles › teaching-content › three-br…
Why do the Democrats always forget about that. They have this perverted idea that Congress, specifically the House is dominant, above, and superior to the executive branch. They are eager to unconstitutionally gain access to the President’s previous personal, & business tax returns, gong back many years, that have been legally filed, & audited by State, & Federal officials, in addition to his Presidential income
statements, every President files annually, that Trump has PUBLICLY disclosed every year, but the Fake News media
won’t publicize those figures, since they put the LIE to much
of the Trump finances-FALSE narrative, most corrupt media
outlets have continued to pump out, for years now.
There is no separation of powers
The president has too much power and the supreme court is totally politically stacked.
Have you heard of the saying “You become what you hate” ok political whiner.
Telling his subordinates to defy subpoenas IS Obstruction of Justice and Witness Tampering.
Sanctuary cities are Obstruction Of Justice Cities.
Kelly Idiot, clearly doesn’t know how our Constitution works?? All her talking point Bullshit!! Justice
@Kelly Owens The impeachment inquiry is precisely that, an inquiry, not a trial. The trial will take place in the Senate. The inquiry is esssentially a Grand Jury. Subjects of grand jury procedings do get to have lawyers cross examining witnesses, etc. That happens in a trial. There is no constitutional requirement for a vote to hold an impeachment inquiry. You may well argue that this goes against precedent, which is a rich argument coming from a Trump supporter. Trump has violated more precedents than any democrat and has shown nothing but contempt for existing process, and he is continuing do do so even now. So enough of your crocodile tears.
@dale murray agreed. but you missed the most important word in the constitution’s mandate on impeachment: the house “shall have the ~SOLE~ power” to impeach.
so no one, not even the prez or his junkies, can determind that the house is doing it all wrong and so can be ignored. that would be utterly ridiculous, as allowing that would nullify the whole procedure and point of impeachment.
Yup I freeze framed 0:00 I am in luv!
Me to
When journalists have more courage than most politicians…. Sigh.
Stay brave!
Project Veritas.
Oh my she looks amazing in the shirt
I didn’t want to be the first one to say it…thanks you’re the ultimate wingman…
She looks like an amazing bimbo
She looks like a dumbass with big tits.
“A lot of people say” She looks even better without it.
@Adam Roper CNN reporters are the hawtest women. Faux liars are inbred daddy fuckers, like Iskanka.
When I hear him at these rallies I hear Stephen Miller’s voice
Me too. I hear “Fly Like An Eagle”. Inspiring president, inspiring song.
@YouTube Moderator That’s funny because the odds on him fleeing the country before he has state charges brought against him keep rising. Snake Oil Salesman are not inspiring.
@Ryan Sproviero DC is a Sanctuary City. You can’t bring charges even if you wanted.
@YouTube Moderator Yeah that makes tons of sense. Step up your trolling game.
The more time he spends golfing and his party rallies the less time he spends bringing down his biggest enemy, the people of the United States. So keep rallying.
@Jake MacHine yeah for 2 hrs a day, golf doesn’t count as work in the US.
@Jake MacHine Really is that what Moscow told you to say or can’t you read?
@Roger Ward Oh too cute, did you spell that all yourself or did you get help from mommy.
Right on…..great point!!!
@Scott Krater your mother is a great speller alright
“SE Cupp: Republicans have let Trump get away with too much.”
Nooo, really?
@Mace Cee lol …November 4, 2020 …..your selfie
boo hoo
All Is One
Watch and learn what is really taking place.
Watch “8 Mainstream Media Lies About President Trump” on YouTube
Watch “The Charlottesville Lie” on YouTube
Watch “Inside Trump’s “Concentration Camps”” on YouTube
Watch “David Muir of @ABCNews made me #Walkaway” on YouTube
All Is One the Republicans are winning with Trump. They will not willingly give up power. Screw democracy!
“Policy” is a political myth ; Trump thrives without it
Trump has clear objectives and strategy, unlike Obama
@SuperCorrector1 yea, clearly he wants to screw is and our democracy
@Nicholas Woods No !
Bill Clinton is not in the Whitehouse !
Bill Clinton looks good to you wearing a blue dress !
@Victor Torres No ! He wants to screw you illegal immigrant drug importers !
I don’t get how you can say impeachment is unconstitutional when it’s literally in the constitution?
@ham burgler Nah, I’m sure Europe will be fine once the muslims are the voting majority. How could that possibly go wrong.
@John McCrimmon Then it’s a coup and it’s illegal and the President can fight back. Pro Trump could crush the FBI and all agencies in a few days. You are a nazi communist.
@YouTube Moderator a 1000 years later
. You obviously can’t count. Sins of the father is continually played out TODAY on a daily basis. Go ask today’s native population how they feel about the “father’s” kids today…ask them how they think the kids are doing..
And you don’t know me make a judgment on my religious beliefs. So you sound imbecilic and deranged all at the same time.
@YouTube Moderator Then it might help to realize that the vast majority of foreign nationals residing in the US without the right to do so, have entered via ports of entry, usually airports, by means of a visum, and subsequently never to leave again.
(Same route for psychoactive substances that are ominously labeled “drugs”, that so many US Americans are so fond of nonetheless, the blame for which is then incorrectly attributed to those substances, via routes that are misrepresented, and to people who, at worst, supply for which there is an immense domestic demand to begin with, including King Kook, the Adderall Autocrat, though. Just as an aside.)
Still, you failed to address the tearing down of the wall of separation that Jefferson also talked about. Bringing up another issue does not answer the issue at hand. It merely acts as a decoy.
So let’s get back to the wall of separation, and for example the confirmation of federal judges, by the *unanimous* Republican senate majority, of for instance Allison Rushing, on March 6th this year, in the full knowledge that she vehemently favors the recriminalization of homosexuality _because of her religious beliefs._ Would you please explain how this is OK? Also: the ban on abortions that several states reinstated, and the way that both Trump and Pence portrayed this publicly. Do you think that’s OK too, and if so: how?
The border wall, if it were ever to be built that is, and without a Mexican dime of course, btw, despite Trumps repeated assertions to that effect, probably DOES have a symbolic function, though.
@Arjan Stam I agree. We need to keep track of all visa overstays and deny them visa in the future. Diligence is needed I agree.
Hitler loved to hold rallies, the biggest, perfect, most impressive, fantastic, beautiful rallies ever..(cough)
@dub2459 Yeah Hitler was also a Nationalist that hated immigration, today he would be a registered RapepubliKKKan…let that sink in.
@YouTube Moderator Sure he was mentioned. Nobody said only Hitler and Trump hold rallies except YOU.
Take a look at Hitler speeches translated to English. Sounds exactly like your Nazi leader Bernie Sanders. Go ahead try to find a difference.
Yeah, the Nuremberder rallies were great too,..
@Stan Jay And we have another deaf dumb and blind moral bankruptcy winner!
Morons And Gullibility Allright.
“Nixonian Watergatey” love it.
Grow up please!
Nstar, Moscow calling!!

Wilhelm Sarasalo haha… ya I totally get a kick out of ‘Watergatie’… had me laughing out loud… she’s hilarious.
Thanks CNN.
“If He sounds ‘nixonian’, it’s because things are getting downright ‘watergatey’…”
Dont feed the lier by giving him air time.He wanted you to show his rally, and of corse you did! stop giving him air time!
Oh yes it’s biast but they’re not lying about the facts